Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 384 I ' M Very SMART!

For several consecutive days, the enigmatic Overlord played an unexpected role, masquerading as an adept porter. Diligently, it undertook the task of ferrying the enigmatic gray-black metal fragments to their underwater resting place within the shallows of the sea's embrace. Gently, it lowered each fragment to the seabed, allowing them to find refuge at a depth spanning from thirty to forty meters.

This choreography of transportation, an elegant ballet that occurred several times daily, led to the accumulation of a staggering 20,000 to 30,000 tons of these metallic enigmas in a mere matter of days.

During this period, Liu Yong maintained an almost unwavering vigil over the actions of Bawang. With each passing day, as the reservoir of metal fragments amassed, he came to a steadfast decision. It was now time for the "Blue Whale" to embark upon its own odyssey. Its journey would be graced by the company of the steadfast vessel "Shiwang."

With synchronized precision, the two vessels set sail from the bustling port of Huahai City, embarking on an intricate dance that carried them steadfastly towards the heart of their intended sea territory.

Meanwhile, a significant span of time saw the triumphant return of Zavier and his companions to the familiar port nestled within the embrace of Hawaii. As their feet found the solid ground, they set their sights on an aerial voyage that would reunite them with country M.

Yet, within the confines of the Black Iron Company, a shadow of desolation draped itself upon the visage of a returning soul. With a heart weighed down by the sorrow of thwarted efforts, this figure found themselves recounting their tale of disappointment to the keen ears of Sherman, the company's president.

"President," the figure began, voice tinged with regret, "our endeavors have borne no fruit. Our exertions, it seems, were in vain."

In a low, contemplative tone, they related the story of their pursuits, laying bare the tale of their endeavors and the disheartening result thereof.

Upon absorbing this narrative, Sherman's countenance assumed an air of contemplation, his mind churning over this conundrum that had persisted for days on end.


Why, indeed.

The Global Shipping Group's "Blue Whale" had undertaken two significant forays into the sea's depths, extracting vast caches of the enigmatic gray-black metal fragments. Yet, this extraction seemed fruitless, a puzzle with pieces that refused to fall into place.

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As moments stretched into minutes, Sherman's thoughts swirled in the abyss of contemplation. A sudden spark of insight pierced the gloom, illuminating his mind with its brilliance. An almost electric revelation surged through him.

Eyes alight with newfound understanding, he brought his hand down upon his thigh with a resounding slap, his voice resonating with a fervent exclamation, "Eureka!"

A self-satisfied grin emerged as he recognized the elegance of his own mind. A plan was now clear - a plan that hinged on a singular notion: surveillance. The "Blue Whale" must be watched, its movements tracked. Where it journeyed, the Black Iron Company would follow, like a shadow cast by the sun.

With an immediacy that belied his excitement, Sherman seized the telephone, his fingers dancing across the keys as he issued a decree: the actions of the Global Shipping Group's "Blue Whale" were to be scrutinized with unrelenting precision.

In a distant yet intertwined locale, Zavier, too, seemed to have found solace in comprehension. His eyes, once veiled by disillusionment, now glittered with a newfound optimism, as if he had glimpsed a path through the thicket of uncertainty.

"Mr. President," he exclaimed, admiration woven into his tone, "your ingenuity astounds me. We've been blind to the obvious! By tethering our gaze to the 'Blue Whale,' we'll surely extract a treasure trove of metal fragments from the sea's depths."

In a harmonious echo of sentiment, his companion added their voice to the chorus of hope, kindled anew by Sherman's revelation.

Time, however, was of the essence. Swiftly, the cogs of action began to turn. Moments later, the fruits of their inquiries were harvested - a report affirming the "Blue Whale's" departure from Huahai City, embarking upon a course that set its sights on the North Pacific Ocean.

A revelation that spurred determination, a realization that the "Blue Whale" was once more bound for the shallow sea. A resolve was solidified - this time, success would be grasped firmly.

Satellites, the sentinels of the sky, were summoned to action. Through their electronic gaze, the movement of the "Blue Whale" and its steadfast companion "Shiwang" was laid bare upon screens of observation.

With a tone of conviction, Sherman declared, "Not only the 'Blue Whale,' but also a colossal transport ship. Their intent is undeniable - metal fragments are the quarry they seek."

Zavier, now aflame with purpose, spoke, his words punctuated by a fervor that matched the inferno in his eyes, "Then let us respond with equal urgency. Wherever they tread, we shall follow in their wake."

"Indeed," Sherman concurred, his directive crystal clear, "Prepare the Hawaiian fleet without delay."

The wheels of fate spun ever onwards, entwining destinies in a dance of determination. The fleet - five vessels strong, one a vessel of salvage, the rest titanic transport ships - rose from their fleeting respite, embracing the call to action. Port was left behind, replaced by the embrace of open waters, a voyage commenced with scarcely a breath between departure and return.

Meanwhile, within the Global Scientific Research Center's provisional abode, the ceaseless dance of curiosity unfurled. Technological artisans and scientists like Hu Nan and Ning Zetao congregated in a sacred space of research. Here, meticulously and with measured reverence, they disassembled the battery - each component unveiled like the petals of a rare and elusive flower. Each step was a revelation, a portal into a world previously obscured.

Excitement tinged their voices as they confided to one another, "With each unveiling step, astonishment blossoms anew."

Hu Nan, his voice carrying the weight of wonderment, shared, "Unveiling the structure of this battery is a journey through a landscape of the unknown. Designs hitherto unseen, theories entirely novel, all coalesce into an enigma that is truly unparalleled."

Ning Zetao joined in, his voice aglow with the possibility that danced before them, "Through understanding this battery's essence, the potential for our own innovations beckons. We can build upon these foundations to forge our own path."

Amidst the alchemical dissection of machinery, a palpable energy thrummed through the air. This task, at once meticulous and momentous, held their hearts in a spell of discovery.

Across the boundless tapestry of the North Pacific Ocean, the "Blue Whale" marked the passage of eight days with steadfast purpose. Journey's end unveiled itself - the designated sea expanse awaited. There, within this sanctuary of depths, it came to a halt.

Ren Ziquan, the captain, breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes scanning the horizon with a glimmer of satisfaction. His intuition whispered of success; the submersible was poised to unveil its secrets, and the metal fragments that danced within its submerged embrace.

Onboard the ship, a symphony of diligence played out. The submersible, an ambassador of the depths, descended into the abyss. Its eyes peered into the underwater realm, relaying its revelations to eager onlookers. Their gazes locked onto screens that birthed visions of the sea's secrets.

Depth, clarity, and serenity - a tapestry woven from fine sand and illuminated by an ethereal light - greeted their eyes. Yet, within the hour's embrace, revelations emerged. Gray-black metal fragments adorned the seabed, an enigma that beckoned just a stone's throw from the "Blue Whale."

Eagerly, the ship pivoted, anchoring itself with resolute intent. Divers donned suits of rubber and oxygen tanks, their hearts aflutter with the promise of discovery.

Yet, as their focus drew downward, a cry of alarm pierced the air. "Captain, look yonder!"

Ren Ziquan's gaze followed the outstretched arm of the exclaimer, and his heart sank. Black specks upon the azure sea, the vanguard of an encroaching fleet, heralded a presence unbidden and unforeseen.

With urgency, binoculars were lifted, and reality solidified. Not just ships, but a fleet, an assemblage of vessels that breached the boundaries of expectation. Among them stood the colossal "Blue Whale," a titan in their midst.

In quiet moments, Ren Ziquan connected the dots, intuition weaving the web of realization. Foreboding whispered in his ear, an unwelcome guest - the Black Iron Company had set its eyes upon this watery arena.

Tension rippled across the ship as the crew recognized the stakes at hand. A query, laced with uncertainty, cut through the air, "Captain, what is our course?"

The stage is set, the pieces in place, as the tides of fate pull disparate threads into an intricate tapestry.

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