Life Drain System

Chapter 193 - Warning The Others

    Either way he says. "It is great that you two are finally together officially, everyone has been waiting. Next time you go on an adventure, please take me with you. it has been too long since I have stretched my legs and chi. Regardless, as much as I would like to continue this talk, if you have not already warned the others you should get to it as some come to visit us and the cubs fairly often."

    With that said, Yueliang responds. "That is what I had planned, however visiting with you seems more important at the moment. I might be back soon depending on what happens. It will be fun seeing you again, and hopefully next time I can meet the cubs." Then getting up from his seat he bows slightly as a farewell, and makes his way out of the cave. 

    Once out of the cave, he takes one last look at the peaceful forest, making him feel more at ease and calm. Taking a deep breath, he uses the void steps to walk off of a drop off that is part of the entrance.

    Not falling but instead appearing in Yins' room, he walks forward until he is standing before the door to the house he is in. Ignoring all the smoke rising from the house, as well as the extremely strong yet enticing herbal smell, he knocks on the door.

    *Knock  *Knock *Knock

    . . .

    Having no reply even after a minute, Yueliang turns around and starts walking away, figuring they are either dead or somewhere else, as it is very unlikely for them to be busy. 'I do not get it, the only things that could occupy their time is likely alchemy. Regardless, if such a thing happened, than it is highly likely that it would be ruined because of me...'


    Looking to his left he notices something pulsating a green color, thus matching the grass that whatever it is seems to be hiding in. So not wanting to risk much, he starts walking into the air, and observing from up above.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    The higher he gets the more clear the glow, and the larger it is, until he is far above the house, and looking down, a shape is seen encompassing the place. 'This appears to be an array of sorts, but it seems a little different than one of the ones that I know of. It seems a bit disorderly, was this a make shift attempt? If so that is dangerous, but at the same time it is of such low quality why would whoever made this do such a thing?'

    Feeling very confused, and dumbfounded by the inaptitude for something as simple yet complex as array making makes him wonder who could have done such a thing. For while arrays seem to be complex, once you understand them, they are very simple and logical, causing anyone who was troubled before to face palm at their own ignorance of something like 2 plus 2 somehow equals 5.

    Thus causing him to wonder. 'Clearly this is not Yins' handiwork, as he has long since become a master of magic, and with that knowledge he would surely understand what is wrong with this at a glance. So ... Bingwen maybe? If not, who else would make such a pathetic separation array in this world of advanced cultivation. But at least it explains why they could not hear me. While one can see what is going on from out side, they cannot interfere, nor disturb those inside. ...'

    '... Then at the same time those inside will only see the appearance of when the array was made so as to not have any distractions. Not to mention the fact that this particular array certainly has many upon many uses, it could save ones life should it be needed, let alone using it for alchemy or cultivating.' Yue asses the formation, and thinks. 'Pft. It is a shame to see such a wonderful formation in such a sorry state.'

    A few moments later, he descends, and starts walking in a certain pattern as there are just too many holes in this array. Then after a minute has passed he notices the difference in scenery as he breaks through without damaging it. 

    With that, Yueliang walks back to the door to knock once more, as it seems the last time was useless. 'If they do not answer this time, I will just move on to the others.'

    *Knock *Knock *Knock

    [A Minute Later]

    . . .

    Still silent, he feels annoyed and pulls out a knife and thinks. *Sigh. 'With Yins' magic he could fix this easily... No! What am I thinking...' Putting the knife back in his inventory he pulls out a piece of paper and a pen and starts writing.

    'My dear friends Yin, and Bingwen,

Please do not leave this place if you can help it, as it is currently dangerous anywhere outside of this room. If you must, than it would be best if you wait a day or so. In the meantime have fun with whatever you are practicing, be that alchemy or otherwise. However, I would feel remiss if I did not say this. PLEASE FIX YOUR ARRAY! It is horrendous to look at, and there are so many messed up portions I worry it would break just from the rain if a single drop fell. Not to mention the fact that it is even working. If you do not know how, let me know in a few days, and I might be able to help you depending on if I am busy at that time.



    With the letter written, he sticks it to the door against a drop of tree sap that seems to be running down the top of the door. Then turning around, Yueliang makes his way out of the room, folding space to the last room he has to visit for warnings at the moment to avoid any unnecessary deaths or bodily harm.

    Arriving back in the room of the majority of his people, he appears right beside the house, as he wanted to look at their progress at the moment, and the sight would have surprised anyone who had yet to see these high orcs work. Looking at this, he smiles, seeing the dome nearly finished, and considering the distance, it likely looks far better from closer up.

    That aside, Yueliang turns to his left, and starts walking towards the door, as he sees no one outside. Thus with the presumption that they are asleep, he walks over to knock on the door to their place.

  *Knock *Knock *Knock

    [Two Minutes Later]

    . . . . .

    'Are you serious? Where is everyone? Is there something that I missed? That feels like it is wrong, so most likely not. But ... Never mind, forget it, time to visit gramps. If he is not here either, than clearly something is wrong here.' Yueliang thinks to himself as he turns around not understanding what could be happening here.

    Folding space, Yueliang quickly arrived in the throne room which appears to be empty, but seeing a book on his grandpas desk, curiosity fills his mind. So walking up to the desk that for some reason was not cluttered with bamboo scrolls today, but instead has a book, he picks it up and starts reading its contents.

    'Customs of Just Historic Rulers'

    "What sort of name is that for a book?" He mumbles as he turns the page only to feel something is off about this place. It feels different and there is a book like this, but never the less he reads a little more.

    '.... Those of the ruling class must have many marriage partners and children, not for prestige but to ensure a good heir, as well as to multiply and replenish the planet. ..... It is the duty of emperors or kings to have children to ensure leadership of the country is properly continuing, and the people will not turn chaotic. Thus having someone to look up to and fix their problems. .... If one wants to marry or have children, they must have the assets to properly take care of and raise a family'

    *Slams the book shut

    Putting the book back on the table, Yueliang shakes his head while thinking. 'Clearly not something of grandpas, and it tells nothing new. This should be common knowledge for anyone of noble descent. Not to mention they do not even mention the most important parts. .. Now putting that aside, where is gramps?'

    Filling his mind with memories of his grandpa, Yueliang closes his eyes, and takes a step forward, as this might be a way out of whatever trick this is. Having folded space once more, he opens his eyes and looks around. "UGH!!! What is going on?! And Where am I? This is ridiculous, this place looks the same as I know, but feels different.. It could not be too old but looks new, wait a moment, new?! Did I go back in time or forward? Or is this some other place all together?" He exclaims while trying to maintain his calm in this absurd situation to the best of his abilities.

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