Life Drain System

Chapter 199 - Avoiding Raising Suspicion

    However despite the other objects in the room, Yueliang returns his gaze to the rectangular object laying on the table, and reaching out his hand, he picks it up. Playing with it in his hands it just feels like a hollowed out, yet empty box from the weight, but. *Rumble *Shake. A few seconds after playing with the box, the whole room shook as if the place were about to collapse. He quickly puts the box like item back thinking maybe if he does the cave may return to normal.

    *Rumble *Crack.

    A piece of the roof falls down towards him, and with that, he quickly takes a step back.

    Doing this he thinks to himself. 'Clearly by moving the box like item the cave is collapsing and it is my fault. *Sigh. But either way, it seems putting it back will not help so the best option is likely to jus take it right? I should at least try to see what was so important in this cave.' He thinks to himself as he dashes forward grabbing the book, and stepping on the table like rock, he disappears.

    Reappearing back in the room of light that he showed up in earlier, Yue takes a seat in one of the chairs at the table and starts examining the box much closer.

    . . .


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    "Huh? It moves..." He mumbles as one of the long sides slips up and off of the box revealing part of the inside. Then messing with the top and bottom, he quickly finds out how to slide them off, thus revealing a very tightly packed book.

    Turning it over to its front before even opening it he mutters confusedly. "All of that for a book? I mean it is not unexpected but even then it is surprising to make a book into a Chinese puzzle, albeit an easy one but a game or puzzle none the less. . . .  Oh well, I guess it would be a waste if I did not see what is inside after that exciting turn of events." He mutters as he starts opening the cover only to see light emit from it as well.

    'Well well, if this is not an interesting turn of events I do not know what is. A book emitting light that is not holographic, this is certainly a new one in my experiences of reading.' Such thoughts fill his mind as he opens the book and then starts reading while pushing all non necessary or essential thoughts aside.

    . . .

    Roughly a few hours later, he thinks to himself. 'Hmm, this is a weird book. It even has my name and everything in it. Did mom really expect me to be the only one to pass this trial?' Standing up, he places the book into his inventory as he recalls the last words in the book. [My dear son, my little Yueliang, I made this entire cave for you. Obviously not all the others here as dad took me here as well, but anyways, in the hopes that one day we would meet again there are many things that have been prepared for you. So long as you keep looking, you will learn and grow, and one day we may meet again. I love you my child, and good bye for now.]

    The water in his eyes well up, but closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath, and then a few more until he feels more at ease. Feeling calm once more, he turns to the side, and taking a step forward folds space once again, thus arriving in front of the dome that he left not all that long ago.

    Proceeding forward, Yueliang watches those who are practicing the technique he has given them while muttering. "Why have none of them left yet? It seems they have a stronger will than I gave them credit for. Oh well, at least this trip was not a waste of time, and what was desired has been gained."

    Running towards him unsteadily on top of the spiky arena Blake asks. "I figured you would be busy longer. Why did you not let me know through the ear cuff that I made for you? Speaking of which where is it? Are you not wearing it because you do not like it? The shape can be changed if you want, that one was just because style was my goal for that one."

    Shifting his gaze to have eye contact with her, he reaches up at the same time, and realizing it is not there, answers after taking a deep breath inward. "My bad, it seems that within a day of receiving your gift, it has gotten lost. It was probably when the cave was collapsing and I had to escape. My apologies. However if you could make the next one a little bit less flashy that would be appreciated."

    Hearing this she nods, but does not say a word, as if waiting for him to say something. As she waits in silence she stares at his eyes with an expectant gaze.

    Seeing this, after a minute or so he says. "I do not know what you want me to say, but if you are wondering about the trip, it was successful. Also we need to add gravitational pressure to this room to make the training work out properly. Anyways, there is one thing that I have been meaning to ask you."

    With those last words, hope appears in her eyes as just mere moments ago it was disappearing as clearly a wall would feel less dense.

    "Would you like to go on a date with me? There is this cool place I heard of that might be fun for us." Yueliang asks.

    *Sigh. "Yes, but that is not what I was waiting for. Why does it feel as if you are not even trying to read the room, especially since I know you do not forget things. Remember when you said that when you came back you would teach us the next part?" Blake reminds him while looking a bit disappointed.

    Tilting his head, he replies. "It is not that I forgot, but just that you being so excited to continue training was not exactly in my expectations at the moment. However if you want to continue have the others gather after a break, as I am sure we are all hungry."

    Turning around and walking away she mutters barely audibly. "Hungry for knowledge more like it!"

    Meanwhile in the training arena one of the high orcs mutters to himself under his breath. "Ugh, what am I going to do about this? How do I keep failing? I need to get this right so we can be free..."

    "Be free? What do you mean?" A lady high orc nearby asks.

    "Hmm?" The man turns around and asks.

    The lady with a curious yet serious gaze repeats her question slightly differently. "You said that you need to get this right so that we would be free. What do you mean by that? Is there something you are having a problem with?" She asks with a suspicious look.

    "Pft, haha. It is nothing much Victoria. It is just that once I ... once, we learn this ability than we will be free from the shackles that gravity as well as distance impose upon us, at least according to the book our king gave us. If my wording was strange, than my bad. Obviously if there were problems, than we should go to Blake or one of the others who are close with the young master, right? Huh... Then again, you are close with him, so you would know the best out of us?" He replies. with a light laugh trying to ease the tension.

    Still feeling suspicious, but not wanting to make it seem off or anything she comments. "Hmm, that is quite true. Hopefully we can get this down sooner rather than later." Then turning around Victoria starts making her way in the opposite direction, and heading towards the entrance, more specifically the area she was heading to before he heard one of her own saying such words.

    Moving fast on the spike filled arena, but not so fast that it seemed like she was trying to get away, she quickly makes her way to the entrance and jumps off of the spikes, and onto the normal grassy ground. Walking out of the dome, she sees both Blake, and Yueliang. So she walks over to them.

    As Victoria approaches, she hears him asking her friend Blake out on a date, from which she does not want to interrupt as she feels it would only make her feel guilty. So she walks to about a few meters from where they are standing and lays down on the grass, while propping up her back with her arms.. It is then that she just listens and waits until they finish talking while looking at the sky, the clouds floating across the ocean like atmosphere. 

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