Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 22 - Ares And Azrael Shows Himself

(My stupid brother wanted to use my computer and he deleted my chapter that I had to rewrite. I am pissed and feel like I am going to lose my voice from yelling so loud.)

As he talked about challenging a god, a motorcycle as if out of nowhere appeared next to him and the guy wore sunglasses, a leather jacket, and his bike had guns on it. Kurayami rolled his window down and spoke. "Ares. What do I owe the pleasure." Ares looked at him and spoke. "You shouldn't challenge the gods Fallen. boy."

Kurayami pulled over and got out of the truck while removing his trench coat and throwing it back in the car. Esdeath and Raynare got out and they all looked at Ares with smiles. "So did you steal the Lightning of Zeus Ares." Areas got off his bike and he began to burn up with fire.. It was insane that the whole area began to melt. Ares looked right at Kurayami and glared.

Annabeth and Percy were going to get out but the truck got in and looked down. Akeno knew she would be put in danger, but it made her mad. 'I will not hold my brother back. I will get stronger, so I am not a liability.' She looked at the two demigods and shook her head. "Don't bother. They got this."

"You accuse me of stealing. When it was Percy." Kurayami smirked. "While I am no son of Zeus I still have an extremely high lightning affinity. I can feel it all over you." Ares suddenly seeming genuinely pleased. "You are not an idiot. How about it? You join me as my apostle. You will live forever, fight forever." Kurayami shook his head. "While I may not be truly immortal I am no human."

Ares grinned. "Well, now, that is true. While I didn't steal them personally as Gods, taking each other's symbols of power is a big no-no. But plenty of demigods are easy to temp." Kurayami was kind of interested. "Was it Clarisse? She seemed like she wanted your approval."

The idea seemed to amuse him. "Doesn't matter. The point is, kid, you're impeding my show. My plan was to have Pery go to old Corpse Breath, who will take the Master Bolt, so Zeus' be mad at him. And Hades is still looking for this." From his pocket, he took out a ski cap the kind bank robbers wear and placed it between the handlebars of his bike. Immediately, the cap transformed into an elaborate bronze war helmet.

"The helm of darkness," Kuryaami guessed. "You also stole that. I thought you had no brains for strategy." Ares was gloating. "Exactly," Ares said. However, he realized he called himself stupid. "YOU STUPID BRAT. I'LL TURN YOU INTO A CROW, but it can wait. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, Hades will be mad at both Zeus and Poseidon, because he doesn't know who took this. Pretty soon, we got a nice little three-way slugfest going."

Kurayami was a bit confused. "But they're your family right?" Ares shrugged. "Best kind of war. Always the bloodiest." Kurayami thought the plan was stupid, but who knew Area's was stupider than he thought. "But why not just keep the master bolt for yourself?" He said. "Why send it to Hades?"

Ares got a twitch in his jaw. For a moment, it was almost as if he were listening to another voice, deep inside his head. "Why didn't I ... yeah ... with that kind of firepower ..." He held the trance for one second ... two seconds until he shook his head. Ares's face cleared. "I didn't want the trouble. Better to have you caught red handed, holding the thing."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Kurayami looked at him and chuckled. "Sending the bolt to the Underworld wasn't your idea, was it? You are being used by someone else. That is funny. A god fell to temptation." Ares got pissed. "Of course it was!" Smoke drifted up from his sunglasses as if they were about to catch fire.

"You didn't order the theft," Kurayami continued, "Someone else sent a hero to steal the two items. Then, when Zeus sent you to hunt him down, you caught the thief. But you didn't turn him over to Zeus. You kept the items until another hero could come along and complete the delivery."

Esdeath began to laugh at the foolishness of Ares. "I guess gods are just slightly stronger beings. They are still as dumb as rocks. Raynare continued the teasing. "He must feel like a total fool. Ares the war god, manipulated. What would they say?"

Ares was getting more and more pissed. "I am the god of war! I take orders from no one! I don't have dreams!" Kurayamu spotted another flaw. "Who said anything about dreams?" Ares looked agitated, but he tried to cover it with a smirk.

"Let's get back to the problem at hand, You now know everything and I got to kill you. You just might get those hard headed idiots to listen to you. Nothing personal." He snapped his fingers. The sand exploded at his feet and out-charged a wild boar, even larger and uglier than the one whose head hung above the door of cabin seven at CampHalf-Blood. The beast pawed the sand, glaring at them with beady eyes as it lowered its razor-sharp tusks and waited for the command to kill.

"Hey, Ares. Are you sure you want your pet dead?" Suddenly the beast had a scythe in its throat and it began to wither into shadows while squealing in pain. Rayner's sacred gears appeared on her body while a giant black serpent coiled around her. It looked at Ares and spoke. "Is he my prey?" She looked at him and smirked. "Yes, Viritira." Ares saw the dragon and he flinched.

It may not be Draig and Albion, but it was still a dragon king that fought Indra. He calmed down as it was sealed and weakened. She still only had 4 of the 6 as finding them was harder than finding a needle in a haystack. Kurayami clicked a button and sent the S.U.V away with another teleportation

Flames danced along the top of his glasses. "Oh, man, you are really asking to be smashed into a grease spot." Kurayami moved his neck from side to side with the pop of bones. "If we lose, we become your apostles and you take the bolt. If we win, the helm and the bolt are ours and you have to go away."

Ares sneered and he swung the baseball bat off his shoulder. "How would you like to get smashed: classic or modern?" Kuraymi summoned Rebellion, Esdeath drew her Rapier and Rayanre twirled her scythe. "That's cool. Classic it is." The baseball bat changed into a huge, two-handed sword. The hilt was a large silver skull with a ruby in its mouth.

Ares began to laugh. "Boy. I promise you I will be a good god to you and your girls." Ares licked his lips and for some reason, Kurayami felt the lust was also directed at him. His ass clenched on instinct. "Are you gay?" Ares laughed. "When you live as long as me you try new things and I say you are doing it for me."

Raynare felt like puking and Esdeath didn't hide her disgust and wanted to torture him for even thinking it. "He is taken, Ares." Ares looked at Raynare and smirked. "You can join too." However, a dense tidal wave of purple fire began to go everywhere, turning the desert sand into liquid. Kurayami's hollow eyes were full of hate and killing intent. "I will crucify your soul for looking at my women."

"You all done saying good-bye to your ass. ?" Ares came toward them with his black leather duster trailing behind him, his sword glinting like fire in the sunrise. "I've been fighting for eternity, kids. My strength is unlimited and I cannot die. What have you got?"

Kurayami moved left and Esdeath right with Raynare in the center. Touki covered the three of them and white and purple fire moves like a sea behind Kurayami and ice went behind Esdeath. Strangely instead of clashing, they gave way for one another. Where Raynare stepped black fire and snakes coiled. Kurayami smirked. "We got this," Ares smirked as he grew from battle.

The three of them charged at the God of War yet he cleaved downward and clashed with Kurayami and made another sword to clash with the two girls. Even though he looked like a brute he still fought with incredible skill. Kurayami's sword opened up, showing off its burning core. "Hey, Ares. We got one more request if we win." They spoke while the three of them attacked d with the intention to kill him.

"WHAT?" Esdeath created an ice Cavalry that attacked Ares as well. "You train us." Ares was going to refuse yet from out of nowhere Raynare grabbed his left leg and with delete field sealed some of his power and began to drain his blood and power. Ares ignited in bright red flames and stopped it. "DEAL. NOW DIE." He formed a Greek-style armor.

Kurayami charged forward and suddenly what seemed impossible when he was a kid was made possible. His lighting began to turn purple and it looked like white burning lighting and it coursed through his whole body and his blade. Every time he clashed with Ares it attacked up Ares' blade and armor, shocking and burning him.

But Ares was just as quick and not a fool. His sword burned and it stopped the advantage they had gotten. He twisted, and the strike that should've caught him directly in the spine from Raynare's scythe was deflected off the end of his sword hilt.

He grinned. "Not bad, not bad." He seemed happier than ever, but they were just getting started. From the sky formed hundreds of spears of light that began to burn in purple fire, black fire, and the shadow of death. Ares suddenly erupted like a volcano with his fire beginning to overpower Kurayami and Raynare's fire.

The spears of light went towards Are's yet he began to slash them out of the sky. Every time he did they exploded in fire, death yet Ares kept going until they were out. He swung his sword down towards Esdeath and it sent a tidal wave of golden-red fire that she knew if it hit her it would kill her.

She suddenly activated her trump card. "Balance Breaker. Mahapadma" A blue aura suddenly covered the whole battlefield and frozen Ares solid. Kurayami and Rayanre were fine, but she could only keep it going for 12 seconds. Even less with a god. 'Seems an executive Grim Reaper wouldn't have been too bad.' Thought Kurayami

Suddenly Raynare used her trump card. "Vritra Promotion." She was covered in dense black flames and took the form of a giant serpent dragon with huge tendrils. It was also covered in death energy and her mind was as strong as they come. Azazel also made them train their willpower with things like the white room and being exposed to extremely strong auras.

She charged and gave a massive headbutt to Ares while her tentacles slammed him in the dunes, but it broke him free of his stasis. Esdeath was exhausted as she could only use that once a day. Maybe more when she grew older, but she was still young. She absorbed her calvary to recover energy and drank a blue drink made by Azazel to recover her energy faster.

Raynare opened her mouth and sent a massive stream of black flames that caused an explosion in the dunes and she kept up the firepower until she couldn't. Ares emerged and looked worse for wear. His body was covered in curse marks and he looked pissed. His armor was slightly melted and his face had a nasty burn. Kurayami smirked and yelled out.

"Balance Breaker, Crucifixion of the fiend." Behind him appeared a giant crucified beast that was about 50 meters long and made of purple flames. It roared in agony and another explosion hit Ares who was already pissed. While he was holding back it was still embarrassing that three kids managed to hurt him at all.

Virtual and Incinerate Athem's flames are no joke at the kind of power they can do. Not only that from Kurayami's back, 6 more pairs of flaming wings. He now had 10 pairs of wings and he charged at Ares while swinging Rebellion at the god. Ares was still a better fighter, but his curse marks from Vritra were going to drain him.

Raynare launched another line and it coiled around his right arm and began to absorb his blood and sealed his power. Kurayami drove his blade through Ares's right shoulder and ended the fight. The roar that followed made his eruption look like a minor event. The very sea of flames was blasted back. Ichor, the golden blood of the gods, flowed from his impaled arm. The expression on his face was beyond hatred. It was pain, shock, complete disbelief that he'd been wounded.

Kurayami was pushed back with his blade being ripped from his arm. Ares would have killed them then and there, but suddenly a middle-aged man with 16 black wings landed in front of him and Ares froze in fear when he saw him. Who does not know who the Angel of Death is? Even Hades had to be careful of Azrael. Azrael smiled and patted Ares on the shoulder.

"I will forgive you for talking about my granddaughter and Grandson-in-law the way you did, but you lost. A deal is a deal." Kurayami, Esdeath, and Raynare looked at him but felt no fear. He seemed like family and gave a comforting feeling. Raynare began to cry because she felt a connection with him.


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