Life Drain System

Chapter 203 - It Has Been Too Long

    Although when they pick him up to take him away they notice his terror and sweat soaked body as he stares at the young master. Seeing this, they look back and only see a happy smile with closed eyes on the young master form after they look at him. From which they feel scared, and feel they were too hasty in their judgement. Thus, they quickly take Lien out of the room and make their way elsewhere.

    Hours pass by as Lien is take for memory duplicating extraction, then they will be off to meet those who have been harmed to start his work to pay off his debt to society. During this time, Most of the Orcs and Goblins have started trying to figure out either how to stay awake or how to sleep while standing seeing as their bodies are exhausted from all the effort of training.

    However now, Yin says to his teacher Bingwen. "Here is the pill you wanted me to make, and now that I finished, you will keep your promise right? That I can head out for a few days, and talk to my friends." He questions, as he does not want to offend his teacher, at least not until he learns everything he can from him.

    Closing his eyes and sighing as he did not expect this to happen so soon, Bingwen replies with a wave of his hand. "Go on ahead, have fun."

    Clasping his fists and giving a light bow, Yin adds. "Thank you teacher, I will be back in a few days." Then turning around, he leaves before there is another chance for second thoughts.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    Dashing through the hall, he quickly heads to the room where the high orcs and high goblins are staying as he has a feeling this is most likely the place to find his friend Yueliang. Excitedly he makes his way away from his teacher as he gets a break thinking. 'It certainly is fun to learn new things, but alchemy feels more exhausting than magic, with it constantly draining all your mental, physical, and spiritual energy.'

    Meanwhile, as the memory duplication extraction is done, the one of the people doing the procedure, exclaims in shock to those around her. "Get Blake, or Yueliang or one of those closest to him over here immediately, and someone else, notify all those in training to head over here as well. We have a major emergency on its way."

    Not even bothering to question it, as such orders are not something one would make as a joke or even for training, the few people aside from the lady who was doing the memory extraction start running out of the building to take care of this instantly. One going to the training area, the other four running in different directions as it is uncertain where their target may be. Although one of the four stays in the building rushing through the halls to check here as well, checking door by door. 

    Although there are two people not counted among the earlier five working on the extraction, who are the two guards to ensure that nothing happens with the traitor.

    About one hour later, everyone of those who are staying in this super mini small world are gathered outside the residence building. Yin having watched the organized mob rushing around for the past hour, feels that his interest has been piqued thinking. 'What could have all of them in such a rush? First it was just a few, then it turned into a big crowd, and it seems I was right about Yue being here which is nice. But the question is, what is the big crisis now? It seems like there is almost never a month of peace before chaos ensues since I have met Yue. It makes me curious why, but oh well, just a problem for another day.' He thinks to himself as he jumps through the doorway and starts swiftly making his way to the crowd of people.

    As he walks over, he notices how quiet they are, and feels even more confused, wondering. 'Was there a meeting and they forgot to invite me? Or maybe just a new project seems more likely. Also what is that big dome off in the distance behind the residence building.'

    It is not long before he eventually makes it to the crowd and hears Yueliang announcing. "... ain calm, it is fine. We will take care of this just as we have all the problems in the past. If anyone has fully laid out plans bring them to me after this. In the mean time I will work with Blake and some of the others to come up with a plan to fix this. Until that time, please spend time with your families and friends if you have any, as it seems there are only about 18 or so hours left until ... well you know." He says before walking off of the stage.

    In the meantime, Yin asks a man standing about an arms length from him. "I arrived late, could you tell me what is going on? It seems that I missed all the important parts."

    The man wondering how another could be late, but seeing Yin, he quickly changes his thought process before replying. "It is not too big a deal, we are all just going to die in about 18 hours give or take a bit of time. Apparently the same people who have been attacking our kings family, decided to go all out or something like that, and now they attached rockets of all things to a massive meteor. How primitive! Anyways, the only way we can leave at the moment would be if Yue or his grandfather the emperor teleported us away. ..."

    "... Of course that may sound quite simple, but the problem is they do not want to leave everyone else behind to die, so they are trying to come up with a way to get rid of the meteor without causing a catastrophe like blowing it up and the shards crushing this planet afterwards. *Sigh. You know if we had time, and the materials, it would be easy to create an energy barrier around the planet that would protect us from such issues as well as various other methods but we do not so oh well."

    Hearing this, Yin tilts his head in confusion and asks. "Do you not care at all that we will all likely die in less than a days time?"

    Turning around the man replies. "Our deaths have been a long time coming, and even if not, what does worrying about it do? Not to mention the fact that I imagine we will either be saved or die instantly. So no pain, and it is instant. Does not seem like there are many if any better ways to die. Well have a nice life, maybe I will see you on the other side."

    With that said the strange high orc man starts walking away towards some of the others who seem to be grouping up themselves. Seeing this Yin thinks to himself. 'What a weird yet wise young man, especially for someone who appears to only be about 20 years old, give or take a year. Anyways, I guess I should find Yue first, and then tell the tigers, and teacher about this situation, as they should know.'

    Then without delay, he starts making his way towards the direction he saw Yueliang walking. It takes a few minutes but he quickly catches up and sees him talking to the ladies that he normally keeps around. Seeing this he cannot help but chuckle a little as he gets closer as he sees his friend with his ladies, even the Snow Leopard who he has not seen for a while. 

    Once he closes in on the group that is currently all silent as they all seem to be thinking, Yin interrupts the silence abruptly, and says while looking at Yue. "Hello my friend, it has been a while, and it seems you have added more to your lovely entourage." He teases in a joking voice.

    Looking up, everyone in the group looks at the direction of he voice, and seeing Yin a few laugh while other are silent, and Yue replies. "Hello, it has been too long. Either way, it does not seem like we have much time and need ideas. Speaking of, do you have any?"

    Feeling like he cannot help but say this, Yin answers with a smile. "Of course I do. We do not have long left, so why waste the little time we have. You and all your ladies should get married. Plus not only is it a wonderful time to do it, but it will also raise the moral of everyone around as well."

    Hearing this, everyone in the group nearly drop their jaws each for their own reasons, one such reason being that they are surprised they did not think of it. 


    Hello everyone, it has been quite a while since I last really spoke to you all, and for that I apologize. However rather than reading me ramble on about how I was injured and sick, you probably want the main point, so here it is. I will be ending this book soon, however do not worry, I intend to give it a good ending. Anyways, after this I will continue writing, but with a different pen name later, regardless, I hope that you all have enjoyed this journey as much as I have.. Happy Belated Thanksgiving, and Merry Early Christmas.

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