Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 134 Daughter Of Destiny That He Wants To Meet

"What do you think they'll announce?"

"Who knows, But it won't be the engagement, as everyone thought?"

"Huh why is that?"

"Who knows? I think it's something to do with the rumors that's been going around, the new business Blake's are setting up?"

"I thought those were just rumors."

"We'll know about them soon enough."

Conversations like these happening everywhere in the main hall, as everyone heard that king Maximus is going to make an announcement after the ceremony. 

Every guest was gathered in the open hall where main celebrations were going to take place, along with the exchange of gifts and well wishes. 

After that an official dance event was going to take place, starting off with the pairs of nobles, and then to their children and other guests. 

After that the event was supposed to end for the night. 

The people who've come from outside Schilla would still stay at the capital for a day or two, where the king and other nobles and guilds would try their chances about forging new alliances and getting new allies. 

The normal political talks, along with some business ideas that needed investments and partnerships, would be shared and agreed upon. 

Since not many gatherings like this could be hosted without something major happening around the world, many different issues and problems would be addressed too. 

But Rio had no interest in all of it. 

He knew that after king Maximus announced about the new partnership between all 3 houses, he would only need to meet and greet many other noble kids. Who'll flock to him, cause their parents told them too. 

Even though some of them were characters of the novel, and play some important roles in the story, he wasn't interested in getting close to them so early. 

In just a few hours of the event - He had already seen the villains acting petty and arrogant. He had seen heroines acting cold and prideful. He had seen the bullying act and saving the hero act already. So there wasn't anything left he needed to see now. 

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He was actually planning to see the second heroine of the beginning stages, but she didn't attend the party. So there wasn't anything else. 

Though Rio was a little disappointed that he couldn't meet her now, but what he didn't know, was that another surprise awaited him when she would come face to face with him. 

'The one heroine from the Belmonts and Grayborn family were still too young to attend these events, so they weren't here. Stormswill heroine is here but she's smart, so I'll let her be for now, lest I bring her attention to me for no reason.'

'I'll just meet them all later, anyway. So what's the rush?' Rio thought. 

At first he was going to attend the party and keep an eye on the second part of this event - 'Failed Awakenings' 

but after witnessing how the interaction between the princess and the protagonist went, he wasn't much worried about that either. 

He had already finished his plans and Rebecca had already showed her stance, and at this point of time, it was enough.

 Now even if she learned the truth later on, she wouldn't be able to do anything, as by then, he would have Artemis help the Baron first instead. 

'It'll be fun to see what her reactions would be then. Would she feel angry at herself, cause she didn't listen to leon today. Or will she be impressed by my righteousness.' Rio thought with a smile, imagining her face. 

There was no role of Amelia in what's going to happen next, but still as a safety precaution he left her with Artemis. Highlighting that she should watch over her for tonight. 

With Artemis's character and the way she's been acting ever since he told her about the fate of everyone, Rio had no doubts she'd understand what he meant and would keep her close. 

He had stopped the meeting between Amelia and Leon easily. But even without Amelia's guidance, Leon still managed to meet with Rebecca in the garden. 

It could either be a coincidence where Leon simply lost his way and stumbled upon Rebecca. Or it could be something like fate or his halo secretly helping him. 

But that wasn't going to be the case for his meeting with Amelia. Since Rio knew there were more important stuff that's going to happen soon. And even his halo wouldn't risk altering the main event, just so he could meet her. 

So Rio didn't worry about her, and left the hall. From what he asked of Esme and what he learned himself, the time for another flashback event was going on too. 

Another heroine was going to sprout soon, and he decided to take a look at her himself. 

While in Rebecca's case he had decided to let her awaken, and act on her own for now. He decided to alter the beginning of this new heroine himself. 

After all, unknowingly, he had already changed her fate 2 months ago. 

He informed his parents that he was going back to their mansion to get some rest, cause he wasn't feeling well, with all the noise and crowd. 

Though he, Artemis and Amelia had been living in the palace for the past 2 days due to Athena's invitation. When Agnus arrived today morning, they had shifted to their own mansion in the Haven city.

After sending both Myra and Esme to watch over him and keep him company, his parents allowed Rio to leave. 

They didn't have to worry for his safety since the mansion was well protected, and guards of Agnus and envoys of the Raven family were staying there too. 

Along with all the artifacts he wore, and how both Myra and Esme followed him. They let him go.

Even those from the faction of Strays or Evil's Scion weren't a fool to attack someone in the capital, let alone when every important character was present there. I think you should take a look at

Doing so would result in the wrath of every noble and elite house, and they would gain nothing. 

Especially since the security was heightened to maximum and hunt for them, was on an all time high, due to the curse attack on Rio and then the attack on a Baron. 


Yes, everyone thinks the death of Noah, was actually an attack on Baron Misha, done by Evil's Scion. It was all due to rumors of sightings of their logos in Harendale, and some fake proofs Camilla left behind to confuse everyone. 

The guards Artemis dispatched to bring back Esme, also planted some fake proof here and there, and killed some known members of Evil's Scion, making it look like suicide. 

This only made more rumors that the team sent to attack Baron failed and killed themselves.

Though no one was sure why evil's scion would attack a Baron, but they had no other proof or theory about who or why someone would do this. So everyone could only blame the terrorists. 


After getting out from the hall and reaching their car, Rio sat on the backseat along with Myra, while Esme started driving. 

Though leaving like this midway might be considered an insult to the host, his family were still attending the event. King Maximus didn't care about him, and what other guests thought didn't matter to him. 

As soon as their vehicle left the vicinity of the palace, Rio closed his eyes to take some rest. 

"Take the longer and peaceful route, I don't want any more noise." He informed Esme while adjusting his seat backwards, so he could sleep properly. 

In his half asleep state his thoughts trailed back to the story of novel, and how the second and main part of this event - Failed Awakening, was described there. 


In the novel, after their initial meeting Rebecca agreed to Leon's request, and left to talk with her father about it. Leon was left alone outside, lost in his dreams. 

Since the girl he just met promised him to convince the princess to help his mother, he was sure his mother would be saved soon. 

He was imagining how happy his family would be, and how he'd repay the favors of the princess and royal family later.

 He also needed to meet and thank the girl again, who first saved him and then his mother too. 

'Maybe I'll take her to meet my mother. She would like that, right.' Leon thought. 

He didn't know his savior earlier was the princess, so he was happy he could find someone nice, who'd help him. 

His first experience in this party wasn't nice. He had been insulted, beaten and bullied -but he didn't mind it now. It all ended well, so he was happy. 

"Dam that bastard. It's all his fault. Now I can't even take part in the dance because of him."

Leon was lost in his thoughts, when he heard someone shouting. Feeling curious, he decided to take a look at the source of the voice. 

When he did see the boy, that voice belonged to, he couldn't help but be surprised. 

It was that black haired bully who made fun of him at the beginning, and talked bad about his mother. He remembered his name was Lincoln or something. 

But that wasn't the surprising part, what surprised him was that Lincoln was currently walking around with a limp leg. His once arrogant expressions, now replaced with a mask of anger and pain. And every time he took a step, he would end up cursing someone again. 

"I swear, I'll grow up and beat that bastard."

"Who does he think he is?"

"And his minions too. How dare they look down on me."

He kept walking, and kept throwing curses at anyone he could remember. 

Looking at his pitiful condition Leon wanted to laugh at him. And maybe even make fun of him like they did to him before. A smirk came to his face, as the thought to even go forward and beat him back, also came to his mind.

The feeling of having his revenge, and beating the bully who insulted his mother, seemed infinitely possible and sweet. 

But thinking about his father's warning about not fighting with nobles. And the words of the girl earlier who saved him, he stopped himself.

He decided to turn back and go to the event hall. 

'Maybe I'll find that little girl from earlier again. I'll thank her for her help again.' Leon thought, and decided to leave. 

But how can trouble ever leave the protagonist alone. If he didn't look for it, trouble would simply come to him instead. 

And that's exactly what happened next. 


A/N - So what do u guys think, which heroine's popping up next? What did he change & what he meant by altering her beginning? 

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