
Chapter 300

Chapter 300

For the next few days, I focused on my field. I put in a lot of work, and managed to finish the water delivery system. The field was ready for planting. The problem was, would the herbs grow? 'I don't know if all this work will be for naught, but it's worth a try' I thought, and started planting the seeds. It would still take some time, before the seeds would sprout. 'This is taken care of, and because of the water delivery system, I don't really have to worry much about this place. I should visit Aran, and begin my sword training' I thought.

What Finch said, was actually true. My skills couldn't really see the light of day. People would chase me again. North was not such a problem, but Endrosian Empire was populated with pretty much Humans only. I arrived at the training area, after a short walk. Some youngsters were already there, training. A few of them practiced their archery, while most of the youngsters focused on sword training.

When Aran saw me, he shouted "Nex! It's good that you are here! Why don't you show the kids a few moves?". I smiled, and replied "I'm not a sword user, therefore I can't help you there". Aran was shocked, and asked "Archery perhaps?". I nodded, and said "I know some basics. Nothing to show off, but if you insist, I can show you what I know". Aran nodded his head, and replied "Great! Then show them some archery skills".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I took out my bow and arrows, then walked away from the target. I stood around 300 metres away, and said "Although this distance is nothing for me anymore, the bow will only manage that. I don't want to break it". The youngsters usually shot from a distance of 100 metres. They were not strong enough, to pull a better bow. I said "I don't know much about archery, and I only learned very little. This is the crux of it".

I shot one arrow after the other, and all hit the centre of the target. As I shot my arrows, I continued saying "Due to my skills, I can shoot arrows from such distance, and always hit the target. I'm able to do this, because I can predict the weather conditions at the target. Over the 300 metres in distance, the wind can blow in a different direction, than it is blowing here. Therefore, it's crucial for an archer to predict conditions at the target, and even before the target".

I shot about 20 arrows, and stopped. I hid my bow, and said "I can only shoot like this, I don't really know any skill…". I stopped myself, and said "Actually, I know one skill". The youngsters exclaimed "Show us!". I took the bow out again, and said "Although I know a skill, I never used it… nor did I practice it. I know how to do it, but I don't know if I will be able to". Aran encouraged me, and said "Give it a try. You never know".

I nodded, and notched an arrow into the bow. I then released my Aura, and attached it to the arrow. 'This doesn't seem so difficult. I just use my Aura, and shoot normally' I thought, and released the arrow. "Swooosh!". There was no screeching sound, as my bow was completely useless, compared to my strength. The arrow arrived at the target and pierced right through it.

The youngsters seemed disappointed, but I replied "Just watch". Soon, the target fell apart, and turned into pieces. The youngsters exclaimed "Wow!" or "Amazing!", and started at the pile of wood. Aran nodded and said "You have mastered your Aura. Although this is not a skill, it's still a powerful attack". I smiled, and said "Well, I'm not an archer really". Aran said "Let me show you something". He then took out his bow, which was a longbow, and seemed to be made from metal. He stood next to me, and said "Look". He notched an arrow, and released it, as if without a care. Although he did it so casually, the arrow travelled very quickly, even though it didn't make screeching sound.

What happened next, shocked me. The arrow hit the target, but didn't pierce through it, or became stuck to it. No, it bounced off somehow, and hit another target that was a bit further away on its left. I asked "How did you do that?". He smiled, and said "If you want to, I can teach you. I'm no master, when it comes to archery. I'm better with swords". I nodded my head, and said "Teach me both. I need to learn the sword as well". Aran nodded, and replied "Of course!.. This is embarrassing though. You broke through your Inner Limits, while I didn't. A teacher that is weaker than his pupil…" I smiled, and said "Doesn't matter. You can still teach me. When it comes to sword and archery, you are much better than I am".

Aran nodded, and asked "Why do you use such a rubbish bow? You should've told Gerond about it, he would make you a good one". I said "I will visit Gerond later. I want to get some of his knowledge too". He asked surprised "You know how to smith?". I smiled, and replied "Kind of. Anyway, show me some more of those archery skills". Aran nodded, and we began the training.

This went on for the rest of the day. I asked Aran, to teach me how to shoot properly while running. I also asked him to teach me the trick kind of shots, where an arrow would bounce and such. After the training, Aran said "You are not that bad at archery, it's just that you probably didn't have a teacher in the past, or at least good teacher. You can do the same things I can, if you practice more. Come back tomorrow, and we can practice the sword".

I nodded my head, and left. The next morning, I ate breakfast with Finch and Tina. Finch asked "So, how are things?". I said "Not bad, I trained a bit in archery yesterday, and I plan to learn sword from today. As for the field… We will have to see. I don't know if the herbs will be able to sprout here". Finch nodded his head, then I heard the knocking. Tina opened the doors, and asked "What is it Nade?". Nade said "I came to visit Nex. Is he home?". She replied "Yes, come in". When they walked into the dinning room, Tina said "Nex, you have a guest". I could hear that already, so I asked Nade "How do you feel?".

Nade bowed down, and said "Thank you! You really did heal me. I tested it out, and I don't get tired that quickly anymore. Although I'm still weak, I can train, and improve myself. It's all thanks to you!". I smiled, and said "Don't mention it. You should visit Aran. He will teach you how to train. I will be going there soon, so you can join me". Nade nodded, and said "I will go!". I said farewell to Finch and Tina, then went outside with Nade.

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