
Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Although the day was long, my dreams were peaceful this time. I dreamt about the Dark Traveller who spoke to me in Ancient Language. It seemed so fresh and nostalgic, like never before. I felt as if I could understand everything he said but at the same time forgot the meaning straight away.

I lost time and enjoyed myself in my dream, like never before. When this mysterious feeling disappeared, I noticed that it was already morning and I was awake. 'It was the same old dream but somehow, I felt as if I understood everything yet I know nothing at all. This was a weird feeling' I thought to myself while turning around.

Laly that claimed she didn't need any sleep, fell asleep in sitting position. I stood up and decided not to disturb her. 'I should stretch a bit' I thought and walked away from the camp a bit. I started my day from the 3rd modified diagram as usual and then ate my breakfast. I had loads of meat thanks to the Silver Bears I hunted last night. When I started to roast the meat, Laly woke up.

I asked "Did you sleep well?" to which she said "I didn't sleep". I laughed and said "You were clearly asleep when I woke up. You don't have to prove anything to me. Sleep when you have to sleep". She didn't comment on that and I dropped it as well. I didn't know what Eterians eat but decided to ask anyway "Do you want something to eat?".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She shook her head and said "No". I nodded and took the roasted meat for myself. After my meal, I said "Where do you want to go now? Back to the camp I used to live in?" to which she answered "We can use my cave. It is much more comfortable than camping outside". I nodded my head and said "You can lead the way then. While we at it, why don't you explain some of the skills to me?".

She said "Alright, follow me" and started running towards southern direction. I followed along awaiting some wisdom about her skills. After a while of running, she said "I'm not the best teacher, so maybe words are not the way to go. How about I show you and try to explain how I do it?". I said "That is fine. I will learn much faster if you show me how to do it, compared to telling me how to do it". She started disappearing and I lost track of her. I stopped running, I wasn't sure where she went. I scanned the surrounding area but couldn't find anything, I thought 'I can't find her at all, even though its broad daylight'. As I was looking around with my maximum focus, a voice came from behind me "What are you searching for?".

I turned around and looked at Laly. "How did you do it?" I asked. She responded "I told you, it is my trait. So it's natural for me to hide well". I knew I couldn't learn a trait someone was born with but I could try and mimic it, if I knew how she does it. I decided to ask "Can you do it slowly, in front of me? I want to have a proper look".

She nodded her head and started to disappear in front of me slowly. 'How is this possible? It's like she is melding with air…. melding with air...' I thought and asked her "Are you using the wind or something? Or perhaps you are using some sort of power?". She appeared again and said "No, I'm not using the wind but yes, I'm using my power". I thought about it for as bit and asked "Can you show me that power without disappearing?"

She said "Of course. I can manipulate to some degree. have a look" and extended her hand. Very quickly smoky green aura appeared around her hand and then condensed into a ball shape on top of her palm. "This is amazing!" I exclaimed and asked immediately "How do you create that power?". She replied "I told you, it is my trait. I was born with it. I didn't create it, I only have to increase it to be stronger". She then continued "I don't know if it is possible to create it but I know that humans possessed powers of their own. Just like the one you released when fighting me or when you asked me about the aura I'm using to increase my powers".

I said quite shocked "So humans use auras while you are born with traits? Does that mean I can create any aura?". She thought about it for a while and replied "I don't know, you already possess 3 as far as I'm aware. The first one was the aura you released when you fell asleep, the second aura was when you saw people of your past when you looked at me and the third aura was when you wanted to find out about the first one".

I went into deep thought 'She is almost correct. I have a 4th aura as well but I have no control over it and I can't use it as I wish. It appears whenever it wants to appear. The aura connected to Dark Traveller is also not under my control. I have no way of controlling it as I'm asleep at that time. The one I can use is the Domineering Aura but it seems the weakest of them all. The last aura? I also have no real control over it. In order to awake that aura, I need thirst for blood. Chaos, blood, rage and destruction seem to be the trigger fo that aura'.

'Then my initial thoughts were correct. I need to create a stealth aura, then I can repeat what she just showed me. Maybe apart that power she could condense in her palm' I thought and asked about something else. "Do you know what does "Avoid the Light" mean?" to which she shook her head and said "No, you can't avoid the light. My power isn't avoiding the light, it simply melds my body to look like the surroundings. It's like a camouflage as you would call it".

'So she thinks that avoiding the light is impossible. Nick wouldn't lie to me. It should be possible to avoid the light without an aura or traits. She doesn't know how but it doesn't mean it's impossible' I thought. I had another question that was bothering me a bit, I asked "How long can you use your power like this?". She said "For hiding alone? Very long. I think I could stay hidden for couple of days but in a fight, my powers get drained much faster. If you were twice as strong as you are now, I would've lost. I wouldn't have enough power to last very long".

I asked another question "So does that mean you use that power at all times? As in to run faster or to have more strength, stuff like that?". She nodded her head and said "Yep, I'm not as strong as you are physically. To be honest? If I were to run out of my power, you could kill me with one finger. My body is not as strong. It is the power inside me that I try to increase and gain greater control over. That is what gives me superior strength and abilities".

'She is quite honest. She told me her biggest weakness as if nothing. Maybe she isn't a bad creature afterall' I thought. She then said "We should continue. I can always teach you something when we return". I nodded my head and we resumed our journey back.

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