Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 181 The basics of Academy

Chapter 181 The basics of Academy

After meeting with Rebecca, Bernhardt and Ayla at the academy gates, Rio and Amelia walked inside to finish their admission process. Though everything was already done, they had to report in with the staff. After meeting with them, we were given the ID cards, uniforms and the keys to the dorms that were assigned to us.

Thankfully ID cards here weren't some long string lanyards which one would have to keep around their neck, but a brooch like item, which upon contact displays the name, class and rank of that student.

The coin-like brooch contained just normal details and was worn as more of a sign of which year that student was in. Since the uniform of every year's student was mostly similar, these brooches became the difference. Yellow for first years(freshman), Green for second years(sophomore), Blue for third years(junior), Red for fourth years(Senior) and finally Black for fifth years(Ace).

This was different from other novels, but obviously then came the same cliched watch part that even the author of this novel couldn't escape.

Every student of the academy was given wrist watches. Which after getting the mana signature of their bound student, would display all of that student's details. From their personal information, to their studies, subjects and training methods, to their awakening rank and element and their rank in academy exams too etc. Everything related to that student which was public knowledge and filled in the forms would be displayed on that watch. This watch also had many other functions but they were mostly locked for first year students.

It gave everyone a free map of the academy, along with normal information regarding general places. Like training grounds, play grounds, battle arenas, shops and stages everything. It also indicated which areas of the academy were accessible to that student(marked in green) and which places he was not allowed to enter(marked in red).

It also had the function of tracking that student's location at all times while he was inside the academy and keeping a tab on his health. If ever your life is at risk or you exhausted yourself and entered the state of mana depletion, it would immediately notify the medical staff of the academy of your condition and location.

Once you leave the area of floating islands these watches stop functioning completely and you can't even see time in it. This is the academy's way of giving their students privacy, and to show that the academy has no responsibility for you once you're out of their premises, you're on your own.

As one could guess, since the academy is under control of world association, and tries to be equal to everyone. There's no concept of money or coins in the academies, so as to give fair chance and equality to everyone. The academy has their own system of different currency called MP (Merit Points).

Every student is given some points monthly as their allowance, based on their year, rank and results. These points are then used to access many facilities of the academy or to buy something from the academy shops. Money conversion to points is also a thing, but there's a limit to how many points a student can exchange and the more you do, the more costlier it gets. Though it doesn't help much, it still gives commoner students a chance to not be left behind. There are even ways to earn more points, but they're mostly for second years and further students. They're given tests, tasks, quests, jobs - through them they can earn more points for themselves. By clearing the dungeons or having high contributions in some academy work and projects also gives you many Merit Points.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The watch also keeps tabs on the points distribution. The amount, spending history, conversion and everything related to them could be tracked through these watches too. This is also to stop bullying, so powerful students don't bully weaker ones and transfer all their points. Yes, students can share and buy points from each other. Even some teachers and staff of the academy can share their points through their own wishes.

The watch also gives students access to the academy forum, through which they can get all kinds of information regarding the academy and what's happening around them. The ranks and results of tests also get posted there. As well as, notices of extracurricular activities or any other tournament and exams. It's like their official social media page, through which you can see all kinds of news and announcements of the academy.

Also it has the function of communication too, through which you can call any of the staff members.(obviously for a valid reason and following the chain of hierarchy) . You can also call and add other students and pair their watches too. Through which you can communicate with them too.

Each watch is specially bound to that student and would only give access to him through his mana signature. So no one else could access it. Thus there's no chance of stealing it , hacking it or forcing it.

(Author - These are all the functions of it for now. I'll add more and give details on more the more time passes)

Rio looked at his wristwatch and read the details given below -

[ Rio Blake

Awakener rank - C+

Aura rank - Aura Manifestation

Element - Darkness

Blood group - A+ve

Class - First Year

Division - pending

Academy Rank - pending

Subjects - pending

Training methods - pending

Status - Healthy(normal)

MP - 1000 ]

He read the details and they were accurate enough. He could hide his rank and aura stage, but he saw no point in doing it. First of all, he was already 18 years old, C+?is the least he should be. His mastery of aura was obviously higher than everyone, and would probably give a shock to many - but even that could be explained by him constantly fighting creatures of undeath for 2 years nonstop without wasting his mana much. Plus he was a born genius, in a family of rich geniuses.

Plus it didn't show his blessings or skills or any other secrets, so there was no need to be extra on edge. If anyone did try something, he could just waste his points and rank up any time he wants, so even this wasn't necessary.

The class division hasn't happened yet, and would only be finalized once everyone reported to the academy. There are usually around 3000 students in each batch of Zenith academy. While other academies accept even more students. Zenith believes in maintaining the quality over quantity, and that's why they have ruled over the position of number one academy for decades.

The class division of people who didn't take part in academy exams would be based on their performance of world association preliminary exams. Since Rio didn't do both of them, his place was gonna be random drop. But Artemis already already talked to the principal that how he was still a little lost after his 'traumatic experience' so to allow him and Amelia to be in same division, as that would help him get over everything better. Principal had no problem with it and agreed. So Rio didn't have to worry that he would be placed in some last dumb D grade, while protagonist and all the heroines would be rocking in A grade. With Amelia's talent and her role in story he was sure she'd be placed in the same class as protagonist and thus he'd be there too. With him there, he could just act and change stuff whenever he wants and stop protagonist from getting anywhere close to people around him.

As for subjects, they're given options to students after he clears the first semester, which is 6 months after joining. Academy ranking for everyone would also only get finalized after that. For now the ones who participated in academy's entrance exams can have their ranks, while those who didn't can see 'pending' written there.

Training method, this choice depends on the students. As the students of the world's best academy, they're given access to the biggest hub of techniques and arts created by their predecessors.

<Anyone can donate their techniques to the world association, and if they found it worthy and suitable enough, they'd keep it in their library for future students to see and learn it. Some people do it out of generosity and wanting to help future generations, some do it for the credit and recognition. World association also gives pretty good rewards if the techniques/skills are selected to be stored.

This is also another reason, why students of rich families and noble backing, join the academies of world association, instead of learning at home or somewhere else. This place has garnered an enormous amount of resources and arts created by many geniuses of history. Many families which are lost, many talents which die - unable to find a successor, the world association has garnered all their arts and skills.

To buy even one technique outside, one would need to empty their pockets, but at these academies, as long as you show good talent, results and have enough credits, you can read those arts, and even get guidance from the best teachers the world has to offer.>

Rio glanced at his points of MP, which was the regular minimum a new student could get. He had a lot of points saved up before, but since he was repeating his year, they were lost now. He wanted to talk to the staff to get his points of that year back too, as that was his hard earned results. But he also knew it wasn't possible. That principal already allowed him to repeat his year again despite his beliefs, so Rio wasn't planning to trouble the old man again for these little things.

He would just need to earn some points again. And knowing what he knew, it wasn't going to be hard for him. He had already done many things that changed stuff of the academy arcs, so he wasn't worried that the protagonist would get everything, while he was looking for points.


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