Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 140 The Best Gift

'I should just give up. Mother must be worried about me.' 

Rebecca thought, and cursed again, that this birthday really was the worst one. From beginning till the end, nothing good happened to her. 

As the memories of her whole day passed in her head, her attention got pulled towards a certain memory from yesterday night. 

It was when she cut the cake of her birthday and celebrated it with only her family. 

She received gifts and well wishes from everyone. And when the number of that white haired boy came, he just passed her some small box, saying this is the best gift of her life. 

She was so happy when she heard those words cause she remembered how Amelia said, he gave her those beautiful earrings. Even her mother praised them. 

Thinking he bought her something similar too. She happily looked inside, but all her hopes were lost, as what she found was a single bottle of potion. 

Thinking it was just some normal healing potion or some prank that lazy boy pulled, she didn't even look at it twice and gave it to Cassie. who in turn put it into her storage ring. 

<All her gifts and personal items are stored in the storage ring that she always wears. But due to being unawakened, everytime she wants to use it, she either has to find her mother or ask her shadows help.>

'It's the best gift of your life, princess. You better keep it safe.'

Remembering his words again, she didn't know why, but her fingers traced her silver ring, and as she focused, the vial of potion he gave, was now placed in her hands next second. 

She had already tried enough herself, and was already on the verge to collapse as her body started to feel swollen to her. Half her body was already numb and she couldn't even feel it anymore. 

Opening the cap, she drank the potion in one big gulp, emptying it whole. 

At this time, Maximus and Agnus who had just entered the room to stop the awakening saw her drinking some potion, and then they were both pushed back.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Doesn't she know healing potions don't work during awakening?" Agnus asked, while looking at Maximus. 

"That wasn't a healing potion." Maximus said, and utilized his skill of blessing - A King's gaze. 

Looking inside, at the changes in her body, and the mana surrounding her, Maximus wore a surprised expression, as some doubts came to his head. 

"Is that _ ?" He muttered, as his brain started putting all the pieces together

"Looks like it." His doubts were cleared, when Servirous too opened his eyes and nodded his head. 

"What is it? What's happening inside? What are you talking about?" Athena asked, coming near them. 

"The best gift." Maximus said, finally a smile coming to his face. 


As Rebecca drank the potion, her whole body started feeling light. A warm sensation enveloped her. As she closed her eyes, cause this feeling brought her some relief amidst all the pain she felt. 

The potion she took was none other than Pura Corpus Potion Rio made himself. Knowing Rebecca would fail, he already prepared and passed it on to her. 

He knew the potion would work on her, since he knew the protagonist used this potion on himself in the novel, and it worked out just fine. 

Rio would've had her drink this potion before, but that would've brought him more attention considering how he knew she'd awaken next day. 

But now it all worked out fine, he hoped she'd drink it, and he'll be successful in what he wanted.

 If it didn't, well, he still had a backup plan prepared for it, a little risky but that would've ensured everything worked even better. 

It didn't take long for the potion to does its magic, as the veins blocking the path of mana, obstructing it, were all opened, and Rebecca could finally feel the flow of mana within herself. 

Now inside the room instead of what was written in the novel, the princess started turning all that mana into her newly awakened element - water. 

Her body, which was supposed to be unable to allow the flow of mana, was now smoothly channeling the mana in the room and transforming it bit by bit. 

Instead of the fog of a goddess that covered the room, this time everyone could see the fog dispersing and water gathering around Rebecca's body.

Soon the level of it started rising up and her body started floating over it. 

Her feet weren't touching the ground now, as she stood straight on the water. 

[Goddess Selene nods her head in approval]I think you should take a look at

[Goddess of moon gives you her blessing : waves of water]

As the notification appeared on her status screen, a gentle light marked her hand and the silhouette of the woman became formless water again and fell down. 

Rebecca looked at her wrists where a tattoo of half moon could be seen, which soon merged into her skin and disappeared. 


As soon as the goddess left, Maximus and Artemis entered the room. With a wave of his hand Maximus evaporated all the water and blasted all the remaining mana away from Rebecca. 

The walls formed cracks as the whistling mana hit the corners of the room, but that was the end of it. 

Agnus went forward and caught Rebecca's body, which was falling down as she lost her footing suddenly. 

Athena came next to check on her, while making her drink all kinds of potion that Artemis passed her. 

In just a few moments, Rebecca's body was fully healed, and finally some color came back to her face. 

"I did it, mother. Just like him." She managed to say, before the exhaustion finally caught up to her, and she fell unconscious in her mother's embrace. 

Athena hugged her tightly, as she kept kissing her forehead. A small smile and some tears of happiness were visible on her face, as she couldn't handle her emotions. 

It had really been a rollercoaster ride for her heart.

Agnus and Servirous congratulated the king, who was still standing silently, probably thinking over the miraculous effects of the potion she took. 

He already realized it was the same product that the Blake's planned to sell and he just announced the deal of. 

His eyes darted outside the room and one look at the people who followed behind him, and there surprised expression was enough to tell him, that they heard everything he said too. 

'With this the demand of this potion would increase a hundredfold, and _ .'

He thought and clicked his tongue, as he realized no matter how happy he was before, the Blake's would still earn enough to not care about the profits he took the shares of. 

[You set the stage and announced its arrival. While your daughter showed it off.]

[They're good, really good.] Indra said, laughing at the sudden turn of events. 


The King's Gaze - 

Skill - Blessing (active)

God - Devraj (Godking) Indra

Effects - The King's gaze is the lesser version of the ability 'The thousand eyes' . 

With this user can see everything within a certain range or their domain. 

The first level of this skill, allows the user to master their vision to superhuman level. And with their mastery, they can have their eyes monitor every corner of the domain they own. 

The range and cost of this blessing, increases the further one is to their domain. 

<Maximus had used the Royal Palace as the origin of his domain, ranging up to the boundaries of the whole Haven itself. There is nothing in the city, that can escape his eyes, if he decides to look for it.>

Limitation - Those with high spiritual or mental power can sense the use of skill and resist it. 

Ineffective against those of superior strength than the user. 

Warning - Beware to use this skill freely, some God's hate prying eyes on their followers. Lest you end up seeing something you shouldn't. 


A/N - now that that's done. Let's get back to our villain, now shall we. 

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