
Chapter 281

Chapter 281

It didn't take me long, before I arrived in the vicinity of Vulture Cliffs. Avians and Yagaroths were present in the Dead Forest, but I killed all of them. For one, I wanted to enter the Yellow Dust deposit, without them knowing. Besides, I wanted to exterminate as many of them, as it was possible. I made my way straight to the deposit, and noticed some Avians flying around the entrance. I took out my bow, and dealt with them quickly. Inside the tunnel, there were no other creatures. 'It seems like Avians managed to conceal the Yellow Dust, from Yagaroths. This is great, as I will be able to blow them up, without them even realising it' I thought.

Of course, I wouldn't throw a torch at the whole deposit, and hope for the best. I already knew, how to deal with this. My plan was simple, I would make a sort of path or a line, from the Yellow Dust. I had to take a lot of it, and spread it outside of the deposit, towards the outer region of Vulture Cliffs. Then light up that line or path of Yellow Dust, and wait until it reached the deposit. 'At least this way, I will not have to run for my life' I thought.

I collected a bag full of Yellow dust for myself, and another bag, to make that line. 'Avians did take some of it from here. I remember, that there was more inside. Although, they took some, the amount is nothing to scoff at' I thought. About ⅔ were left, of the all Yellow Dust in the tunnel. It would equal to a few tonnes of that stuff. 300 kilograms of Yellow Dust, was able to exterminate a whole army of Yagaroths, and make a large hole in the ground. That hole still existed.

I spread the Yellow Dust in a line, as I walked away from the Vulture Cliffs. Because there was no wind, I didn't really have to worry about the Yellow Dust scattering. After a few hours of walking. I was still able to see Vulture Cliffs, but my position was very distant. I lit a torch, and said "It ends here", then threw it at the line made of Yellow Dust.

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The Yellow Dust caught fire, and the flame travelled towards the deposit. It took a while, but then I saw the explosion. The whole place disintegrated. Vulture Cliffs ceased to exist. A large… huge hole appeared in the ground, while rocks and what not flew upwards. Then the sound reached me "BOOOOOOOOOM!". Even though I was so far away, my ears still rang from the explosion. Besides the sound of the explosion, I saw the ground literally moving towards me. The ground acted like a sea, as a wave travelled towards my location. When it arrived, I felt slight tremors underneath me, and the ground wave lifted me up, then passed me and continued a bit further. Then I could feel some remnants of the blast, but it was no longer hot or strong.

"This was something else" I said to myself. Everything seemed to get obliterated, even the soil, and rocks disappeared. 'With this, the Avians and Yagaroths are no more. Time to check out the damages' I thought. I wanted to check the damage, as well as find any possible survivors. 'The High One of Yagaroths, might've been able to survive that… somehow. If he did, I will freeze him to death' I thought. I ran at a normal speed, and soon arrived at what used to be Vulture Cliffs.

What I stood in front, was a hole. A hole so big, I could fit a whole region inside it. It was also very deep, so deep I couldn't see the bottom. I awakened my Darkness Perception, and saw the bottom of that hole. 'This is at least 200 metres deep. The blast must've been enormous' I thought. There was nothing at the bottom. No water or corpses, nothing but glass like rocks everywhere. 'The corpses must've disintegrated, with such heat and the powerful blast, I doubt even the High One, could live through that' I thought.

I still checked the area around the hole, and looked at the bottom from different perspectives. Finally, I managed to find something. 'Yep, the High One is dead' I thought. There wasn't much left, only a piece of a tentacle, the was stuck inside one part of the wall. It was burned to a crisp, but managed to stay attached. I took out a bow, and shot at it. When the arrow hit the tentacle, it disintegrated, leaving only dust behind.

"Avians and Yagaroths perished. This will no doubt stay in North's history. Although, no one will know it was me". I turned towards Obsidian Mountains, and walked back. There was nothing else for me to do there. 'My next goal, is to return Crow his eyes. I need to find some animals, to experiment on' I thought. This was not such a hard task to accomplish. I could use the Corpse Dogs, that roamed around the Wilderness.

"A Corpse Dog, is not the same as a Human or Shade. I still need to figure out, if that is indeed possible, in the first place" I said to myself. After some more walking, I found a few corpse Dogs, and caught them alive. For the purpose of making them stay still, I made some more poison from the Antal Shrooms. 'Time to test it out' I thought, and proceeded to take out their eyes. With the poison working, although they felt pain, they wouldn't die.

I check the eyes, as well as sockets. 'This will be difficult' I thought. There was a nerve connecting the eye, but it wouldn't be easy to connect that. The space was limited as well. I would need some very fine tools, in order to do this. For now, I decided to try and connect the nerves, with whatever I had on me.

When I tried, I quickly found another problem. 'When the eyeball is in the socket, I can't even see the nerves. I need to bypass this somehow' I though, and focused my eyes on the tiny details. I could see much better now, so my eyes were not the problem, the space was. I tried a couple of times. Mosty, I would damage the eyeball, or attach the nerves badly. Couple of Corpse Dogs died as well. It seemed that touching those eye nerves, was unimaginably painful.

'I need better tools. Not only that, I need to find a better way to bypass the eyeball. I don't have an infinite amount of eyes, to test that on Crow. I will have to do it on Corpse Dogs, or other animals here' I thought, and speed up towards the Obsidian Mountains. There was a blacksmith workshop in Olrad, I could use them to make me some tools.

It didn't take me long, to arrive back in Olrad. I went straight to the workshop, and found the old Lizard. I asked "Hey, how have you been?". The old Lizard was confused for a while, then exclaimed "OH! It's you! I couldn't recognise you". I smiled, and asked "Can you create some specific tools for me? I need them to be very thin but strong. I will also need some special holders and whatnot". The old Lizard asked "Why would you need such tools?". I replied "I need them for something. Can you make them? I will pay you of course".

The old Lizard nodded, and said "Sure. After all, you worked here. Show me what you have in mind. I will need a sketch or some sort of example, how these tools are supposed to look like". I nodded, and said "I will provide them soon. I need to make a few sketches. Just beware, that these tools will be quite thin. Using a mould may not be optimal, as I need them to be precise". The old Lizard smiled, and said "Who do you think I am? I will make these tools by hand. I'm a blacksmith after all!". I nodded my head, and said "I will return with the sketches soon", then left the workshop.

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