Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 3 - New Blades(Rewrite)

He might be a fallen angel, but he was just 6 years of. He had limits to his body, but childhood is when you learn the best. His sacred gear was one that made him a walking inferno and his lightning made him a living storm. Why could he not fuse both of the two into one better than both? Apparently, it is easier said than done as when he tried his lightning or his fire just vanished.

His fire could not move like lightning and his lightning couldn't burn like his fire, but he was not one to give up. His father helped him and his sister with their lightning as they were extremely talented. Akeno was gifted in her mother's techniques which he was not.

His father trained him to fight at close range and even swordsmanship. He took it on himself to learn to use a sword as even with all his skill his reach with his blades left him with his ranged moves. His father taught him how to shape light. He formed a sword of light which he could coat in his fire and lightning at will.

He was at the moment with his father teaching him how to use a sword well.. Kurayami was attacking with his sword while his father parried his blows and explained what went wrong. The way his father could effortlessly deflect all his blows made Kurayama admire him. Melania of experience was to be admired.

Kurayami slashed at his father from all directions at extreme speeds yet this was nothing to Baraqiel. Finally, Baraqiel destroyed Kurayam's sword and ended the spar. Kurayami fell to the ground exhausted, but suddenly he was hugged by his mother. She ran her hand through his hair while Baraqiel kneeled down to check on him.

"He is fine Baraqiel. You are getting stronger Kurayami. Maybe you will be just as strong as your father."

Baraqiel disagreed.

"No. He will surpass me. Just his Longinus is to be admired along with his heritage even more so."

He ran his hand through his son's hair. Baraqiel was proud of both of his children and it made him happy at both of their progress. The thing was that Kurayami was already growing his wings which were a little annoying when he slept. His father explained that a fallen that is born needs to grow them and learn to retract them.

It was to be expected, but he wanted to have his ten wings like his father.

"Father. Can you show me your wings again?"

He knew his son admired his wings, so he did not mind.

He turned around and spread his ten wings. They were black, but unlike Azazel's wings which looked like a night sky. His fathers looked like a dark shadow that ate the light. Every fallen angel's wings looked different, but it was not easy to see.

"Thank you, dad. I want to finish growing my wings."

Baraqiel hid them again and kneeled again while running his hand through his son's hair.

"I know you will."

Akeno got in the middle which resulted in a family hug. She was not really interested in power but seeing her brothers drive to get stronger made her want to learn even a little.

"Dad. Will I be anywhere as strong as you and big brother?"

He wanted to say yes but being as strong as a Longinus user was not easy even with his heritage. Even more so when they were like Kurayami with a strong lineage along with their Longinus.

"Well maybe not as strong as your brother, but surpassing me is possible."

She pouted and looked down.

"Why not?"

Kurayami explained in a blunt way, but he did not mean it in a bad way.

"I have a Longinus and you don't."

His parents looked at him with a look that said 'really.' Akeno looked at him a little mad.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"How do I get one?"

He shook his head as you can't just grow one, but she can get one implanted.

"You can't. Unless you-" Before he could finish his mouth was covered by his father.

"Let's forget about that."

He moved the hand from his mouth and shrugged. 'Although Azazel told me that you can take the sacred gear from someone. Why don't they do that more?' From then on Akeno joined in his training in her own way as she did not want to be left behind, but he was just better. He had already grown his second set of wings by the time her first pair was out. It bothered her, but their father told her it was bound to happen.

Right now they were at home and he was trying to go to sleep with Akeno drooling all over his chest. She loved to cuddle and he did not mind. He looked at her with his hollow eyes, but a faint smile was on his face. He got up as he was going to go outside, but what he heard made him nearly break out laughing.

"YOU LIKE THAT. *spank*." The squealing voice of his father yelled out.


He was shocked that his strong father was a masochist and his mother was a sadist. Seemed his father was being turned into his mother's toy. He ignored that and went outside.

He sat on a tree and looked up to the dark moon. It was a new moon tonight and it seemed fitting for a fallen angel and his namesake. He thought back to his old life and name and it seemed like so long ago. He looked at his reflection and he looked just like his past life with darker hair and violet eyes.

"Akuma. Such a name I used for years and now I am a fallen angel. Is there such a thing as the opposite? If anything should I have been turned into a devil. However, they have weaknesses that fallen don't."

However, a few figures in Shinto dress approached his home, and they seemed annoyed. He jumped in front of his door while the leading man looked at him with scorn.

"So you are one of the dirty half-bloods. I feel sick knowing we share the same blood." Kurayami just began to laugh at his stupidity.

"What is so funny, dirty child?"

He looked at the man with a mocking look.

"Are you sure you are not jealous of my lineage? I hear humans are weak and you are just jealous."

They seemed offended and drew their weapons. "If you don't want to die, call Shuri here." Kurayami had a funny idea.

"Sure. I will call her, but she seemed really happy. She was making panting sounds. Do you know why?"

They seemed sick by the thought, but they ignored that. However Kurayami was confident he could turn them all to ash, but he didn't want to risk it as they may have a backer he could not deal with, or get Grigori involved in a war.


Kurayami entered the house and knocked on his parent's door.

"Some weird guys are outside asking for you, mother."

They rushed to get dressed and opened the door.

"Kurayami. Go to your room."

He shrugged and went to his room. His parents went outside where the man confronted Shuri.

"Foolish girl. Kill the dirty half-bloods and come home. You can still be forgiven and allowed back. However, those half-bloods must die."

From the sky struck white lightning in between his legs which made the guy flinch.

"I will not allow harm to my children, brother- in law." He seemed offended.

"I am no family to you. You brainwashed Shuri and violated her. That can't be allowed. Mark my words I will be back, Decide Shuri."

They all rushed away and Shuri hugged her husband.

"They found us. They could have killed Kurayami."

She feared for the life of her child. He was strong, yes, but he was still a child. Baraqiel knew his son well.

"I know. That boy lacks fear."

Shuri knew her child even better. He didn't know fear or self-preservation. He would fight foes stronger than himself and it was like retreat did not exist in his mind. He would even take a hit to give one back and the pain was nothing to him. They worried, but that's just who he was.

After this, they made sure they would not be found as easily and even moved to a different location for the safety of their family. As a result, Baraqiel picked up the pace with Kurayami's training.

One way to keep them safe was to get Kurayami a new better forged sword that Azazel was going to pull all the stops for. A month later Kurayami was with Azazel in his lab while using his flames in a type of forge while Azazel worked on an alloyed piece of metal.

"Hey. Give me more fire here."

Kurayami raised his hand and fired a stream of purple fire into the forge while Azazel made a new knife and a sword. Using his fire was better and would make the metal stronger as the flames of a Loginous were the best for this kind of work. While Azazel hammered at the blade being heated by a Longinus.

A three hours later Azazel was putting the finishing touches on the blade. He took the bright red blade and quenched them into the magical oil. He made it from a few materials from around the world. Once they were done he polished and cleaned them off and was proud of his work.

Kurayami's blade had turned out rather perfect. It was dark black with a red jewel in pommel on the handle(Devil Sword Dante) When he took it in his hands it was rather large for him, but he could hold it easily. He began to swing it a few times to try it out and then drew his Karabits to use alongside it.

'I can use the blade to get close and personal while I use my knife to attack when I get a chance.'

"It's great, Azazel. Although why is it so big? Not that I don't like it."

Azazel also was a bit surprised.

"Tell you the truth. I don't know. I used a bit of alchemy to make it match you and that came out."

'Is it because of all the people I killed in the past? Although it is fitting for a killer like me.' He placed it on his back and it quickly vanished in fire which he felt he could call on.


Azazel pulled out some pictures of Gabriel in a swimsuit and Kurayami wondered how in the world he got those.

"Is there anything else you need for me Azazel?"

Azazel looked over and shook his head

"Not really, but I feel that very soon you will be able to go on missions with your dad as long as they are not too dangerous."

He left the forge and went to find his father. Akeno stopped coming to Grigori to spend more time with their mother. He went with his father as they were more alike. Also, he didn't want to do chores at home. His father saw him come out and picked him up.

"Is Azazel done with your new blade?"

He nodded and brought out his sword which he will call Rebellion. His father took it and held it in his hands, However, the blade sent fire at his hands making him let go of it. It suddenly floated to Kurayami's side when he took it in his hand. The blade popped open revealing its burning core.

"What did Azazel put in you?"

He grabbed its handle and suddenly the blade drove a spike through his hand. It hurt but was not too bad. Suddenly he felt a connection to the blade and it sent its emotions to him.

'It's alive? However, it sent more spikes through his hand. 'You're a girl? Great.' This time it tried to burn him. 'Ok. I didn't mean it in a bad way. Your name will be Rebellion.' He felt the blade was happy with the name.

"Hey, dad. Call Azazel here. My sword is alive."

Baraqiel watched as the spikes went through his son's hand and wanted to take the blade away, but his son seemed in a trance when he was just talking to his sword. He went to Azazel who looked smug.

"It already accepted you. Cool."

Kurayami seemed a little annoyed.

"What did you use to make her?"

Azazel raised an eyebrow.

"It's a girl? Neat."

Kurayami held the blade on his shoulder while he wanted to know.

"Well, the metal I used was an alloy of Celestial Bronze, Bone Steel, and Stygian Iron, Orichalcum, and a few other metals from around the world. That way it can kill both monsters and mortals. The red core is made from the soul of a Grim Reaper. All in all, one of the best works I have ever made."

Knowing what his blade was made of made it all the better.

"So what's this girl's name?"

Kurayami took the blade and looked at it.

"Rebellion. What name is better?"

When they heard the name they felt it was truly fitting. They were fallen angels and they rebelled against God. A sword used by a fallen angel is truly a perfect match.

The blade was proud she got the praise she deserved. However, Kurayami knocked on the blade.

'Hey. Don't get cocky.'

She was not happy and was going to send more spikes into his hand, but he gave her a big shock. If it was a real girl it would be crying right now.

'Let's get things straight. We are partners not slaves to each other. Got it.'

The blade agreed and it suddenly turned into smoke and became a tattoo on his right arm. He looked at the mark his blade left him and liked it.

"Hey, Azazel My knives won't be alive will they?"

Azazel shook his head.

"This girl was a fluke, but I want to try it again. Do you mind helping me later on.?"

Why would he disagree?

"If you are going to make another living weapon why the hell would I not."

Azazel grinned.

"If you help I will show you my best treasure." Baraqiel knew what he meant, and felt Azazel would turn his son into a pervert.

"Azazel could you not."

Suddenly Kurayami motioned for him to kneel down. He whispered in his ear.

"Hey, dad. Why was mom hitting you? It sounded like you liked it. Can I tell Azazel? Maybe he can help you with mom's abuse."

Baraqiel went bright red and shook his head.

"No. No. That's not necessary. Your mother won't hurt me anymore. Azazel and Kurayami left and began to laugh up a storm.

"I told you it works. See ya."

Azazel left for his lab and Kurayami left to explore Grigori and see what he finds.

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