Life Drain System

Chapter 190 - A New Technique

    "WHAT!!!" Rin exclaims, but before he can say any more, Yueliang grabs his wrist tightly to draw his attention where he says. "It is fine, she was kidnapped, but apparently they have done nothing to her. She is just being held prisoner but is living relatively comfortable. Plus without her location what can we do?"

    "Why did you not follow the robot? Then we could know where she is." Rin asks with clear indignation in his eyes.

    "Grandpa it is not that simple, she dematerialized before my very eyes and moved that way, so even if I wanted to, there is no such capability in my repertoire, or skill sets so to speak. Either way, is this not good news?" Yueliang replies quickly to appease his upset emotions.

    Rin glares at him and asks. "What good news? My daughter has been captured, and there is nothing I can do about it. Not to mention that I do not know where she is or how she is doing!"

    As if knowing the exact words to say, he answers with just a few words. "She is alive. That is what matters right?"

    Visibly calming down, Rin takes a breath before a vile thought enters his mind and he replies with a vicious glare while emitting killing intent so strong Yueliang feels suffocated and the guards as well. "If they are doing terrible and vile things to her, than I will kill them, No! I will not just kill them but tear them to shreds while they are alive and awake, starting with the parts that they used against her! When I get back my perfect little Sying, I will protect her better than before, and comfort her. Giving her all the gifts she could possibly imagine, all while helping her to get back on her feet."

    Trying to catch his breath while under this immense pressure that while feels different from the cave and weaker, he cannot suppress it like he did the gravity in the cave. But with his last breath, wanting to save the others as well as himself, Yueliang says. "She .. is ... fine, treated well.. *Cough."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Passing out, as he cannot get any air to his lungs, and having difficulty breathing, his eyes shut as his body twitches trying to get some air. But blacks out just a few moments after.

    A few minutes later, Yueliang is woken up in some ones arms. Looking up at their face, Yueliang sees a guard carrying him through the halls at the moment. Turning his gaze to the left he sees in front of them his fathers captain of the guard. Then asks curiously with a half awake voice. "Excuse me, but where are you taking me?"

    The guard carrying him looks down and replies. "Oh. It seems that you have awoken. Your grand father the emperor is currently busy with something at the moment. Since he is a bit preoccupied, we have taken the liberty of getting you somewhere more comfortable since you seemed too sleepy to do so yourself. You may keep sleeping if you wish."

    Hearing her soothing words, he almost did go back to sleep, but remembering that feeling from earlier makes it a little harder. Not that that stopped him, and a few seconds later he fell asleep feeling like a child falling asleep in their parents arms. It was an odd feeling to have with a stranger, but it happened none the less, although it was probably more due to the situation than anything else.

    About ten minutes later, Yueliang wakes up again as he is being placed down and as he wakes up a thought comes across his mind. 'Why did I fall asleep earlier? I could have gotten up just fine. Probably, either way it feels as if I was put to sleep.'

    With such thoughts crossing his mind, he asks the seemingly caring female guard as he sits up on the bench. "Miss. I was curious, did you put me to sleep some how? I do not understand what happened earlier."

    Turning back around she walks over to the bench and takes a seat before saying. "You certainly woke up earlier than expected, but to answer your question simply. Yes. It is a simply voice technique, but I meant no harm. It is just a bit dangerous at the moment if you are not... well somewhere else. The remaining guards had special training and will be fine, so no need to worry." She answers as she sees his face change to that of worry mid way through her explanation.

    Hearing this he says. "I want to say thank you, but at the same time I feel a bit conflicted being put to sleep all of a sudden. Either way, you brought me to safety and for that I am grateful, as it was difficult to breathe back there, let alone doing anything else."

    "My prince, please try not to dwell on such a memory. It is exceedingly rare that such a thing ever happens to your grandpa, and I am sure he does not want that moment to define how you think of him in the future. He is just worried, and his emotions had broken loose. It will all be better soon." The female guard comforts the prince in the best way she can think of.

    *Sigh. Yueliang stands up and stretches a bit feeling well rested. Then asks. "May I know your name miss?"

    Hoping she is not going to get in trouble, but at the same time not wanting to defy the family, she answers. "My name is Gwendolyn, or Gwen if you wish. If I may young prince, why do you ask?"

    Looking back at her, he says. "Gwendolyn, thank you. While I felt conflicted before, it is evident that you are a good person and there is no need to feel conflicted anymore. I will not bring you any troubles if that is what you are thinking. But if it is not to much to ask, could you tell me more about that technique you used. It is interesting."

    Gwendolyn bows her head and says. "It would be my honor, however I am not sure if you could use it at your current low level mortal realm. But before anything else, could you tell me what you know of it from what you experienced before?"

    "It would still be fun to try." He replies before continuing a second later. "You did not command, and that is likely because it would make it more difficult to get your intent to be realized. Your voice was soothing, but that is natural so it seems, although it probably helps in getting your intent to be accepted. Am I right?"

    She looks at him surprised for a moment before reverting back to her calm happy demeanor, answering. "Impressive young prince. You are right it is based on intent, as well as not commanding but being kind. This technique was made by my family and passed down the generations, mainly for the women, since if we are not strong enough we would still have a chance of protecting ourselves. ..." 

    "... Anyways, it seems you have the technique down pretty well, now all you need is to understand it more. So first off, when you speak, you must be calm and focused. Then you must allow the chi to flow through your voice like a soothing calm river. This will allow others to be more accepting and willing to listen. Then lastly, while being genuinely happy and calm, you must ask peacefully in a way that they thing it is mainly their idea."

    "Hmm?" Yueliang thinks to himself.

    Gwendolyn then asks. "Do you have a question my prince?"

    Looking at her eyes, he answers. "Not quite, however it is different than I thought. But that is a good thing. So it is not a manipulative technique, but more one to sort of increase your charisma in a sense. The person listening will feel more inclined to do things for someone they see as charismatic. It must take a lot of practice to be happy in certain situations." 

    Hearing this, she smiles happily as she answers. "Very good, you have understood the basics. You will likely pick up the rest just as quickly. Although yes, it did take a bit of practice as a strong mind is very important to keep yourself calm and focused even in chaotic times. But without that, how could a job as a royal guard be possible for anyone?"

    "Thank you once again." Yueliang clasps his fist and is about to bow before he is instantly stopped by Gwendolyn saying. "Please do not bow, I dare not accept such an honor. It is enough just to know that I was able to help you."

    Hearing this, he understands, as such is the custom of people in the cultivation world, and he then says. "Still I am grateful. But to move on to the point at hand. That energy I felt from grandpa. It felt wrong, could you tell me about it?"

    She nods and explains. "Mmm, you mean killing intent. One can learn it easily and often without knowing, which is the case for the emperor. He picked it up during the war. Anyways, It is evil and Yin, so it is best not to practice. It is the releasing of your energy in an oppressive way to harm, coerce, or even kill those before you.. Although it often comes out by accident when one feels indignation towards others to a very strong extent."

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