Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 179 Security Checks Of The Academy

Exiting the portal, Rio stepped onto the ground, Amelia following suit. He surveyed his surroundings and noticed a steady stream of people emerging from the similar magic portals nearby. 

The current location they were in was an open expanse within the branch of the World Association. The direct teleportation to the academies was barred due to spatial magic limitations enforced by the protective barriers surrounding the academies. This was why branches of the World Association were established on each floating island. All transportation and teleportation converged at these branches, subjecting individuals to thorough inspections and registrations before they could proceed to the academies.

The portals nearby were opening and closing on a regular basis. As once someone used a portal and stepped out, a staff member would come forward to take them away for the security check and their registration. No matter the status, everyone had to go through this process. 

Since the academy was going to start from tomorrow, many other students from everywhere were coming to the islands. Ignoring the curious gazes and hushed whispers of others, Rio and Amelia followed the staff towards the section of the area reserved for the new students. 

Since no one other than the academy staff, students, and people authorized by the world association - lived on the floating islands, there wasn't any crowd or lines to wait around.

 In the security check even the storage rings and other storage items were given a scan too.

The magic artifacts students brought with them had to be recorded down too. And if they were considered a threat they were confiscated and not allowed inside. 

All these details were basically known by everyone, as the world association and the academy sent them in the brochures along with the admission letters to every student. The guidance to follow was clearly written there. 

These protocols were applicable solely to new students. As students progressed through the academy, their permissions and freedoms expanded annually. The staff adhered to the same hierarchy, with increasing influence and authority corresponding to each grade. These protocols were tightened following the incident that occurred two years ago, stemming from the security breaches that culminated in Warzy's attack and multiple casualties of both staff and students. Something like that doesn't happen again, that's why extra precautions were employed. 

'All this reminds me of going to some airports.' Rio thought and smiled. All these checks and procedures were really similar to earth's way of doing check in, visa check, baggage checks. 

[Maybe whoever came up with this idea took some inspiration from a modern world dungeon. Arcadia does have a habit of copying stuff from everywhere.] System spoke, agreeing with its host's thoughts. 

Seeing all this timepass efforts, even the system found it amusing and wanted to laugh, especially as it glanced at its well-stocked inventory. There really were too many things kept inside. 

"How long will it take?" Amelia said, already getting tired from all this. Her words prompted a smile from some other students who were near them. 

Following the submission of their storage rings, defensive artifacts, and weapons, they were required to wait as their contents were scanned and their mana signatures recorded. 

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Each magical artifact and tool possessed a unique mana signature, similar to the distinct signature of each living individual. The staff maintained a database of these signatures, determining the safety and compliance of the items within the allowance rules. 

 Since stripping every artifact wasn't fair, as nobility and elite families prided themselves in them. And some artifacts were known to be helpful in their practice and training, so taking them away wasn't fair. But also letting rich kids have a surplus of artifacts, had a risk of increasing incidents like bullying and disparity. And that goes against the world association's slogans of impartiality and equal treatment. So only selected artifacts were allowed.

Classifying artifacts according to their rank was a complex task. A divine artifact crafted by trickster gods might be virtually useless, while a lower-ranked artifact bound by a blessing could pose considerable danger. To ascertain the nature, effects, and applications of each artifact, individuals with blessings similar to appraisal or all-seeing eyes were appointed. These awakeners had the sole responsibility for this meticulous assessment process.

It took around half an hour to finish everything, and Rio and Amelia could finally step out of that building. 

"Do we have to do this every time we come and go?" Amelia asked, her voice sounding a little tired.

Rio just shook his head and replied "Not every time. Since the artifacts have been recorded in their database, along with all the other details, we won't need to wait that long next time. You just need to show them your id and they'd just do a small scan and let you go."

Amelia's stomach growled, and she rubbed her abdomen. "Let's go get something to eat. I'm hungry," she suggested with a hopeful look. 

Hearing her asking for food again, when she had just come here after eating a ton of food made by Artemis. Rio glanced at her skeptically. He looked at her, she was still a slim and flat stomach, just where does all the food she eats goes. He was really curious. 

Noticing her brother's gaze, Amelia rolled her eyes and playfully hit his shoulder. "I ate real food at home. What I want now is dessert. Let's go try something new." she insisted.

She had long heard the food of the floating islands was a delicacy. How can she miss this chance when she's here? Once they report to the academy, who knows when they'll be free to come out or roam around freely like this.

Since every thing any student needs is already present in the academy's shopping malls and shops, how can they visit outside. Even if someday they got some time from their free schedule, knowing her brother's lazy habits, he'd just sleep in his room, instead of going out to visit anything. 

Even though the entry of general public was restricted on the islands, one can't just ignore the things of daily necessities and some entertainment for the students. Otherwise they'd simply be to stressed living in the academy walls. That's why world association had made everything here only. 

Obviously they didn't forget the business aspect of it. So every 5 year, they'd open a quota for famous shops, restaurants, hotels, entertainment sites and other businesses to compete for the positions to open their branches on these islands. 

Since all types of talented students from every race and kind were studying in these academies, this competition would become extra hard, as the businesses not only can earn profits and recognition of the world, but also get a chance to come into contact with new leaders of the next generation. This chance of getting close or forming a connection with the nobility, royalty or simply geniuses is a bait everyone jumped at. Thus this became another source of income for the world academy. 

To ensure that no one betrays the academy and world association, or does anything to harm the islands, they had to swear and sign mana oaths. So the safety of the place could still be guaranteed. 

"You studied here, what's the best dessert?" Amelia asked curiously. Since her brother knew her tastes and what she likes, he'll definitely know the best place to eat. 

Rio looked at the time, and sighed. "We're running late, Amy. I promised Bernhardt, Rebecca, and Ayla that we'd meet them at the academy. They've been waiting since morning."

Amelia pouted, "I'm really hungry though,"

Rio gave her a pointed look. "You have a ring full of food that Amber made. You can eat that. Come on, we're running late."

He had seen how hard his little chef heroine had to work for the past few days, to prepare everything that Amelia liked and take her with. 

"But..." Amelia started to protest.

"No more 'buts.' You're at C-rank now. How can you still be hungry?" Rio questioned, amused and genuinely puzzled. 

Sometimes he even doubted if she really ate some storage rings like Artemis said, and now all her food gets stored in them. If he didn't know about her antics from childhood, he might've really asked the system to do a scan on her body and see if there's something wrong with her tummy.

"Humph. What about my rank? Is that even a big thing - You jumped back 4 ranks overnight like a rocket." Amelia said, remembering about the rockus their family had, when Rio's rank spontaneously restored after he woke up one morning.

Even her mother, who always sided with brother, had a beyond belief expression. At first she thought she trained hard day and night for these 2 years, and would even protect her brother and beat him up if he didn't do as she says. But then one day, he just crosses all ranks and gets his old rank back, leaving her behind. 

Her brother said it was because of Nyx's help, but still, was a primordial's powers that big. Remembering her own goddess, who's also a primordial she really couldn't help but compare. 

[Nyx laughs at her rival.]

[She's pleased with your performance and praises. She says she forgives you for using her name.]

Rio looked at these notifications confused, what was going on with her now. When he looked at Amelia, who was staring at air with a sour mood, probably talking with her contracted goddess. Even he wanted to smile at her now, since knowing Amy she's probably comparing them badly now. 

'Who knew Amelia would one day side with Nyx over Gauri and call her superior?' Rio thought and smiled. 

(This plot is really messed up) system thought, comparing the vast differences between this and what was written in the novel. 


A/N - so we see the academy tomorrow. And also the princesses and the stepping stone. 

Also yes, he already fooled the chef heroine called Amber. She's a sweet little cute doll, whom you'll meet later. 

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