Life Drain System

Chapter 163 - An Interesting Encounter

    The two guards beside Yin and Bing Wen nod before following behind the new guard. Walking into the throne room they notice the herald lying there dead before them, so they just continue into the hall. Then arriving at the steps, the five of them bow at the steps, although Bing Wen being the last to do so, and just following their lead.

    Bowing before the Emperor, the guard who guided them in says. "My Emperor, these people claim to have something to do with the prince who is in training right now. Would you mind verifying their identities before I get back to work? They also claim to have something to report to you."

    Looking up from his documents, he sees the group of five kneeling before him, although Bing Wen is only on one knee rather than two. Not wanting to offend the leaders of the area, he just follows along. Seeing this the Emperor Rin replies. "You may go back to work, that is my grandsons friend, and two of the guards that I have sent."

    Hearing the emperors words, the guard who lead them there quickly stands then bows, and turns to leave the hall without delay. Thus causing the emperor to think. 'He may be new, but at least he takes his job seriously.... Maybe a little too much, but it is better than not having the safety I guess. Although, if there really were a threat I doubt he would live to see it. Oh well, he will learn.'

    Having finished his thoughts, Rin then says. "Well, I heard you have something to report, so let us get to it. I am sure you want to get back to your friends, and I need to get back to work. Ruling a few universes is much easier said than done you know."

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    With that said, Yin raises his head, and says. "I apologize for interrupting your work, I just came to let you know that we are back, and am not certain what you want me to do with your guards. Thank you again for letting me go collect my master."

    "Do not worry about it, I am sure that my grandson would have decided to make all of his subordinates desires come true even if I said no. Also, guards you may go back to your posts now. Also it is good to have a break every now and again, so thank you for coming to talk to me. But you may want to go see your friends, they have been quite busy while you were gone. If you could get them to calm down a little that would be great." Rin replies as the guards stand up and take their leave.

    Hearing this, Yin quickly replies with a calm yet slightly disappointed tone. "What did they do this time? If they caused you troubles, then I apologize on their behalf."

    Rin answers. "Nope do not worry about such things. They were actually trying to get stronger, which I support, however it seems they are really pushing themselves. While I do not mind that, I do not want to risk my grandson coming back home only to find his friends and subordinates dead. Also, may I ask, who is your teacher that you brought with you?"

    As Yin is about to open his mouth to reply, Bing Wen says. "Sir while I do not know who you are, I will say this. My name is Bing Wen, a traveling alchemist. I do not understand why my disciple was so insistent on coming here, but I have come simply because of his request."

    "Oh?!" Rin exclaims surprised as this is the first time in a long time someone has been disrespectful to him. "It may not be all that surprising that you do not know. I rule the universes around us, not because of power, but simply so people can enjoy peace rather than the chaos that ran rampant long ago. Most just call me Emperor. You know, just because you are old does not mean you should disrespect others without a valid reason. One might think such a person is a threat with such words, in such dangerous times." Rin replies.

    Hearing this, Bing Wen then says. "Well emperor, I am not one of your subordinates. As I said before I am a traveling alchemist. My travels have brought me this far, while you and I have no quarrels for now, that does not mean we will not have them. You do not rule all the universes yet, and while I may not be as strong as you, that does not mean I do not have ways to deal with you if the need should arise."

    Yin can feel a chill running down his back as he listens to the two arguing, playful and peaceful as it may be at the moment, he can hear in their tones that they are both dead serious.

    Emperor Rin, as he listens to Bing Wen, he thinks to himself. 'What a childish old man... Not even reaching a Realm and a half below me, yet trying to make me fear him. Oh well, even if he does have a way to deal with me, it is not likely he could kill me. Well as long as my children are doing fine, than I guess it does not matter. I guess I need to make sure I have the device completely functional than, since I might have a credible threat soon.'

    Not wanting this to continue any longer, Yin interrupts saying sincerely. "I apologize master, and Emperor for interrupting, however I think my master must be tired from the long journey. So if it is alright with you, we will be taking our leave back to my room. Thank you again for informing me of the situation, and have a wonderful day."

    Hearing this, the emperor responds. "It is alright, you do not have to leave. Sometimes it is nice to experience ones childhood even in their adult years. Your master is quite the interesting one."

    Calmly, yet with a hint of anger, Bing Wen says. "Are you calling me a child?"

    "Oh no, that is not at all what I meant. Just that you have caused me to reminisce about my younger days." Rin replies with a mischievous smile.

    Without the desire to fight on the opponents home field, Bing Wen takes a deep breath, and replies. "Yin, shall we go? You were right, I feel tired."

    As Yin and Bing Wen stand up, the emperor comments with a smile. "Have a nice day, and come again. It was enjoyable meeting you, and seeing Yin again." While saying these things, Rin thinks to himself. 'Is that man a Coodere? What a rare and interesting find. Kuudere is one thing, but Coodere? Well it seems that Yin is in for an interesting ride.'

    Meanwhile, walking out of the hall, Bing Wen asks Yin. "Why did you try to stop me? While I am grateful for the escape you left for me, I am curious."

    "Master, I meant no offence, but that man is my leaders grand father. Now, I do not intend to get in your way as much as possible, but this is his home, and I would rather not have to leave my friend and leader behind. Either way, I will not ask you to change, as you have already up and moved just so I can come back, so thank you." Yin answers his masters question.

    "I see, well thank you for letting me know. But there is one thing you are wrong about. What I told that man back there was true, I am a traveling alchemist, and while the reason I came here is for you, if I had not met you, or even if I had but you did not ask to come here, I or we would have just gone elsewhere. So do not feel pressured, you are just fine my young disciple. So shall we meet these friends of yours?" Bing Wen asks. 

    Yin quickly answers. "If that is what you would like than of course. Plus I have to talk to them soon anyways. Right this way." Yue said as he leads his master through the halls.

    As they are walking, the guards watch very closely as they pass them. Considering how many attacks have happened as of late, it is not all that surprising.

    While walking through the halls, Yin points out the main areas that he feels his master should know of while saying. "Master while we are on the subject, I just want to say, sorry that you will not be able to see Yueliang just yet. He is busy in training, but that does not mean you cannot meet the others who are in his service. Most of them were asleep at the time, and many have died off, but at least you can still meet those who are left if you are interested."

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