Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 138 Failed Awakening III

Chapter 138  Failed Awakening III

Everyone watched from the outside, while Rebecca was going through her awakening. Looking at the surrounding blueish mana, and feeling the slightly humid glass windows, anyone could guess what element Rebecca would awaken.

Water, or at least something that is related to it. Could be ice, vapor or maybe weather magic.

In the world of Arcadia all 7 main elements are versatile. Something that could be channeled and used in any form the awakener is suitable with. While the variant or complex elements have always been biased towards their creation.

Like a water mage, could be an attacker, defender or healer based on his own wish and mastery. But ice mage wouldn't have that many options.

Same is the case with their mastery too. An awakener with water element, would have an easier time mastering or understanding it's other variants, then the opposite.

And since whatever element one awakened as a child, would be their main element their whole life, many preferred if one got 1 of the 7 main elements to choose from.

Well, but these choices didn't affect royal or elite families. Because they simply don't lack the resources to make their kids superior to others, so it wasn't a big deal for them.

Unlike poor poppers, most of the time rich folks already know, what their children would awaken and what path they could take.

Through the use of some artifacts or by the help of some God, they're always prepared for a better safe awakening, then what normal people go through at the churches.

<As again, artifacts as useful as those are hoarded by big families for generations. And Gods, well, it's simple, they'd be more inclined to help those who can be more useful to them in return.

 Instead of using their powers to guide some country bumpkin with zero talent, hoping he'd grow up and change the world for the better, and make their name famous. They only choose to help those, where their favors and use of powers is worth their time and effort.

After all, even Gods can't act on whim with world system being there. So to do what they wish, or to use their powers on mortals, they also have to pay a certain price.>

That was the case here too.

As the second Rebecca started her elemental awakening, king Maximus signaled his guards, who immediately pumped the whole room with shit tons of mana, making sure Rebecca has a smooth way ahead.

They had already known the princess had the highest affinity of water related elements for years, and all the necessary stuff needed to help her awaken faster were already prepared.

Even the formation made around her on a hurry, and the artifacts couldn't take the pain as a ear wrenching scream escaped her mouth.

which could help channeling of mana ffaster, were prepared for her almost instantly.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But still the amount of mana inside became too much for her to handle. Her body was simply unable to channel, or control that much mana and failed to transform it.

As she failed for the first time, all the mana in the surroundings started pressuring her body.

Getting crushed from the inside and outside, finally Rebecca couldn't take the pain as a ear wrenching scream escaped her mouth.

Blood started coming out from her eyes and ears and nose, as she continued screaming, unable to handle the constantly increasing pressure.

One moment it felt like she'd be crushed into a ball, while next it was like her body would just burst open like a balloon - unable to handle the mana inside.

Athena who was standing near her, on the one side of the room watched her in pain, she started moving forwards to help her, but then a wave of water hit her body, which sent her crashing away. Her body flying like a broken kite went away breaking through the wall, and falling outside the room.

-- cough cough --

Athena waved her hand and all the debris and smoke around her disappeared. She wiped the trickle of blood from her lips, as she glared at the room.

Artemis went ahead to help her sister, while the King and Agnus went inside to stop the awakening.

But as soon as their feet crossed the boundary of the room, a pressure all too familiar fell on their bodies, pushing them back from the room.

They both stood there gazing into the room with a surprised expression, not even trying to get back inside.

"What's happening?" Athena asked, slowly standing up, with Artemis's support. "Rebecca, she's _ she's still inside." She said.

"Someone else's inside too. Probably a God. We should wait." Agnus informed them, while trying to utilize his mana to look inside the room.

The lightning crystals and the burning ores inside had already stopped working, pushing the room into the darkness of night.

If that wasn't enough a fog started spreading all around the room, covering all the glass windows and stopping the vision from those standing outside.

The only thing visible inside the mist was, the bluish forms of mana, that would sprout from time to time.

Agnus's words shocked Athena. As she was the only one inside the room.

She had clearly seen Rebecca's condition. She wanted to stop this awakening that instant, as she knew, her daughter won't be able to handle it.

That's why she went ahead to help her, when suddenly something pushed her away.

Now listening, it was actually a God, she was not happy at this new guest's uninvited arrival, but more worried about Rebecca's safety.

Who knows what kind of God they are?

Are they here to help, to bless her daughter, or just to see some drama and let her suffer.

No one knew and no one could be sure.

That's why she still tried to go inside by herself, hoping to bring Rebecca back, as she said "But my daughter's inside. We have to stop this awakening this instant or _ "

"Awakening's already over Athena. She will be fine, don't worry." Maximus said, while pulling Athena back. "It might be a blessing for her, we can't disturb her."

Though his words did little to comfort the worried heart of a mother, but her husband didn't say anything more.

As he was now busy looking at the goddess standing inside, contemplating if risking his only daughter's life for a chance to get her a blessing would be worth it or not.

[Don't be arrogant, mortal. Take one step inside and you can forget about asking for my help after that.]

'Who is she?' Instead of answering his chosen God Indra's notification, Maximus asked back.

[Someone you can use to further your plans.]

[She's the perfect addition for our chances of success. Do not mess everything up for a petty emotion.]

Indra's words were like the sweet words of whisper from the Devil she failed now, she would only lose the chance to awaken her element for now, and maybe suffer some minor injuries.

in his ears, working as the final nail in the coffin where Rebecca would be placed if she failed.

Maximus finally made his mind and made the decision to let it be.

"It's her elemental awakening, even if she failed, she'll be fine and there won't be a danger to her life. Let's wait a little." He said. His tone and words leaving little to argue back, as they were indeed the truth.

As he said to Athena, the awakening was already over, and even if she failed now, she would only lose the chance to awaken her element for now, and maybe suffer some minor injuries.

But if she succeeded, not only she'd have her elemental awakening, but also a blessing from someone whom Indra considered useful to his plans.

Maximus didn't doubt Indra's words on that, since they both shared the same vision. That's why they've been together, helping each other for years.

But Maximus forgot one very important thing, -that their goals might be aligned for now, but their limits weren't.

The king of the Hindu Deva's (Gods) had all the time in the world to reach his goals, while Maximus, who was a mortal, didn't.

'If anything happened to her _' Maximus said, and stopped his warning midway, knowing that Indra would understand his meaning.

He was willing to bet on his daughter's chances of success and stand down, but it didn't mean he didn't care about her at all. After all, she was far too important to him.

In response to Maximus's serious warning Indra only scoffed and left.

Maximus turned his attention towards Servirous, who was standing there with his eyes closed.

"What do you think. Can you see what's happening inside?" Maximus asked. As the mist inside was even making his skills fail.

 His eyes were starting to hurt, so he canceled his skill of blessing.

He asked Servirous, since he also had a skill similar to his, which lets him see everything. And unlike him, the head of Raven family had mastered his blessing to perfection.

"You shouldn't have listened to him." Servirous said, his face blank of any expression.

His words confused everyone around him, but Maximus understood them.

Inside the room, when the amount of mana finally became too much, Rebecca lost control, her body floated in the air for a second, before falling down with a thud.

No more sound of screams or sobbing of the girl could be heard outside.

 The room completely took the form of silence, where except the slow whistling sound the overflowing mana nothing could be heard.

The presence that everyone could feel inside the room disappeared next second too, and so did the mist and the pressure that covered everything.

The first to enter the room were Athena and Artemis, who wasted no time as they both took out the best healing potion they had on them and started feeding it to Rebecca.

But alas the damage caused by the excess mana and the failed awakening was too much to heal in meagre seconds.

Even though her battered body looked healed from the outside, healing the internal wounds or repairing the damaged veins wasn't so easily possible.

'She failed.' Maximus thought, looking at Rebecca and noticing the extent of her injuries.

[Miserably too] Indra said, in a disappointed tone.

"Which God was it?" Athena asked, as she hugged Rebecca's unconscious body. Her tone for the first time dripped with anger.

Her shoulders trembled in fury as she gently wiped the blood stains from her daughter's face.

"Tell me, who was it?"

She asked as her eyes started glowing, and all the windows inside the room started shattering one by one.

A/N - Do u guys wanna know what an angry queen/mother can do?

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