Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 377 Metallic Monarch!

Liu Yong had been distanced from the world of Overlord for a couple of days, finding himself immersed in a state of idle contemplation. After his return from the Xinpeng Special Steel Smelter, he luxuriated in his capacious office. Leaning back comfortably in his chair, he reached for the telephone and issued a directive for the resumption of the "Blue Whale's" maritime activities.

Days had elapsed since the triumphant return of the "Blue Whale," affording the crew ample time to rejuvenate. Their sails would once again unfurl to embark on the mission of recovering the remaining cache of somber, gray-black metal from the depths below.

Beneath the shallow expanse of the sea bed lay a treasure trove—110,000 to 120,000 tons of the elusive gray-black metal. This bounty far exceeded their previous haul, nearly double the quantity. Overlord, with its imposing strength, had managed to retrieve every fragment of metal within reach.

Following a series of instructions conveyed through the phone, the "Blue Whale" was primed to depart anew, flanked by two colossal bulk carriers, the "Shiwang" and the "Shitong." Each vessel promised a return of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan per ton of metal, a lucrative venture unencumbered by logistical concerns.

Once the orchestrations for this maritime operation were concluded, Liu Yong indulged in the creation of a fresh cup of coffee. Seated in his commanding chair, he sipped thoughtfully, his mind awash with contemplation.

Yet, amid his musings, he couldn't help but lament the stasis afflicting Bawang—the Overlord. For over a fortnight, its progress had been stymied, arrested at the weight of 1,000 tons. He pondered whether this impasse might somehow be surpassed.

Summoning the pet interface, Liu Yong scrutinized the data presented. To his chagrin, the attributes of the Overlord remained resolutely unchanging: strength, agility, and physique, each steadfastly set at 60,000, bereft of any elevation. Even its mass—unchangeably 1,000 tons—defied augmentation.

Yet, abruptly, a thrill coursed through Liu Yong's being.

Astonishment rippled through him as he observed the newfound status entry on the pet panel: "sleeping."

Eyes widened with realization, for there was but one explanation for this addition. The Overlord was primed for another breakthrough—a profound slumber heralding advancement. This, Liu Yong knew from experience, signified that the Overlord was poised to transcend its current limits, much like when it breached the 100-ton barrier, succumbing to an extensive, days-long sleep.

Might this herald the arrival of yet another milestone for the Overlord?

Impelled by eagerness, Liu Yong engaged a third-party viewing platform. And there, amidst the verdant embrace of an uninhabited isle's jungle, lay the Overlord, enwrapped in a profound torpor.

Stillness hung about it.

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Surveying its repose, Liu Yong was overcome by an unbidden thought—one that evoked a desire for a similar, restful reprieve.

The Overlord was unequivocally ensconced in a deep sleep.

Two days elapsed. Then three.

In these days, a daily ritual manifested: Liu Yong's unwavering attention to the status of Bawang. However, the Overlord remained entrenched in immobility, leaving Liu Yong to wonder when this slumber would relinquish its hold. Patience became his sole recourse.

Five days elapsed—an eternity in wait.

At last, a stirring.

Bawang roused, limbs stretching luxuriously. A serpentine neck unfurled, its massive head shaking free of slumber's grasp. With a resounding whip, its colossal tail cleaved the air, encased in the gleam of metallic scales. As its tail swayed, stout trees succumbed, crashing to earth in its wake.

The spectacle roused a multitude of birds to flight.

Yet Bawang himself remained unperturbed, regarding the tumult with nonchalance. Eagerly, it extracted itself from the verdant enclave, plunging into the embrace of the sea.

The waters welcomed its entry, bestowing comfort anew.

With limbs outstretched, it swam with alacrity—its jubilation palpable.

A ravenous hunger gnawed within, an appetite insatiable. A single gulp, it seemed, could engulf an entire octopus—a feast fit for royalty. And so, it set course for a deep trench, hundreds of miles hence, its intent to seize and devour an immense octopus in a single, ravenous repast.

Amidst its watery traverse, Bawang communicated its resurgence to Liu Yong.

"Master, I am awake, my hunger is insatiable."

The voice resonated within Liu Yong's mind, a chorus of elation engulfing him. Bawang was awake—a revelation of unparalleled delight.

For days uncounted, Liu Yong had yearned for this very moment—Bawang's reawakening.

Five days transpired.

Now, finally, it had awakened.

"Overlord, marvelous! Your reawakening is a triumph!" Liu Yong exclaimed with genuine jubilation.

"Master, I sense a breakthrough. The sensation is extraordinary," Bawang replied, an air of certainty in its voice.

A breakthrough, undoubtedly!

Liu Yong hastened to the pet panel, eager to validate Bawang's claim.

Name: Mutant Snapping Turtle Power: 60101 Physique: 60032 Agility: 60011 Weight: 1000 tons Speed: 352 knots Skills: Tortoise Shell (Level 4), Turtle Breath (Level 4), Super Vision (Level 3), Super Perception (Level 3), Sprint (Level 2)

The evidence was incontrovertible—it was a true breakthrough!

Though no new skills adorned the list, every existing skill had ascended a rung. And the triad of attributes—strength, physique, and agility—had each surmounted the 60,000 point barrier.

A triumph of monumental proportions!

With the 1,000-ton threshold shattered, Bawang's ascension knew no bounds. Its potential for growth seemed limitless—a herald of greater strength and the unfathomable deeps it could now traverse.

Arousing a fresh surge of joy, Liu Yong made a discovery—small, yet far-reaching. Upon the pet panel, a world map had materialized, denoting two distinct points of light: Liu Yong and Bawang, each pinpointed with precision to their latitude and longitude.

A revelation of wondrous magnitude.

Yet another revelation followed—the elucidation of "Attribution." Through attribution, a bond of loyalty formed between the bestowed and its benefactor. Those bearing 100 points and above remained unwaveringly loyal. A safeguard against treachery.

A revelation of profound import!

Liu Yong's mind raced, contemplating the implications. The opportunity to assemble a loyal retinue, each formidable and steadfast, beckoned. The loyalty of Wolf Warriors, their unwavering allegiance—could it be attributed to this hidden attribute?

An assurance beyond measure!

With this clarity, Liu Yong comprehended the dedication of Chen Hu, Zhou Zhenggang, and He Qiang, the indomitable loyalty of Wolf Warriors. The assimilation of attributes kindled a fidelity unbreakable.

A solace unrivaled.

In Liu Yong's mind, the realization dawned that most Wolf Warriors possessed 100 attributes, a select few endowed with 200. Their might paralleled that of Little Superman.

The prospect of augmenting this power beckoned. A gift of 300 points for every ordinary team member, 500 points for the leader—power augmented by loyalty unassailable.

Incomparably loyal!

Never a whiff of betrayal!

Was this a latent gift of attributes?

A gift of extraordinary magnitude!

Staring at the pet panel, Liu Yong chuckled—a solitary moment of exultation. Bawang's breakthrough, it seemed, had ushered in a cascade of marvels.

In the realm of Country M, the Black Iron Company held sway—a purveyor of extraordinary metallic materials. A link to military enterprises, its products graced cutting-edge weaponry: fifth-generation fighters, engines, battleships, aircraft carriers, submarines, tanks—all infused with the company's metallic prowess.

Its connection with the military ran deep.

Even officialdom's embrace was evident.

Within an opulent conference chamber, the company's president, Sherman, presided over a critical meeting. Senior executives converged, united in purpose, the gravity of the discussion evident.

Projected onto a large screen, the Global Shipping Group's information unfolded—an elaborate tableau in English, combining text and imagery to detail the unfolding saga.

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