Life After Reaching The Pinnacle

Chapter 30 - 30: Sea of Flames

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Sea of Flames

Asty popped another popcorn into her mouth and asked, "Did you tell her everything about runes?"

Aadi shook his head and said, "Of course not. I just taught her some basics. Though I didn't tell her everything, I want to see how her mind works when she's facing something unknown."

Asty then began focusing on the silent battlefield.

On the other hand, Aurora had decided to send everyone into the corridor because of two things. First, the blood absorption she had seen before, and second, she wanted to observe the surroundings before fighting.

After sending everyone back, Aurora began walking toward the throne as she took out her Flamingo. She asked while walking, "Do you have some stories of yours to tell me?"

The middle-aged man looked at Aurora with a strange expression as he thought, 'We're going to battle, and you want to hear my story! Whatever, I'm going to take her body, so I might as well tell.'

"My name is Liam, and I am an Early-grade Tier 2 Runemaster. I was nearing the end of my life as I suffered some major injuries from my enemies when I chanced upon an ancient realm where I gained the inheritance of a Tier 3 Runemaster, I'm not sure though. But since I was about to die, the inheritance wasn't of much value to me, but I discovered two rune formations in the inheritance."

"One of them allowed me to keep my body and spirit stagnant, or should I say it stops the time for my body and spirit. The second one was a formation that allowed me to transfer my spirit to someone else's body if their spirit is weaker than mine, basically, I get everything they have."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"So I made this tomb of mine and engraved those two formations here. But almost 100 years went by, and nobody came. But the result was worth the wait; you're quite talented, and if I take your body, I'm pretty sure this time I can rise even more."

After finishing his monologue, Liam stood up, his face showing pure anticipation and excitement. He was looking forward to taking over Aurora's body and avenging himself.

Aurora, on the other hand, didn't even pay much attention to Liam's speech, as she was just wasting time so she could check if there are any offensive formations here. Although she wasn't a Runemaster, she has researched about them in her resting time.

'There aren't any big formations here, just some small ones here and there. Pretty sure they wore down after such a long period. As for the main two formations, I guess the blood he took from those who died was used in those formations. Even so, I have to be on guard,' Aurora thought as she finished her observation and turned her head toward Liam.

'As I expected, this is the body-swapping cliche, tch.' Aurora clicked her tongue in annoyance as she didn't really like this trope. As she looked at Liam, she said, "You have lived a shitty life, so let me end this pathetic life of yours?"

'You're also saying those shitty dialogues, you know.'

Aurora felt that she heard her master, but she ignored it as she thought it was just her hallucinations.

Liam looked at Aurora in interest. He said, "You're welcome to try."

"Rock Fall," Liam whispered under his breath.

Aurora raised her brows in surprise as she thought, 'So a chant is needed to activate a formation, no maybe there are other ways aside from chanting but this guy uses chants to activate the formations.'

All of a sudden, many runes connected with each other with small lines appeared on the ceiling just above where Aurora was standing. A big spherical rock with a diameter of around ten meters came out of the Rune Formation and began falling on Aurora.

Aurora didn't even try to avoid it and slashed with her Flamingo at the upcoming rock. A big flaming slash just like before shot out from the Flamingo at the rock. The slash cut the rock in half and collided with the formation, resulting in shattering it.

Both halves of the rock dropped on both sides of Aurora and shattered into many pieces.

Liam squinted his eyes and thought, 'That flame from the daggers is more troublesome than I expected; it even destroyed that formation.'

At first, Liam just saw the fight between Aurora and the Red Horned Rat from far away, so he wasn't sure about the power of Penetrating Flames. That's why he used the formation to probe the Penetrating Flames.

There were three ways to destroy a formation: the first one was to find the eye of the formation and close the formation from it; the second one was to find the weakest point of the formation and destroy it so that the formation stops functioning; the third one was the simplest, just destroy the formation with overwhelming power.

The first two were very hard, as it was very difficult to find the eye of the formation, which was the most important part of the formation. The same was true for the second one, as other parts of the formation covered up the weakest point. That's why the third one was the simplest but hardest, as it needed you to be very strong, capable of generating that overwhelming attack to destroy the whole formation.

What Aurora did was simple; she just used a powerful attack that even the rock formation couldn't handle.

"Quite a powerful attack, but you're depending too much on those daggers, you know. I would like to see how you fight once I take those daggers from you," Liam said as he stared at the Flamingo with interest.

"Ohh, so you think all my power comes from these daggers, hehe then let me show you something good." Aurora felt amused by Liam's words and said with a small crazy smile on her face.

All of a sudden, flames began appearing on Aurora's body. Slowly, they covered her whole body. Aurora didn't stop there as she let the flames loose, and they filled the whole hall in seconds. The whole hall looked like a purgatory.

With Aurora as the center, a sea of fire was formed in the massive hall.


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