Life Drain System

Chapter 169 - Trying Something New

    Feeling confused as to the physics of what he is telling them to do, they ignore their initial thoughts, all while assuming that Yueliang knows what he is doing. Thus they keep their backs straight, grab one of his hands and then relax their body allowing their bodies to do as they please.

    Ai Lan and Rin feel their worries dissipating as their bodies rise to the surface of the water. Watching closely over them, Yue lets them float and get used to the feeling for a few minutes before saying. "You both did very well, that is how you float. How did it feel?"

    Quickly answering first before Rin, Ai Lan answers. "It feels so peaceful it is as if we were floating on clouds, well that is if they were more dense. Still it felt wonderful.. You said that is called floating, no wonder dead bodies often do that. It is so relaxing."

    Hearing such a response, Yue could not help but laugh lightly a little before saying. "That is not quite the reason if you go by science, but either way I am glad you liked it, and what about you grandpa?"

    "I feel that little Ai has already said all there is to say, but if I did not hear wrong, you said there is more to learn right?" Gramps replies.

    "There is more?!" Ai Lan comments enthusiastically.

    "Mmhm" Yue replies, before continuing. "Now that you have the basic floating down, lay on your back an float, then repeat the movements I am about to show you." Yue then starts doing the back stroke, and showing them how slowly so they do not look like a dead fish flopping around on land. However moments after starting to do so, an alligator jumps out of the water, biting Yueliang and dragging him down under the water.

    Within 2 seconds before Yueliang even realizes what just happened, he is brought to the river bottom and is being death rolled by the alligator. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    While this is happening, Ai Lan and Rin watch with eyes open wide, and Ai Lan asks nervously. "Is that supposed to happen? If so I am not quite sure I want to learn that..."

    Shaking his head, Rin replies. "I do not thinks so, but since when have such creatures existed in here? As far as I know, this place was not supposed to have anything remotely threatening or scary. The only living thing that should be here are butterflies."

    "Should we help?" Ai Lan asks, not certain of what to do.

    Hearing this, her father answers. "Little Ai, I am sure it will be just fine. However we should probably kill off any other dangers once he gets back as I am certain the guests will not appreciate it."

    Ai Lan nods and then moves to the most shallow part of the water before sitting down, and emperor Rin sits beside her to wait.

    Meanwhile under the water, still rolling around Yueliang tries punching the alligators ears, eyes, and nostrils. However with the water slowing him down a bit, as well as a very fast moving target, not to mention being jerked around himself, most of the hits are missing.

    Having been bitten in the stomach and rib area, he cannot maneuver his body, although at least due to his previous training his body is hard enough that the jaws and teeth are not really piercing his body despite there being no lack of effort on the reptiles side.

    Reaching his hands up, he immediately slams his arms down, one on the reptiles eyes, and the other on its nostrils. Feeling the jaw loosen for a split second, Yue immediately grabs the alligators jaw and starts prying it open with all his strength. Even kicking the corners of its mouth in hopes they will break apart, Yueliang moments later, end up tearing the creature in half before swimming up to the surface to gasp for air. 

    Gasping for air, Yue quickly makes his way against the current over to his grandpa and sister before saying with a calm but out of breath voice. "You know, a little help would have been appreciated, a few seconds longer and I would have been out of air. Unlike you two I cannot breath underwater yet remember?"

    Rin however comments. "Well, your sister wanted to help, although I felt that you would be fine, and it seems I was right. If we helped it might have had to die, and is it not better to let the creatures live unless we are planning to eat them?"

    *Sigh. Yueliang sits down and answers as he finishes catching his breath. "You are right, and sorry about making the river bloody. It did not want to let go so I ended up killing it anyway. Probably a painful death for it, but I ripped it in half so it might be messy in the water for a while."

    Hearing this, Rin sighs deeply, and says. "I guess we are eating alligator for dinner. I wonder if it tastes any good." Then snapping his finger, blood, guts, and the two halves of the creature come flying out of the water. While coming out of the water, the guts separate into one ball, the blood in another, then the scales and bones in another pile as it separates from the muscles. 

    Watching the process, Yue asks. "Just curious, what are you planning to do with the scales and bones, since it looks like you are carefully taking the creature apart."

    Without even looking at his project, Rin is just sitting casually in the water as he answers. "Well, since you asked. The scaly leather like skin can be used for armor for mortals, or blankets for us if we so wanted or even capes, some cultivators like wearing certain things just for the aesthetic appeal, I guess a similarity we share with mortals still. Anyways, the bones are used for certain things such as weapons or acupuncture needles or other items we may need or want. ..."

    "... For instance some cultivators like using whips, and the spine is great for making those, but from such a weak creature, it would only be good for beginner cultivators. Then various parts of the body are delicacies to some people. Such as the eyes, the heart, the kidneys, gall bladder, liver, and sometimes other things like intestines if washed well, depending on what is able to be taken from the creature. Some people even turn the hides, and bones into soup by boiling it, but such practices are normally for when people are starving or eccentric." Rin explains as he finishes carefully dissecting every useable part from the creature.

    Feeling interested, Yue asks. "So are we going to be eating the whole creature? It seems like an interesting new experience. Although I look forward to eating it either which way as I have not tasted alligator even back on earth."

    Hearing this, Rin asks. "You actually want to try such things? I mean I can make it, but I am not sure you will like it."

    Ai Lan joins in as well asking. "Daddy, when did you learn how to cook?"

    Yue laughs lightly a little after hearing what Ai Lan had to say.

    Not wanting to have to keep explaining everything, Rin says. "Fine, I will make it all. But you both will be helping me prepare each dish. This will be a bigger job than you think, and to answer your question little Ai. I learned from the dragons, since if I did not know how to make food I would either get sick or die, if not the one leading up to the other."

    With that said, Rin snaps his fingers, thus clearing a small area to make a fire. Then snapping again, he makes a fire out of thin air, and starts tossing on wood from his spatial ring. After that, he sets up a pot of water over top, and says. "Start cutting up these vegetables unless you want it to not taste that good. Make sure they are cut thin, and cut in quarters except for certain vegetables where you cut them even smaller since they are larger."

    Having given the two vegetables and knives, they quickly get to work, while Rin cuts off a piece of the alligator skin and wraps it around a chunk of meet entirely before covering it in mud and tossing it into the fire. Then cutting off another piece of the skin, he tosses it in the pot along with a few bones. Next he makes skewers with the meat, and all of this only takes a few minutes as he does most of it with his chi making it very fast.

    Finishing the same time as the two little ones, he says. "Ai Lan, Yueliang dump the vegetables that you both cut up into the pot." 

    Doing as they were told, a few moments later they start smelling lots of good food, and mean while, Rin throws all the excess that is not being cooked right now into his inventory, but tossing one of the eyes into the soup as well so he does not forget since they wanted to try some new foods. However keeping the heart and other organs, and intestines in his storage ring, as they should only try so much in one day.

    Then with everything cooking, Rin speeds it up using the spiritual energy, as well as infusing it into the food more, so they will get more out of it than just flavor. Although it also increases the flavor making it better. He then says. "You two did well, and the food will be ready in about thirty minutes or so."

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