
Chapter 182

Chapter 182

"You slept for a very long time. It's good that you woke up. How do you feel?" she said. I finished applying my medicine and responded "Although the damage I sustained was not small, I'm alright now. I can walk and move freely, with some rest and medicine, I should be able to get back to my peak form".

She nodded her head and said "Good. I have this for you. It might not be a lot, but you can also stay here, for as long as you want. You can also get some supplies, that can be found in Vulture Cliffs. Someone will bring you down, when you are ready". She handed me a feather, it was the same feather that one of the Avians used, as the storage item.

I decided to ask "Is this storage feather more complicated, than the bags I have?". She nodded her head and said "Yes, the bags you have, probably don't have the formation which will decrease the weight of the things inside. Do you want me to explain how the feather works?". I nodded my head and handed her the feather.

She held it, using her leg and said "You just have to think about retrieving something from the feather and focus on it. If you don't know what is inside, you can think about retrieving all the things inside, like so". When she finished speaking, some stuff appeared on the ground.

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She then continued "If you want to place things inside, you have to think about the stuff you want to place inside, and focus on the feather". She again showed me how that works and all the items disappeared. "Wow!" I exclaimed. My bags were not able to do such a thing whatsoever. She said "You can retrieve one or many items, at a time. The same is with placing them inside the feather. The only limitation, besides the space, is that nothing alive can be stored inside. If you try to place something alive inside, it will die".

I nodded my head and asked "What about that formation you spoke of? What is that?". She asked "You don't know what a formation is?". I shook my head in response and awaited answer. She said "A formation is a kind of spell, that can be placed on items and even environment. That is how this feather can store things, it's due to spatial formation. The feather is also special. My feathers can take the strain of a spatial formation. Any ordinary material or item, wouldn't be able to do so. They would explode the moment you placed a formation on them".

I immediately wanted to learn such skill, but before I could ask about it, she said "We will not teach you that. There is only one Formation Expert in our ranks. We can't also share the secrets of our formations with humans. I hope you understand". I nodded my head and said "It's true I would like to learn it, but I'm not going to ask for impossible".

She said "Humans also have Formation Experts. From what I know, all large cities in Human Kingdom, have some Formation Experts. Maybe you can learn from them". 'This is not a bad idea, I will have to search for such an expert, and try to learn about those formations. Those seem to be very useful' I thought, and then asked "What type of weight can this feather carry?".

The King of Avians responded "Around 2 tonnes of stuff, while it will halve the weight to 1 tonne, due to formation placed inside. It's also quite sturdy, but don't try to destroy it on purpose, just to check how sturdy it is. Before you ask, the sturdiness is also thanks to a formation". I nodded my head and received the feather again.

She flew into the air a bit and said "When you are ready to go down, just wave your hand at the swarm. One of the Avians will take you down the cliff". I nodded my head and she left. I looked at the feather in my hand. 'It doesn't weigh anything at all. I know there is some stuff inside, but it seems like there is nothing in there' I thought. I focused on the feather and thought about taking all the stuff out of it. After my first try, nothing happened. I tried a few more times, and finally succeeded.

All the things, from inside the feather, appeared on the ground. I examined all the things and found that most of the stuff there, were herbs. 'I don't recognise most of these herbs. There are only two, that I do recognise. There is the Calming Flower, as well as the Pareless Seeds' I thought. There were another 4 herbs that I never saw. One that looked like a fruit, but it wasn't like an apple or peach. It looked weird. The skin was grey and the size of it was similar to that of a plum. It had no smell either. I was tempted to slice it open and check the insides, but I decided not to do that. 'I will ask an Avian later on. They should know what this is' I thought.

The other herb that was unknown to me, looked like a needle from a pine tree, but it was dark red in colour and much thicker than a needle from a tree. Another herb I didn't recognise, looked like a small stone, althought it was green and soft to touch. 'It might be a seed of some sort, but I'm not sure at this stage' I thought.

The last herb I never saw, looked like a mushroom and not like a mushroom, at the same time. It didn't have a stem like all mushrooms. Instead, it looked like a half of a mushroom's cap and the colour was light brown. The underside of the cap, didn't look like an usual mushroom either. Instead of gills at the bottom, it had the same structure as the top of the cap. The difference was that, the top was curved, while the bottom was flat.

Besides the herbs, there was another thing inside the feather. This was a set of clothes. One would expect a set made out of feathers, Avians were birds after all. But it wasn't feathers, it was made of leather. The leather was quite rough, it had a very bad colour as well. It was orange, pale orange to be precise. 'Wearing those clothes, would make me stand out like a sore thumb!' I thought.

Besides that, the design was weird as well. It looked simple but menacing in a way. Usually, a set of clothes, would consist of torso, legs and boots. There were also some optional things such as hats, scarfs and whatnot. The set I got, consisted of 6 things. There were two pieces of clothing for torso. The first piece, was a long coat with a hood. The other piece of clothing, was what I could only describe as, a thick shirt that could be worn under the coat. The boots were quite tall, they almost reached to my knees. They looked more like women's boots, than men's. The only thing that saved them from being women's boots, was their size and lack of hills. The sole was pretty much flat.

The pants were quite thick and long. Supposedly, they could cover the boots. Or alternatively, it was possible tucked them inside the boots. Besides those 4 obvious items, there were two more. Gloves, that exposed the fingers. The gloves looked almost like the ones, I had for fist fighting. They were quite plain and had no armour other than the rough thick leather. The gloves were simple looking, but of course, they were pale orange in colour. The last item from that set, was a long and tubular piece of cloth. I had no idea, what it was supposed to be used as? 'It can't be a hat, both ends are opened. Is it some kind of armband? Nah, it's too big to fit an arm… Maybe a legband? If such a thing exists?' I thought.

I didn't really know, what to do with those clothes. The colour was appalling and easily noticeable. They didn't seem to be comfortable either. 'What am I supposed to do with them? I guess they gave me something as I was nearly but naked, due to the explosion in the tunnel. Who knows, maybe I will need them someday, a set of clothes that is clean, can always be used'. The sizes seemed to be alright as well. I placed the set of clothes inside the feather, along with the herbs. 'Time to go down and explore this place. I also need to ask about those herbs, maybe they can explain that clothing to me as well' I thought and waved my hand at the swarm.

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