Life Drain System

Chapter 197 - A Slip Up

  "... ... Anyways, once you have that, you must learn to eat, sleep, and do everything on these pillars, even run without issue. For this you will need to trust yourself and your body. Once you have this down, you will start learning to traverse the air. If you get that far, the manual will tell you what you need to do next and where to go for it."

  Showing them the ease of effort it takes for him to run, walk, jump, even flip and still land perfectly balanced while he was talking, he makes his way back to the entrance to take his leave but says one last thing. "For those of you who think you may be able to understand it or want to take the risk let me know, and I will take you to my training area later." Not even facing them when he said it he walks away and accepts an small device held out by Blake while walking away.

  Taking the ear cuff, Yueliang wraps it around his left ear while walking away and asks. "Can you hear me Blake?"

  "Yes, and just so that you know, this earpiece should have a strong enough signal to pass through a galaxy or two. However it will take a few tries before it will go any further. Also, at the moment the battery will only last for a week at a time." Blake replies through the ear cuff.

  Hearing this, he comments. "Thank you, that should be more than enough, although the distance will have to be strengthened by a lot or it will not be as useful for its desired effect."

  Without an answer back, Yueliang still keeps walking away.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

  Meanwhile, the others are looking at the training facility that they had made with strong gaze of uncertainty. Staring at the area with conflicted spots those around have thoughts similar to. 'Just because our young master can do it does not mean we can.'

  But then out of the silence, a voice reverberates around them. "Before anyone attempts this interesting training method, read the book, or manual, that we have been sent by our young master Yueliang so as to not waste your time or life in this facility." Orslaine announces.

  Everyone around turning to see who said those words see her and quickly look away, not out of offence but because they would rather not start anything that may become troublesome for them, with her being quite 'difficult' when it comes to certain matters and all.

  Having said that, Orslaine quickly sits down and starts reading her book that was sent by her fiancé. Reading the instructions on how the technique works, and distinct examples to explain with detail makes it all the easier to understand. The others however stand as they either read or wait for someone else to try out the course first.

  The goblins however look with impending doom in their eyes as they are certain this adventure will be most dangerous for them, still being short and all. However trusting in Yue, Kiisser breaks through the crowd and becomes the first to attempt said trial, jumping onto the first spike. Balancing on the first of the spikes for a few seconds he proceeds to fall quickly after. 

  Not making a sound but still being watched by the others he latches onto the spike. Sliding down still he grasps on tighter and tighter until he stops while mumbling. 'Lousy slippery spike!' By the time he stops he is just less than half a meter from making impact with the ground, thus causing a bead of sweat to form on his head and roll down into his hair and down his hair until it falls down to the floor.

  Seeing this causes many of those watching to feel quite apprehensive about trying this, but then hear the same voice reverberating around them once more. "You lot are feeling afraid to try something so simple when one whose body is much less suited to this particular facility is willing to give it a shot? How pathetic! And yet you claim to want to help our young king who has risked his life for us various times?"

  This time one of the on lookers replies. "I may be loyal to Yueliang, but that does not mean I am going to throw my life away in training just to be of more use! Not to mention the fact that he said it was our choice whether or not to do this."

  Meanwhile as this situation proceeds on for a while, Yueliang is out and thinking to himself. 'I wonder if everyone has started yet? I bet gramps and sis are probably having fun learning it. After all I know that I did. Oh well, what to do now? ...'

  Thinking for a few moments he comes to the conclusion. '*Sigh... I guess there is only one option for now. Time to go back to the immortal caves. There are so many things that I would love to see, however it is not likely until I have my abilities under control, as well as finish making the new home for those sealed to me in either contract or friendship.'

  "Sadly it seems that I have to fold space back to that white room unless I want to have to reexplore the whole tunnel." Yueliang mumbles as he closes his eyes and walks forward as he focuses on the place he intends to go to.

  Opening his eyes, he is back in the room where he spoke with the artificial intelligence robot made by his mother. *Sigh. "Who knew I would be back so soon? I just hope that I am not in another time after jumping once again. Oh well, best to check for the book for now, and figure out the rest later." He mumbles while shaking his head and then starts running into the the hidden tunnel in the room.

  Swiftly making his way through the tunnel, Yueliang picks up his pace with each passing second, but has to slow down every time that there is a turn to take, lest he run into the wall and possibly go splat.

  Although while Yueliang is exploring the cave tunnel looking for the end, Rin starts jumping onto the spikes standing up in the training facility with a sort of walking pace/ appearance. While doing so the two ignore the others behind them who have become hesitant. But either way, there are about 20 or so people ahead of them, namely half of them being the goblins, while the others being the tigers followed by their cubs, and a very small number of the orcs.

  The cubs, while being very young are actually the most fearless out of the whole lot of those partaking in the training, whilst likely having no idea that it is training. This being because they followed their parents regardless of being specifically told to stay put back on the grassy area where they left them. However seeing as they are only a couple weeks old, it is not all that unexpected for anyone who has had children in the past.

  That being said, the funniest part is how, the fearless little tiger cubs have started chasing each other after a few minutes of practicing their balance on top of the spikes. Thus causing Shen Hu and Houli, to nearly have a heart attack every time they see them jumping to the next spike for fear of losing their cubs.

  Author note: In case it was not obvious, none of the beasts are in human form! Also in case it was not obvious no animals nor beasts were harmed in this activity. 

  Having fun playing the cubs chase after each other, then the one in the front loses her footing, and at that moment, Shen Hu pushes off of the pillar and runs between the pillars pushing off of them to speed up his chase after the falling cub that is getting ever closer to the ground with each passing second. Running at his peak speed, while his mate is staying behind from the shock of the situation.

  Seeing the situation unfold before them, Houli thinks to herself as her mind races a kilometer a minute. 'Please, please do not die. Please my love, catch her. I know that it is usual to lose one or more cubs to predators, but I never thought that it would happen to me. Surely we could protect them from dangers and predators, but clearly it looks like I was wrong.

  Now running on the ground, and currently below the cub in altitude but not laterally, he tries to catch up to the little one while exclaiming.. "Hold on little one, I am coming!" With this all happening in such a short instantaneous time frame, Shen Hu keeps pushing himself, trying to make it but still many tens of meters from his cubs, he feels that he might not make it but still maintains his determination to do at least do his best to catch his pup in the hopes that there is at least a chance of her survival.

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