
Chapter 359

Chapter 359

I focused on perfecting my Defensive Forms, before attempting training with the three masters again. I did a few adjustments to the Ring and Shield Forms, then worked more on the Mind Form. I needed to figure out other possible pressure points I could strike, in order to awaken myself. Although the Form was rather dangerous to myself, it was still better than getting stuck in an illusion and dying.

Time passed slowly. I tried most of my pressure points, and Yater was there to provide the illusions. With time, I figured out how to break through harder illusions. Yater was speechless, when some of his harder illusions were broken. It was of course at a price. The more advanced an illusion was, the higher damage I would sustain.

Yater urged me to master the Art of Stealth as soon as possible. He was afraid I would kill myself, if my opponent knew illusions. He mentioned that if I understood illusions, I would be better able to counter them. He also said that Eterians were the real masters of illusion, and even Yater would have a very hard time fighting against one. This was logical. If I understood how illusions worked properly and was able to create my own, I could potentially break the illusions of Eterians that were stronger than me, with the use of that Form.

The problem was, Yater wouldn't explain how the illusions worked. I had to find it out by myself. Although I witnessed his illusions many times, I wasn't able to even copy anything. He simply looked at me, and that was all. 'I know only one thing, that can teach me illusion' I thought. It was Frosty. Back in the North, I met the three eyed monkey, which explained to Frosty how its illusion worked. The problem was, Frosty didn't respond at all. I tried many times throughout the years, but nothing.

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'Are you really gone? Changed to that arm completely?' I asked myself. Even when I threatened to cut my arm off, Frosty never appeared. It led me to believe, Frosty would never appear again. 'I guess I always spelled bad luck, especially to those around me. The three masters can probably take care of themselves, but others?' I thought. Fox became wanted because of me. Crow lost his sight and arm. Although it wasn't entirely my fault, I was partially responsible still. If not for my help, he would probably live his old life. I had no clue whether Harlin and Lazar were doing well. 'I probably miss them' I thought, as memories of my friends appeared in my mind.

"Why are you worrying so much Nex?". It was the voice of Irwin. I smiled, and replied "I think I miss my friends". He looked at the night sky, and sighted. "My friends are already gone. My master is no longer here, neither is my family. Friends eh? It's been a while, since I thought about them". After a while of silence, he said "You know, I always thought what would happen to me, if not for the old man". I asked "Yater?". He smiled, and said "We know each other for a long time. We both became masters of our Arts. I guess I still have one friend left".

I smiled, and replied "It's good to have friends". He just grunted "Un", and stayed quiet. After a while, I broke the silence, and asked "Wanna fight?". He woke up from his thoughts, and replied "Ha! I'm always up for battle!". We both released our Auras, and had a little bout. I lost of course, but something was different. Even Irwin noticed that. He asked "Did you just control your Aura?". I thought about it, and said "I think I did… I didn't even notice".

Irwin laughed, and said "I already know what you needed. Remember Nex, when you release that Aura, think of your friends. This will help you control it, and later? It will come naturally". I nodded, and asked "Want another try?". He grinned, and released his Aura. I did the same, and we spared again.

"Thud!". I dropped heavily to the ground. Irwin didn't go easy on me at all. Besides, we battled a few times already. Irwin said "You did well. As promised, I will teach you about the sword now. Although we will fight still, I will be using my sword in the future". I nodded faintly, and said "Give me a minute here, I'm all spent". He shook his head, and replied "Just rest. When you are fully rested, I will show you some things". I nodded, and laid down. I was really tired. Not only most of my energy was gone, I was still injured.

I woke up in the morning of the next day. 'I can still feel some residue of those battles. Irwin went more serious this time' I thought, and picked myself up. I looked around, and noticed no one. 'He probably went back to the peak' I thought, and climbed to the peak myself. As I suspected, they were all sleeping. Nathan used my bed, for whatever reason. It wasn't like I needed it. Most of the time, I was away from the peak, and practiced in the mountain forest.

I said out loud "Wake up Irwin. Time to practice". Irwin replied, still sleeping in his bed "Just go do whatever. I will join you later". I walked up to his bed, and kicked it. The bed broke, and Irwin feel to the floor. "What the fuck Nex!". I replied "Wake up". He picked himself up, and said "You grew some balls over the night? Because I'm gonna beat the shit out of you". I just shook my head, and left the house. As I walked past the doors, I could hear muffled sounds of laughing from Nathan and Yater.

Then Irwin voice exploded, "Shut up bastards! Nex! You owe me a bed!". We descended the peak, to a more suitable environment. "You are growing up badly. Learn some patience", Irwin said. I replied "You guys are lazy, some motivation will do you good. Now, show me your sword techniques". Irwin laughed "As if! I will teach you some basics first. How we the masters in the Art of War fight, is a lot different compared to soldiers, or those adventurers. I will show you how to fight properly".

I nodded, while Irwin took out his sword. He said, "Take your sword out, and attack. No Auras, or other skills. Simply attack with your sword. Of course if you know any sword techniques, you are free to use them". I took out my Bastard Sword, and assumed the attacking stance. Irwin on the other hand, had no stance. He smiled, and said "Come".

I rushed at Irwin with my attacking stance, and Formation activated. 'Lethal Sword Technique, First Form!' I exclaimed in my mind, and attacked. Although I practiced a lot with the Basic Forms, Irwin had no issues avoiding my attacks. 'Second Form!', my stance changed a bit, and I executed the Second Form. Nothing still. I tried with the Third Form, when suddenly Irwin threw a fist full of sand at me.

I quickly closed my eyes, but then I got hit by something in my chest, and flew backwards. I coughed a few times, and opened my eyes. Irwin's sword was already about to chop me in half. I swung my sword upwards. But Irwin did something, I didn't expect at all. He let go of his sword lightly, and my counter deflected the sword. The weird thing was that, the sword instead of flying upwards, it came crashing down at me. I used Natural Path skill, and evaded, but that was a breach of our agreement.

He said "You cheated. I told you, no other Arts or Aura. Simple sword fight". I replied "Bullshit. You cheated as well. Using sand to try and blind me, then that weird thing of letting your sword go". Irwin replied "It's true that most swordsmen fight fair and square. I'm not a swordsman though. I am a master in the Art of War. At war, the only thing that matters, is killing your enemy. I told you, we fight differently. While the Art of Hidden Weapons is concerned with distancing yourself, as well as the use of blind spots and hidden means. The Art of War, is the mastery of the underhanded methods. At war, there is no "You cheated!", or "Not fair!". Even if you had to eat shit, as long as this kills your enemy, you should do it".

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