
Chapter 293

Chapter 293

None of them had the strength to stop me anymore. With such a commotion, I finally noticed Woody, who just arrived. He came forward, and asked "Why have you come here? Who are you!?". I replied "It's me, Nex". I could see disbelief on Woody's face. He asked "Is this real?". I didn't answer his question, and simply asked my own. "Where is Trek?". Woody laughed "That pile of bones? He is almost done for. Still, being able to hold on for so long, it's like that guy just refuses to die".

I walked towards Woody, and asked again "Where is he?". Woody replied "There is no point going for revenge anymore. He is a dead man anyway, but I will not stop you. Follow me, I will show you where he is". I followed after Woody, and we soon arrived at some run down house. There were only a few people staying around it. Woody pointed at the house, and said "He is inside. I finally became the Village Chief, and that old and crazy bastard's rule is over". I didn't care about Woody's remarks, and walked towards the house. A young man blocked me, and asked "What more do you guys want? Leave us in peace already".

I looked at him, and noticed that it was the youngster, I fought in the past. "Move, I'm going to see my grandfather". The guy was shocked, and asked "Nex?... This is all your fault… you". Before he could finish, I punched him lightly. He flew through the air, and landed a couple of metres away. I didn't care about him, and simply entered. Woody said nothing, it seems they liked to abuse these people anyway.

Inside, a lone man was laying on his bed. He was dying, that much would be obvious to anyone. His bones were visible, and he looked like a skeleton. He looked even worse than me, from the past. I walked over to the bed, and said "It's me". Trek opened his eyes, and asked "Nex… Have you returned to take my life?". I shook my head, and said "No. You are already dying, there is no need for me to do that. I came here to ask something". He replied "What's that?". I asked "Why did you hate my father so much? He loved mother, and cared for her. So I don't understand".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He laughed a bit, and said "Blindness, that's what it was. Since I had a lot of time to think things through, I realised that I was the one, who was crazy all that time. Your father was a good man. I just didn't want to accept that, due to my own stupid reasons. It's an old story". I replied "I have…", but before I could finish, Woody butted in and said "He is done already. That fool destroyed his own family, and.. ". "Leave".

Woody looked at me, and asked "What did you say?". I repeated "Leave". He snorted, and said "You think, you can just walk in here, and...", but before he could finish, a dagger already pierced through his body, leaving a gaping hole. He looked at me in disbelief, and said "You… bastard!", then his body split into pieces and fell to the floor.

I walked over to the pile of flesh, and rummaged through it. I soon found what I was looking for. Woody's bag, that contained all his possessions. I looked at the pile, and said "Did you really think, I didn't see through your games?". I then turned towards trek and walked towards him, while saying "That idiot helped me, only to become the Village Chief, but he was too stupid to leave". Trek was visibly shocked, and said "You… you reached...". I said "I did. As I was saying, I have time, so explain to me".

Trek went quiet for a while, then said "Your father is from a village called Savala Village. When I was younger, I had a friend in that village. He was the father of your father. I said that I had a friend, because he betrayed me. Well, it was about a woman… Anyway, when your father wanted to take my daughter, I immediately disagreed. This was a payback to his father. Raz was stubborn though, and Lily loved him a lot. When I heard that Lily was pregnant, I became furious and began planning the ritual, with the use of Moon Blade. This would allow me to live longer, but also get rid of a shame and disgrace. They somehow learned about my plans, and ran away".

After a short pause, Trek continued. "Of course, I didn't let them get away so easily. I chased after them, with a few of my followers. It was then, that Raz's father stepped in. That is how I overreached my life. I was also at the Inner Limits stage, just like Raz's father Otris. I won with Otris, but Raz and Lily managed to run away. I was bent on finding them, the sword and you. Even more so, since I overreached my life in that battle".

I thought about something, and said "Woody told me something else though". He snorted, and said "Woody? That bastard always wanted to take the seat from me. I admit I was crazy about that ritual and stuff, but he had no right to become a Village Chief here. His ranking didn't even allow that. Whatever he said to you, must've been to convince you that he was the good guy. If I knew him well, he probably wanted to make sure, that you wouldn't fight him over the position in the future. After all, you are the inheritor, and the next Village Chief after me".

I asked "Why not simply kill me?". Trek smiled, and said "I was still too strong for him, and I still had loads of followers. If he killed you, he would die as well. That is why, he had to let you go. He also had to make sure, we wouldn't find you". I nodded my head, and said "I was suspicious of him anyway. Besides, I already saw through him, when I came back here. What you said, makes sense. This doesn't mean, I forgive you though". Trek replied "I'm not looking for your forgiveness. It's too late for me, and for that. I only wanted to tell you the truth. I do regret what I did, because of that, I lost my daughter. You lost both of your parents because of me, and even when you found a family again, it turned out even worse for you. I can only apologize... but what will that change?".

I replied "It's better than nothing, I guess. I don't intend to become the Village Chief. My goal is much different, to what yours may have been. But, I will help you out a bit. I will place the person of your choosing, as the next Village Chief". Trek's expression changed, he was shocked to be sure. He asked "You still want to help me?". I replied "I'm not really helping you. I'm helping the village, from which my mother comes from. You know best, who is most appropriate as a Village Chief here. So tell me who it is, and I will give him that position".

He thought about it for a while, and said "The guy outside. You met him already in the past. He was the one who fought you. Make him the Village Chief". I nodded my head, and said "It shall be done". I turned around, and exited the house. The guy I punched not too long ago, was still laying on the ground, trying to pick himself up. I walked over, and said "Is that all you got?". He managed to squeeze out "You… bastard… It's all your fault!".

I commanded "Stand up". He struggled, and finally stood up. He was very weak. The reason was simple, all Trek's followers were weak. They were skinny, and had no strength left. I said "Good. You are not useless after all. Follow me, we will talk inside". He stood there, and said "I'm not goin…". I lightly pressed on one of his pressure points, and said "Yes you will". He screamed in pain, then shouted "I will kill you!". I said "Follow me, or I can make this even more painful".

He finally fessed up, and followed after me… slowly. We entered the house again, and I asked Trek "Is he the one?". Trek nodded slightly, and said "Yes. He was always loyal, and cared for the greater good of the village. Although his views became a bit rotten due to my crazy ideas, he is a good kid". The kid seemed a bit confused, and asked "What is going on?". Trek said "Ricky. What I did in the past, was wrong. I was blinded by my own stupidity, and destroyed my own family. Nex did nothing wrong, he is not your enemy".

The guy was confused, and didn't know what to say. His world pretty much shattered. After all, he must've had a lot of hate for me. Not that I cared much, I would still leave this place either way. He mumbled "But.. you said… and…". I decided to waste no more time, and said "I'm the new Village Chief, what are you going to do about that?". He looked at me, and then Trek a few times. He shouted "He is a bastard! How can he become the Chief… I don't approve of that!". I asked "What are you going to do about it? If you don't want to comply, I can just kill you".

He replied "I won't stand this. I will not become one of your pawns. I refuse!". I started walking towards him. There was fear in his eyes, but he didn't back down. Who wouldn't fear their death approaching? I raised my hand, while he closed his eyes. I smiled, and tapped his shoulder "Pak". He opened his eyes and asked "Wha..?". I said "I don't intend to stay here. The next Village Chief will be you. That is what I decided, you are worthy of such position". He became confused again, and asked "You… you were testing me?". I smiled, and said "Kind of. You are too weak, to become a Village Chief in such state. I will help you out a bit".

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