Life of Debauchery with Harem of Goddesses

Chapter 26: Sect Master

Chapter 26: Sect Master

Karan reached sect master's mansion with Yifeng. They both remained silent while coming here.

Sect master's residence was contained in a big rectangular area. It was surrounded by high beautiful walls with a big mansion in the middle.

Two beautiful women were guarding the entrance gate. Seeing Yifeng they opened the door and allowed the duo to go inside.

Karan was amused by what he saw inside. There was a stone road that leads to the mansion where sect master resides.

Mansion was surrounded by a big garden. A mixture of sweet fragrance hit Karan's nose. There were various types of trees, plants, flowers, and herbs grown here. This place looked like the closest to nature than anywhere in the sect.

Karan and Yifeng walked to the mansion door taking the sweet fragrance that calmed their mind.

Outside the door, one more beautiful woman was acting as a guard. Like the two before, she allowed the Yifeng and Karan to enter when she saw that sect elder is visiting.

Similar to outside, the inside of the mansion was very beautiful. There were plants in pots placed at the windows, most of the furniture was made of wood. The mansion didn't look a modern-type.

Yifeng walked through the mansion as he knew exactly where he wants to go. Karan followed him while observing his surroundings.

"Don't try to act over-smart in front of our sect master," Yifeng warned Karan. "She is a very considerate person but a lot more ruthless if you get on her nerves."

Karan nodded.

Both of them entered a room after a couple of minutes of walking.

The room like a lab or workshop where lots of herbs and different kinds of things were present. The smell of chemicals was filled in the room.

Karan looked at the two women who were present in the room.

The first one was Su Ling, who smiled after seeing Karan. She was looking as gorgeous as ever.

When Karan looked at the second woman his heart skipped a beat. She was one of the most stunning and ravishing women he had ever seen in his life.

She was sitting on a tool with her sexy leg crossed over the other while wearing glasses and looking at a test tube.

The woman of heavenly beauty was none other than sect master of the Crescent Moon Sect, Xia Xinyue.

"Greeting sect master." Yifeng moved forward and gave Xinyue a bow.

After a couple of seconds, she moved her attention to him. Karan noticed that even Yifeng is scared of sect master.

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"This is Karan. I think he has the potential to become a core disciple." Yifeng politely said as he placed his hand on Karan's shoulder.

"Oh it's not even a week and you want to become a sect disciple?" Xinyue grinned.

"And elder Yifeng, you can go now," Xinyue said.

"As you wish." Yifeng bowed once again and left.

"So, you are not in the Divine realm whereas it's a prerequisite and still you think you can become a core disciple?" Xinyue asked Karan.

"I would like to give it a try," Karan said.

"Impressive. I can't just make you a core disciple on my own." Xinyue said. "But I'll give you a mission. If you can complete then you have proved yourself."

"Very well." Karan agreed with her terms.

"I want you to bring me Spirit Hogweed that grows at the top of Mount Hua," Xinyue told what he has to do to complete the mission.

"Sect Master, it's too dangerous for him. Even core disciples would have a hard time doing it." Su Ling interrupted. "It is a suicide mission."

"If he can't do it then he doesn't need to. But he has to give up on becoming core disciple for now." Xinyue removed her glasses showing her enchanting eyes.

"No, I'll do it." Karan clearly stated.

"I like courage but I hate it when it comes from overconfidence," Xinyue said while smiling at Karan.

"Then I'll take my leave." Karan turned and moved towards the exit. "I'll come later with Spirit Hogweed."

Karan left.

"Sect master, do you really think he can do it?" Su Ling asked.

"What do you think?" Xinyue counter questioned.

"Can't say for sure but he will surprise us." Su Ling said.

Xinyue smiled hearing her response.


'A suicide mission? I need to get some to go along with me." Karan thought as he was still not a lot knowledgeable about this world like a local.

He went to the sect bar to find his teammates.

Once Karan entered the bar he went to talk to the receptionist.

"Hey, beautiful." Karan greeted her with a smile.

"Hi. Can I help you?" The beautiful receptionist was quite flustered.

"I came here a couple of days ago with some of my friends and I heard that they are working here now," Karan said.

"Oh, those guys. They were trying to freeload and put all the blame on you." The receptionist replied angrily. "Now they have to work here for 3 months for free."

"Even though they are bad, they are still my friends," Karan said with a sad face. "If it is possible can I borrow them for a couple of days?"

"Yes, yes." The receptionist couldn't reject his request and agreed instantly.

"Thanks. I am glad you understand." Karan put his hand on hers. "I'll like to thank you in private. How about my place, tonight?"

"Sure." Receptionist agreed.

Karan gave her his room number before she went to bring the three guys back.

'What a great guy. He cares so much for his friends.' She thought.


Karan was now laying on the bed his room while the three guys he brought were standing.

"Why did you left us there that evening." A guy asked.

"I want to have an orgy with the girls there so I forgot about you," Karan said with a straight face.

For a minute, words couldn't come out of their mouths. They were angry before with him but now only jealousy remained.

"What did you want from us now?" One of the guys said angrily.

"I wanted to apologize to you," Karan said with an innocent face. "Sect master has given me a mission and I want all three of you to be a part of it."

"Why should we?" Another guy said.

"If we succeed you will become inner disciples," Karan said.

His words removed any anger they have towards him.

"If you don't want to I can find some other guys," Karan said.

"No, no. We are in." All three of them simultaneously agreed.

"We will depart tomorrow. Be ready." Karan smiled as he gave orders.

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