Life Drain System

Chapter 174 - A Recall Dream

    With his nod as a reply, she says. "Alright, I will think about changing it after I figure out more about this thing you are telling me about from daddy. If it is not something bad than I will not change it, but if it is than I will. In the meantime, everyone please go out and look for white, we will meet back here in 4 hours, unless I let you know otherwise. Does everyone understand?"

    The creatures of various different kinds nod their heads before swiftly turning around and taking off to search for white as fast as their bodies would allow. For some they were there and then gone, for others they could be seen hobbling away, and then all speeds in between for the rest.

    Meanwhile, Yueliang quickly stops Ai Lan before she can get to far and says. "Sis, I hope you find white, and while I would love to help, my people are likely worrying as I have yet to come back. Thus I will go check on them, and come right back to help. See you soon."

    Understanding, as she would feel the same way about her pets, she says. "Alright, but I will hold you to that, so hurry back brother."

    He nods and leaves, looking back for no apparent reason just before he jumps to the door, their eyes meet as she was looking back as well while running. However they quickly avert their gazes and get back to what they both must do. Ai Lan going off to search for the white dragon, and Yueliang off to see his friends.

    Once out of her room, Yueliang walks to a nearby door and makes his way inside. Dropping down, he hears the water fall behind him, and sees the caves where the tigers are before him. Looking slightly to the left he sees the house, but in between the two much further off he can see movement. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Thus without delay, he makes his way. Stepping up into the air, he runs in their direction while thinking. 'I just had a great idea! Instead of walking on the ground, I could always walk a little above it so as to constantly practice the skill, and perfect it as much as I am able.'

    It does not take long before the moving figures off in the distance become clearly visible and he sees what they are doing. Although seeing this causes him a lot of confusion. Not able to tell if they are messing around, or it is some ritual or something, or if they have lost their minds, he keeps making his way closer to observe the situation.

    Regardless of his efforts to neither disturb them, nor interrupt whatever they are doing, once he gets closer, Lesrie one of the female goblins drops the boulder she is holding behind her and then announces. "Everyone the young master is back." And with that all of the heads turn, some missing catching the boulder, but still evading it in time as they look to see him.

    Yueliang smiles nervously, as he descends the sky while speaking. "I apologize for interrupting whatever you were up to just now. I have only made it back recently, and now I have come to see you all."

    Blake then steps forward and says. "Hello young master, how was your journey? It seems to have been fruitful since you are now able to move in the air once more."

    Hearing this, he replies. "It was fruitful, however much different than any of us had anticipated. First off I have yet to remake my dan tian, however it is not far off I am certain. Although it seems I have learned some amazing skills. Anyways, what have you all been up to? Is this some sort of ceremony, or game or something?"

    Feeling a little confused, Blake has an absent minded expression until she realizes what he is referring to upon which she answers. "Oh! You mean the rocks. Well, we all wanted to start cultivating as to grow ourselves. Never the less without a proper technique the most we can do at the moment is simply make our bodies stronger. Thus until you came back we have been doing this. Although we did not want to ask your grandpa since he is already allowing us to live here, as well as eat for free, hence why he have yet to start."

    "I see, so basically you intended to ask me for a technique." Yueliang says before sighing, and thus making them think he is upset. However a few seconds later he notices this and says. "Do not worry, I am not upset at you. It is just I no longer have my old one, and it would be extremely troublesome if you intend to learn my current one. But if you still want to practice it I will teach it to you Blake, and then you can teach it to the rest. Sound good?"

    Listening to their leader say such things, smiles form on all of their faces.

    With that, Blake says. "That sounds wonderful, just tell me what to do and I will mark it down for everyone else."

    Yueliang then raises his hand as if to stop her before saying. "You all may be excited now, but this will take a lot more effort than you imagine, and Blake, I will teach it to you later, but not until tomorrow or a few days after that. In the mean time, there is something I need you to build. This will be for part of the training. Also, no trying anything on it until I say other wise, as this training is very specific. So I have to get going but in the meantime build a glass dome where the entire floor is make up only of metal spikes at least 4 meters tall with barely rounded but still sharpish tips and 1.524 meters apart. The domes inside must be 274.32 meters apart. It may take a while to make sorry."

    Hearing this, everyone starts thinking along the lines of. 'This is going to be a huge project, but if Yueliang says it is needed, or even that he wants it so be it. But why spikes, does he intend to trap something, but then what is the dome for?' Not really able to understand his methodology, or what he is aiming for, they push their thoughts aside, and just start picturing what must be built so they can begin once he is gone.'

    Then Blake says. "It will be done. Although until then, what would you like to do since you have come here?"

    Not able to come up with anything, Yue just replies. "I do not know for the moment, but I will be back tonight, in the meantime, I have to go help Ai Lan with finding one of her lost pets. I am glad to see that you all are doing well. So see you tonight, and have fun everyone."

    With that said, before they could say a word in reply he starts running off into the sky. Swiftly making his way back to the door. He looks around and noticed that he did not see Rin or a few of the others, but regardless he quickly puts such thoughts aside for the time being.

    Making his way out the door, the thoughts he put away persisted. 'Maybe Rin is in another room with his master or is he still away? The tigers are certainly in another room and probably raising their children while enjoying the joys of parenthood. There are a few others who I did not see as well, but it should be fine. Ugh. I need to focus.' Thus putting them aside once more, he makes his way back to his sisters room.

    Once inside he ponders to himself. 'If I were a white dragon where would I go. From my understanding she is not albino, so is she a dragon of light? What element is she I wonder? If only I knew such basic information it would be easier to find her. Sis should know such things, why did she not bring it up? Wait... Why is my mind so troubled by various things over the past few minutes? ....'

    His vision darkening, his hearing going silent, and his body going rigid, Yueliangs' body falls from the sky a few meters before landing on his back. His mind flat lining until he is back inside the starry scenery from his training where his older self disappears and reappears himself over in front of Yueliang. 

    Standing in front of his younger self he then says. "I know you left because of your grandpa, but you must go back. Your training is not yet completed to a decent level. If you do not go back, all your efforts until now will be null and void. That is not what you want, so make a choice."

    With that said, Yue asks. "Is that why I am here? Plus you know as well as I, that I did not want to leave. Am I not able to just continue my training here?"

    His older self quickly replies as his body begins fading as well as his voice. "No, now hurry up and go back. Do not think of moving that place, just go there as you will have not one other chance like this....." He says as he disappears only for Yueliang to wake up on the grassy ground that he fell on.

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