Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 130 Things He Changed

"World's not fair princess. Those who win aren't always right, and those who gets beaten aren't always victims." Rio said in a stern tone. 

"Let me tell you what really happened here, so your kid brain could understand." He said, flicking her head. 

"The kid that you 'supposedly' saved just now, is a stupid moron. He came to this hall and picked a fight with Count Sinclair's son Edward. When he was asked to apologize, he punched Edward's friends and ran away from there. After that, instead of leaving this party and going back to the main hall, so this drama doesn't escalate. He simply went to the dining tables and started eating his food without any worries in the world. And guess what he did next, then he picked a fight with another count's son -Korbil's this time." Rio said, while pointing towards the crowd below. 

"Does he deserve a beating for being braindead, maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. 

But that's not even the matter at point we were talking about, were we? The point, princess, is that no one in this world is right or selfless. And if you believe they are, then you're just stupid." Rio said, painting a picture of the scenario that Rebecca had missed. 

"Why are you talking about the world? That's just you justifying why you were selfish." Rebecca said, in a high tone, having had enough of him saying she's dumb and world's this and world's that. He's treating her like she doesn't know anything. "You just didn't want to start a fight against those kids, so you let them beat that boy. Had it been Amelia in his place, would you think about the elite families or nobility then."

"I won't. If anyone put a finger on my sister, their heads would roll down the Royal Palace next instant. That's true, because she's my sister and I care for her. That boy, whoever he is, I don't give a single shit about him. I don't even know his name, so why, in the world would I risk anything of mine for him." Rio said, his voice devoid of any emotions. Like he didn't just talk about killing anyone and everyone, but Rebecca had no time to think about that as she replied back in her righteous tone. 

"We save them because we have the power to protect them. It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak. That's how the world works." 

"That, princess. Is a dialogue best suited for the book you read before you go to bed. But it doesn't mean anything when you leave your bed and walk into the real world." Rio said, his words dripping with annoyance and irritation he felt towards her now.

"Not everyone's like you. There are people who are good and kind and just." Rebecca said, clenching her fists in anger. 

"Good, kind, just -Don't make me laugh." Rio said. "That's just a charade people put on themselves to hide their real intentions. No one's helping anyone for free, hell no one's even doing anything for free. If you didn't learn this lesson after being born a royalty, then I don't know what else to say?"

"Then don't say anything. I'm not asking you to." Rebecca replied. 

"Well, good. It wasn't me who came here asking about stuff." Rio said. 

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"It was my fault that I came here asking questions about morals with you." Rebecca said, thinking how just talking to him today was a waste of time. 

"Fine. Then if you got your answers, then just leave already." Rio shouted, pointing towards the stairs below. He was annoyed at how even after he clearly explained it all, she's still stuck on the same line. 

"It's MY palace. You should be the one to leave." Rebecca said, pushing his hand away. 

"Fine then. Goodbye." Rio said, as he turned around. 

"Just go already." Rebecca said. 

"I'm GOING." Rio said, looking over his shoulder. "No one likes banging their head on stupid walls anyway." He muttered as he left. 

"Who're you calling stupid, you're the one who's stupid. Did you hear me, you're the stupid one." Rebecca shouted looking at him leaving without even turning back. He even dragged Amelia away, who was coming to her. 

"What are you all looking at?" She said looking around, and seeing some people gathered around and looking in her direction, hoping to see some drama. 

'Aaaahhhhh' Rebecca screamed in her head in anger, while trying to maintain her outside appearance. She was now cursing the moment she left her bed this morning. 

'It really is the worst birthday ever.'

(Worry not, my little princess. For we've only reached the interval, the climax of the event is where all the fun happens.) 


Walking away from that annoying princess, Rio's brain started going back to the storyline of this event written in the novel. Even though he thought he changed everything, Rebecca's nuisance-like behavior made him doubt if that was enough or not. 

If Rebecca was hellbent on stuff like this, then if she what would happen next, would she fight him to death or something. 

'No, I still need to see it all for myself to be sure.' He thought. 


In the novel, after getting beaten by the villains, Leon was taken outside from the event hall and in some guest rooms, where they gave him a healing potion and let him rest, so it could heal his wounds. 

Lying in bed, Leon groggily moved his eyes hearing some words. I think you should take a look at

"How long do we have to stay here?"

"Until he wakes up at least. Who knows if those sons of nobles would come to beat him again if we leave now."

"This guy had to pick fights with them. If not for her, they would've beaten him half dead by now. He was lucky she saved him."

Hearing the conversation between guards standing near the door, Leon woke up. 

He held his head, as he tried to remember where he was. His brain slowly started playing all the things that happened from the moment he left his home. It took a moment for him to finally remember he was still at the party and still hadn't done what he came here for. 

"Noo, I should go find the princess. Those guys already wasted enough of my time."

Leaving his bed in a hurry, slowly wincing at the discomfort and slight pain that still lingered in his body. 

He ran from the room leaving the guards surprised at what happened. But then they ignored him again. They still had other things and places to keep watch on, instead of wondering why a 10 year old acted like a kid. 

Standing at what seemed like a crossroads of corridors in the castle, Leon halted his steps, as he remembered he didn't know his way around here. 

'Damn it. I should have asked those guards where the main hall was. Now I can't even go back. Would I really meet the princess today? What if I don't find her?' He thought, but then shook his head, clearing his depressing thoughts and muttered "No, I won't give up like this." 

"Let's see, I was coming from the right, then turned around and ran through that big window, then.. Arghh' Leon tried to trace his path back, but he realized now he came to a pathway, and both corridors looked similar to each other. 

'Dam it. I can't even see anyone here whom I can ask for help. It's all because of those bullies.' His anger rose again as he remembered how those unreasonable kids picked a fight with him and beat him. If it weren't for them he would've already found the princess or at least he would've been in the hall, now he was just lost. 

'If I don't find the princess today. I'll never forgive them.' He thought, clenching his fists in anger. 

'I also have to find that girl who saved me from those bullies. I couldn't even see her clearly because of all those guys surrounding me.'

Leon thought, remembering the girl's voice he heard, when he thought he was getting beaten badly. She was the only one who came forward from the crowd and saved him, so he at least wanted to thank her before leaving. But again, he didn't know where to find her either. 

Frustration welled up within him, but then he heard someone's stern voice from behind, which stopped all his thoughts. 

"What are you doing here? This area's not for guests."

"I was lost, I didn't mean to wander off." Leon said in a hurry, a little scared thinking he ran off somewhere he shouldn't have. He didn't want to stay here and delay any more of his time explaining anything. If some guards stopped him then they could call his father, and then he won't be able to meet the princess alone. 

So without turning around he said "Then I'll go back." And started walking in a hurry. 'Please don't stop me, don't stop me, please don't ..' He was praying while speeding away, when he heard the voice again and halted his steps. 

"Wait, you're that boy from before, right. The one who was getting beaten. How are you now?" 

 "Ahh I was that.." Leon relied as he turned around, but stopped mid sentence, as he looked at a little girl, standing there, hands on her waist, waiting for an answer. 

"You're, what?" Amelia asked, tilting her head. 

"Ohh nothing." Leon said, getting out of his trance " I'm fine now. Thank you for saving me from them. If it weren't for you, I don't know what those guys must have done to me." 

Leon said while bowing a little, thinking Amelia was the one who saved him from those bullies, and was here to check on him or something. 

While he was feeling grateful and happy that he found his savior easily. Amelia was looking at him with a confused face, with the clear expression of 'what is he talking about.' 

She just saw him getting beaten by some kids, while she was playing with Rebecca in the hall. But that time before she could do anything, Rebecca already went ahead and solved everything. 

So she ignored everyone. But somehow here this guy was thanking her, who did nothing, but stood silent.

'He's confusing me with Rebecca huh. But we don't look anything similar. Even our hair color and clothes are different too. Was he unconscious, or is he dumb?' She thought. 


A/N - So this is how the hero was supposed to meet the villain's sister and his fiancee for the first time. Obviously Rio already changed the course of events so the spoon fed man baby doesn't get anywhere close to Amelia. 

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