Life Drain System

Chapter 205 - Prepping And Taking Action Part 2

    *Sigh. The emperor sighs before saying. "Everyone, we will resume this in a few minutes, however it seems that there is something that I must hear out before we continue." He says before standing up and walking over to the two of his descendants who are standing at the large entrance way. However rather than running with a sense of urgency he walks over there as if it were just another simple matter, and nothing serious. 

    When he is finally standing before them, the two quickly stand up straight and Ai Lan speaks up first without any further delay. "Daddy, we really need your help. We have a plan but without your assistance this world will be destroyed in 17 hours give or take a little bit. What do you say, will you help us, or just have the capable people evacuate their homes, or let us all die? Ultimately this plan relies heavily on your participation."

    Hearing these words, his face quickly turns serious as he says. "Fine, I will hear you out. So since this is the case you two will take the lead of this council meeting. Those that I am meeting with today are some of the strongest of this world, so tell us your plan and what you need." Then with a wave of his hand motioning for them to follow him, he turns around and then Emperor Rin starts heading back to the table where the others are seated with a relaxed pace.

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    As the three make their way to the table that has a few empty seats here and there, especially so on either side of the Emperors seat, those sitting around the table observe their calm actions despite having only moments ago say that there is an emergency. This actually causes a thought to flow through their heads. That thought being along the lines of 'Clearly they are Royalty for more that just lineage but also due to their state of mind.'

    It was not but a few minutes before everyone was once again seated save the guards around the room. Then with that Rin says. "My grandson and my daughter have something to say. Seeing as this affects all of us, give your utmost attention to the young prince and princess."

    Yueliang does not let this moment pass, as time is fleeting even more so now that they know of their impending doom. Standing up he begins. "My name is Yueliang, and to get this started. We have a plan so please hear me out first, but there is a massive meteor being guided and propelled here at a high speed. There are about 17 hours or so until impact and world destruction, however rather than having many casualties and just saving ourselves, my subordinates, fiancés and I have all come up with a plan."

    He pauses at this point to let them take in this sudden news, and while they all looked a little surprised for a few seconds they swiftly regained their calm as if it never changed. Then seeing this, he continues. "Our plan is to move this planet into another solar system, more specifically have my grandpa do it. However considering the size, we will need many strong cultivators to pass their chi into gramps in order for this to work. Then as for everything else, it will be taken care of by my people but we may need your help obtaining supplies after the teleportation in order to make the devices to ensure a safe transition once we make it there. If you would like more details you can ask my sister, as there are matters I must deal with as well now."

    Leaving such a simple explanation, even his grandpa Rin is left confused as there are far too many things that have been left out of this plan. So without delay they all look to Ai Lan with expectant gazes, as Yueliang stands up and whispers to his grandpa. "Gramps, could we talk elsewhere? Sis can fill you in later, but there are a few things that I must ask you."

    Rin nods, and the two walk up to his throne in order to talk further as Rin does not want to leave too far from the group in case he may be needed soon.

    Once up there, Rin sits on his throne and Yueliang walks to his side while his sister is busy discussing the plan to the others. Not to mention the fact that Rin is about to be listening to both conversations at once, Yue starts speaking as they look down at the council members. "Grandpa, since this will be a very close call, my fiancés and I have decided to have our wedding sooner rather than later. So if you would like to help and even come, I will be marrying Ai Lan and the others today, not long from now."

    While listening to both conversations, Rin is shocked, and exclaims loud enough for even the council to hear. "You are getting married today!?! ... Ahem, Of course I will be at your wedding, now tell me what I can do to help? Also, Congratulations."

    Feeling surprised at how calm his grandpa is and, how easily he is taking such news, he takes a breath to align his thoughts really quick. Then he answers. "I was wondering if we could use one of the rooms here, and if so, which one? Also, I do not know the way marriage ceremonies work here, so if you could help me with that, that would be of immense help."

    *Pft Hahahah. Rin laughs before speaking his mind, saying. "So basically you need help with everything. Alright, so I will get to work on this with you since there is not much that I can really do until we have enough cultivators to do this, as well as the location of where you want me to move the planet."

    With that said, the two started leaving the room, meanwhile the council continues to listen to the plan as it is being laid out piece by piece. Not to mention the parts that they would have to play if they want everything to go over both smoothly and easily. However before the two leave the room Rin whispers to one of the guards at the door. "Ensure that my daughter is safe, and that nothing ... unforeseen ... happens. If anything happens, you will be given the same death at my son."

    Then without another word, the two continue out and on their way, while the guard feels a cold sweat coming on as the thought of such a death is terrifying, not that he ever would have let the princess get harmed anyways. The reason being, everyone in the castle knew of her kindness and innocence thus giving them the instinctual desire to protect her.

    While everyone is out and about doing their part to ensure the survival of their home and families, Blake is drawing up plans after having already told everyone the situation. While doing so she thinks to herself. 'Ugh... What a pain. It is bad enough that we have to move the planet but accounting for asteroids, meteors, or anything else that may get in the way is troublesome. Then even worse yet, is the fact that we have to create an artificial moon for once we move the planet since it will be difficult to keep that as well....'

    '... Well, maybe we do not need a moon. The only problems would be tides falling, night would be much darker, seasons would change vastly, not to mention the length of the days would also change a bit. So all in all, a lot of the ecosystem may die or we will all adapt. Who knows, even people will die from such a thing, not to mention their astrology will change a lot which may make certain things much more difficult, until they learn the new lay out of the stars in the sky. How troublesome! Then again if we make the blueprints and give them to the young master along with the supplies, it could probably be made in an instant. Downside is, does he have enough years, or mana, or shop points, or whatever he uses for such things?'

    Knowing that there is not really enough time to deal with everything that needs to be dealt with, there will likely be some changes and catastrophes, she still proceeds too follow the plan and work on her part. As saving as many as they can would certainly be better than letting them die in this case where they know they could save even those who cannot leave the planet, or are not strong enough at least.

    A few moments later while she is drawing the blueprints, she thinks. 'Hmm, if we are going to use massive rockets to adjust the rotation, and alignment of the planet, maybe we can make the moon have an ai keeping track of the orbit, and realigning the planet when needed. Not to mention that we could probably make a small world inside the moon as a playground, or just for everyday use. That seems like a great idea, however the power consumption will be far greater, unless...'

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