Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 55 - Weird Girl And West Coast.

The first thing that went through both of their heads was that the sword hadn't hurt her. It had passed clean through her body, harmlessly. Kurayami looked at her funny while he put Rebellion on his shoulder. She complained that she wanted to eat the girl's soul. Kurayami sighed. 'I'm sorry. I will feed you some more souls later.' Rebellion cheered at the souls she will get.

Percy didn't have to deal with a living sword, so he focused on the real issue. "You're mortal!"

She looked at him in disbelief and looked at both their swords in shock. "What's that supposed to mean? Of course I'm mortal! How did you two get swords past security? Ignoring how the hell can he carry such a huge sword. Why are your eyes violet? Why is that cross swirling in darkness?"

Kurayami looked at his cross and like usual it had a small dark aura around it.. "You can see all that? How, no mortal should be able to see that. Also you know this is a sword?" He motioned to Rebellion who really wanted to eat the girl's soul.

The girl rolled her eyes, which were green like Percy's. She had frizzy reddish-brown hair. Her nose was also red, like she had a cold. She wore a big maroon Harvard sweatshirt and jeans that were covered with marker stains and little holes, like she spent her free time poking them with a fork.

"Well, it's either a sword or the biggest toothpick in the world," she said. "And why didn't his sword hurt me? I mean, not that I'm complaining. Who are you? And whoa." Without asking she grabbed his trench coat and pulled it open. Kurayami was shocked as this had never happened before.

"Are all those knives? What do you need so many for? Hey, tell me about your eyes. They look like violet lights. I can barely see a pupil in there. Kind of creepy." Kurayami pushed her away from him as she was weird.

"Look, there are things you shouldn't know, so I am going to mind wipe you." She just looked at him funny and back to his sword, eyes, and Percy.

"You could, but I bet I can be more useful if I know. Anyway, what are you? I guess you are not human as your hair is far too black that it is unnatural. Plus, no human can have violent eyes. How does no one else see them? It is honestly embarrassing."

She asked so many questions so fast, it was like she was throwing rocks. They knew the skeleton warriors were still chasing them and Kurayami couldn't kill them. They had no time to waste, but Percy just stared at the redheaded girl. Then he remembered what Thalia had done at Westover Hall to fool the teachers. Maybe he could manipulate the Mist. It be better as it would be easier on her mind.

He concentrated hard and snapped his fingers. "You don't see a sword," He told the girl. "It's just a ballpoint pen and you never saw us." Kurayami felt it would not work, but he decided to give Percy the benefit of the doubt.

She blinked as nothing happened. "Um… no. Those are swords weirdo and I still see you two." Kurayami looked at Percy and snapped his fingers after trying to mind wipe her. "There, now she will forget everything. Let's go." She just blinked a few times and shook her head.

"No, I still see you two. I just felt a tingle in my head, but don't do it again." Kurayami didn't know what to say as she was the first case where someone did not get mind-wiped when he tried.

"Who are you? What are you." He was genuinely curious as this had not happened before.

She huffed indignantly. "Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Now, are you going to answer my questions or should I scream for security?" Kurayami face palmed and put Rebellion in his coat. Rebellion asked if she could eat the girl's soul yet and he told her no.

"No!" Percy said. "I mean, We're kind of in a hurry. We're in trouble." Rachel looked at both of them and did not know how people with swords would be in trouble.

"In a hurry or in trouble?" She had a questioning look on her face.

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Percy scratched his head a bit confused. "Um, sort of both."

She looked over their shoulder and her eyes widened. "Bathroom!"


"Bathroom! Behind me! Now!"

Percy didn't know why, but he listened to her. He slipped inside the boys' bathroom and left Rachel standing outside with Kurayami who just turned into shadows and hid in her shadow. She looked down a little weirded out but focused on the issue at hand.

When the skeletons rushed over she started to ramble on like a machine gun, but it worked.

"Oh my god! Did you see that kid? It's about time you got here. He tried to kill me! He had a sword, for god's sake. You security guys let a sword-swinging lunatic inside a national landmark? I mean, jeez! He ran that way toward those turbine thingies. I think he went over the side or something. Maybe he fell."

The skeletons clattered excitedly. Kurayami saw them moving off. Rachel opened the door. "All clear. But you'd better hurry." She looked shaken. Her face was gray and sweaty. Kurayami reformed and Percy ran next to him. Percy peeked around the corner. Three skeleton warriors were running toward the other end of the balcony. The way to the elevator was clear for a few seconds.

Percy sighed. "We owe you one, Rachel Elizabeth Dare."

"What are those things?" she asked. "They looked like—"

Kurayami filled in. "Skeletons?"

She nodded uneasily. Kurayami sighed and explained. "Monsters. They are immortal skeletons that even I can't kill. As for what I am, I am a Fallen Angel." She blinked a few times and looked at him funny.

"I don't see your halo or wings, so what are you really?" Kurayami sighed and from his back extended 14 pitch-black wings. She was left slack-jawed and he retracted them into his back.

"Do yourself a favor," He said. "Forget it. Forget you ever saw us."

"Forget you? You just showed me Fallen Angels exist and that if you exist, heaven exists and so does hell. Am I going to hell?" She looked a little panicked and he shook his head.

"No, it is actually pretty easy to go to heaven. Just don't go killing innocents. I am actually friends with an angel, a seraph to be exact and if you don't do any bad stuff I can put in a good word when you die. Anyway Rachel thanks for saving Percy."

She face palmed and shook her head. "Wow, thanks a lot. I won't be able to cash in that favor until I die. Anyway, what is your name?"

He placed his hand on his chest and smiled. "Kurayami Himejima. Got to go. If you are interested you can always join us. You are special." Kurayami pulled out a Nephilim card and gave it to her. She looked at it and saw how the words shifted themselves in many languages.

She looked at it with great curiosity and asked about it. "How do I use it?" He explained to just rip it in half. They bolted for the exit. As they ran Percy looked at Kurayami.

"Why did you give her that? She is just a human. Also why did you tell her what you were?" Kurayami looked over and gave his reason.

"She has supernatural talent as she can see our weapons. Mortals are affected by the mist and those who can see through it are either the descendants of heroes, sacred gear users, or special. At Grigori we always look for talent human or not."

They finally got to the cafe that was packed with kids enjoying the best part of the tour—the dam lunch. Thalia, Bianca Zoe, Annabeth and Grover were just sitting down with their food. Annabeth got a black coffee and gave it to Kurayami. He took it and drank a bit. He smiled as it was just how he liked it. "Thank you." She nodded. Kurayami was in no way tired, but Percy was.

Percy was gasping for hair and Kurayami snapped his finger and water fell on Percy from a small magic circle. To anyone else that would have been messed up, but to Percy, it is just what he needed. Percy took a deep breath and explained what they saw.

"We need to leave, Now! Immortal skeletons that even Kurayami can't kill" They all were shocked as that was not good. Bianca looked at Shin confused.

"I thought Shin destroyed souls. How do they not have souls?" Kurayami shrugged as he was asking the same thing.

"I have no clue. My light and my sword just slowed them down and not for long. I say we just go." Zoe stood up, muttering Ancient Greek curses as she saw the skeletons.

"He's right! Look." The cafe windows wrapped all the way around the observation floor, which gave them a beautiful panoramic view of the skeletal army that had come to kill them. Kurayami could not kill them. So who could?

They counted two on the east side of the dam road, blocking the way to Arizona. Three more on the west side, guarding Nevada. All of them were armed with batons and pistols. But the immediate problem was a lot closer. The three skeletal warriors who'd been chasing them in the turbine room now appeared on the stairs. They saw them from across the cafeteria and clattered their teeth.

Kurayami had a fire ball made of three types of his flames and he hoped one of them would work. He threw the fireball and the skeletons evaporated only to reform. "FUCK!" They were shocked as even Kurayami, who was called a god killer couldn't do a thing to them.

"Elevator!" Grover said. They bolted that direction, but the doors opened with a pleasant ding, and three more warriors stepped out. Every warrior was accounted for. Kurayami made blades erupt from the ground and pinned their bones to walls and the floor. Bianca in her panic stabbed one in the head and it turned to dust.

The whole group looked at her and Thalia asked. "How did you do that?" Bianca shook her head.

"Lucky stab? I don't know." Kurayami shook his head and pointed at the skeletons.

"While they are pinned down, kill them." Bianca went to every skeleton and stabbed them in the head until they were all gone. Grover was confused, but not complaining. To Percy it was strange as Bianca who was weaker than him could kill something Kurayami couldn't.

Kurayami snapped his fingers and the whole place got quiet. "That was anticlimactic and I am annoyed. Everyone get running." They were confused, but they saw him and Tyrant run off the ledge and they all followed. Well more like Annabeth picked up Thalia.

"ANNABETH. ANYTHING, BUT THAT. NOT THE LEDGE." Sad for her Annabeth jumped off the railing and Kurayami yelled out.

"TYRANT!" This story would stick with a lot of kids who swear at what they saw, but no one believed them. Tyrant returned to his full size and they all jumped off the ledge onto his back. He gave one last roar and flew off.

"Tell me when it's over," Thalia said. Her eyes were shut tight. She was right on Tyrant's head, one of the worst places to be if you fear heights. She lied when she said she was getting over it. She grabbed one of his horns as if it was her only safety.

Kurayami patted her on the back. "Everything's fine," She refused to open her eyes and just grabbed even tighter. Bianca laid on Tyrant's warm back and sighed as she did not know how she killed them.

"How did I do that?" Kurayami looked back and gave his theory.

"My guess is you are a daughter of a god of death. You could be Thanatos, Nyx or Hades as skeletons dying because of you is a thing. If that is true you have way more potential than even Thalia."

Thalia shivered but still asked. "Why would she have more potential than me?" Kurayami smiled and began his explanation of the top ten of the world's strongest.

"Have you ever heard of the top ten of the world's strongest? They are the top ten most powerful beings of all mythologies and Hades is in the top ten. Zeus is weaker than Hades by a fair margin. Meaning if Bianca is his kid, she can inherit part of that power."

Percy, Grover, Zoe, Bianca, and Thalia all froze as they thought that Zeus was the strongest of the Greek Gods. Kurayami shook his head.

"I will tell you who is in the top ten at a later date. Right now we need to focus on the trip." They were all curious who were strong enough to be put in the top ten of the world's strongest. Kurayami himself was on it and yet he was not recognized for it as his achievements were not that high right now.

Thalia was more focused on not falling. "Are… are we very high?" They looked down. Below them, a range of snowy mountains zipped by. Kurayami threw a spear of light at them. He saw it as it flashed down for a while and it hit with a boom.

"Nah," He said. "Not that high. Just high enough for even Tyrant to look small." She almost passed out in fear and Zoe looked over.

"We are in the Sierras.'" Zoe yelled. She and Grover were grabbing one of Tyrant's back spikes "I have hunted here before. At this speed, we should be in San Francisco in an hour." Tyrant was moving fast, but he had to slow down or it would be a problem.

Annabeth looked down. She grabbed Kurayami's sleeve. "Do we have to go there.. You know my dad is there and we don't get along." He looked back at her and sighed. He patted her head and she looked down while blushing. Percy wanted to break them apart, but he would die.

"I know you don't like your dad, so if we can avoid it we will not go. However, how about giving it one more try. He might want to see you." Annabeth held her arm and sighed. Bianca looked down as she couldn't even remember her own mother.

Annabeth sighed and relented. "Fine, you're right. I can't keep running forever." Tyrant sped up to pass faster. The mountains fell away into hills, and then they were zipping along over farmland and towns and highways. Kurayami hoped they wouldn't report a dragon flying over and have the government on dragon hunting.

Grover played his pipes to pass the time. Zoe got bored and started shooting arrows at random billboards as they flew by. Every time she saw a Target department store—and they passed dozens of them—she would peg the store's sign with a few bulls-eyes at 300 miles an hour. Bianca joined her and they competed to see who got more. That's how good they were.

Thalia kept her eyes closed the whole way. She muttered to herself a lot, like she was praying. Thalia finally opened her eyes and looked at Kurayami. "How did you get away from the skeletons in the generator room, anyway? Percy said they cornered you."

Kurayami told her about the weird mortal girl, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, who seemed to be able to see right through the Mist. She nodded.

"Some mortals are like that," she said. "Nobody knows why."

Suddenly Percy flashed on something he never considered. His mom was like that. She had seen the Minotaur on Half-Blood Hill and known exactly what it was. She even saw Tyrant when he was not a dragon. No wonder she'd been so scared for him as he was growing up. She saw through the Mist even better than he did.

However, he hadn't seen his mom in person in a while. It was always over Iris's messages.

"Hey, Kurayami. I want to see my mom in person. The last time we talked she said something happened." Kurayami nodded.

"I told you she was dating Shehemazi, but he is taking another wife. That is just how our culture works and they are trying to work that out. I can bring her over to see you." Percy didn't know how to feel about that, but it was his mom's choice.

"Well, the girl was annoying," Percy said. "But I'm glad I didn't vaporize her. That would've been bad."

Thalia nodded. "Must be nice to be a regular mortal." She said that as if she'd given it a lot of thought. Kurayami shook his head.

"I wouldn't know either. I am no human and a normal life just is not for me. Anyway, where do we land?"

Kurayami used some magic to control the mist even more and covered Tyrant in head to toe trying to hide his huge frame. It is bad if he was shot out of the sky. As they looked at San Francisco It was probably the most beautiful city they had ever seen: kind of like a smaller, cleaner Manhattan, if Manhattan had been surrounded by green hills and fog.

There was a huge bay and ships, islands and sailboats, and the Golden Gate Bridge sticking up out of the fog. When Annabeth saw it she began to talk like a machine gun about it and they sighed as they should have expected this.

Tyrant landed on a beach and there were almost no people here. It was early morning and not many people were around. They freaked out a homeless guy on the ferry dock when Tyrant landed. He screamed when he saw Tyrant and ran off yelling something about a dragon.

They made it to the West Coast. Artemis was here somewhere. They knew what the monster was and now they just had to find where she was. They had 7 days until the winter solstice which was good. After a brief discussion, they all knew what the monster was and now they just need to know where she is. Lucky for them Zoe knew someone who could help them.

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