
Chapter 364

Chapter 364

While we wandered around the city, I noticed one obvious fact. Elysians didn't carry any weapons. This included warriors, who were more distinct with their tattoos. I decided to ask about that when we returned to our accommodation. Yater knew the city very well, and he showed me some interesting buildings, as well as the farms. Each building had its purpose. The houses were not for living alone, all Elysians had a specific job to do in their society.

Some were craftsmen just like me, others were farmers. There were those who used tree barks or other natural resources, to draw their Formations on. Most of these people were practicing, but some sold their Formations. They ranged from useless, like creating water to water the plants. To useful, that could even be used during a battle. These Formations were great, because one could carry them around, and use at their disposal. The drawback was that they were one time use only Formations.

'This is actually quite good for them. If visitors want to buy them, they have to buy more, because they are expendable. Elysians on the other hand, can practice their Formation skills, and then later apply them to warriors or other people' I thought. I didn't know how they would apply those Formations onto a Human being, but I knew I couldn't ask. It was something I was not supposed to know.

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When we visited the farms, I looked at the methods of planting and watering the plants. I also made sure to check out how they tended to their fields. Although we spent only a few hours there, I learned quite a bit. The problem was, we couldn't find the place where Ethereal Flowers grew. 'Yea, I already guessed it wouldn't be in the open. Maybe I will figure it out myself' I thought. Although I didn't see the Ethereal Flowers, I saw how they tended to some of the plants and seeds I had.

The process and their farms were… different. They used Formations for everything. I also figured out why, the warriors didn't carry any weapons. These people used Formations, and they were so sophisticated, that it blew my mind. A tattoo of a rake, could change to an actual rake in Elysian's hands. Hence, this would apply to weapons as well. 'I saw some animal tattoos too. Does that mean they can make animals appear?' I thought. I didn't know, so I decided to ask Yater when we returned.

After a whole day of sightseeing, we returned to the house. Yater again tapped his foot onto the floor, and said "That was close. Nex, she has her eyes on you. We are not going to visit that shop anymore. Besides, you got what you wanted, right?". I nodded, and replied "Yes, I got more than I imagined. Ethereal Flower… We will see if I can grow it. Although I didn't see the process, I can still try". Nathan asked "Are you seriously going to grow those things outside? I don't know if its possible, but it seems not. After all, they are confident enough, to give away such seeds to outsiders".

I replied, "We will see", then turned towards Yater and asked, "I noticed that the tattoos can change into real tools, and probably weapons. But what about animals? Can they make animals appear?". Yater shook his head, and replied "No, it's not that. The tattoos of animals, are used to increase their abilities. It's the same for other tattoos. They can control Elements too, at least to some extent". I asked "Just like me?". He shook his head, and replied "No, through the Formations. If a warrior has a tattoo of a flame, he can add that flame into his skills, or the Formation Weapon. It's not a real weapon, it's made by Formation".

This was shocking. 'I thought they stored their weapons inside their bodies somehow, but it seems that's not the case' I thought. In other words, those weapons, tools and whatnot, all of them were just Formations. Not something a blacksmith or a craftsman created. I asked "You can do that? I mean, can you actually create weapons out of Formations alone… Wait, that is a stupid questions, right?". Yater smiled, and replied "Of course it is. You could say the same about illusions, or other stuff that seems unexplainable. Like you". He had a point, so I didn't ask about that anymore. Instead, I asked something else. "What about tomorrow? Where are we going next?".

Yater replied, "We will travel to the next city, and I will show you around. We will not go to the third city, where the Emperor is". Irwin added "Yea, the weather here is not so great. They became a bit happier, when they heard about the late Emperor, but still". I asked "What do you mean?". Nathan replied this time. He said "We can judge whether Elysians are in good or bad mood. If we go to the Imperial City of Zarok, there might be some problems. Especially, if you say something unintentionally. Worry not though, it would take us many days, in order to travel between cities on our feet. We are going to take a special method of transport".

I asked "They have a special method of moving between cities? Like the Falkons in the Imperial City?". Yater nodded, and replied "Yes, but not like Falkons. Elysians value nature, and they built something unique with its use. The knowledge of Formations, plus the knowledge and love of nature, gave birth to a unique method of going places faster". Irwin added "It's a bit costly, but Yater saved some money. Besides, he planned to use that information about Emperor anyway. You just beat him to it".

Yater replied "Whatever. I still have money. Enough to pay for Nex". Irwin said "Oi oi, old man. Why don't you buy tickets for me as well?". Yater replied "Who the hell told you to come here, if you have no money eh? Stay here then, we will collect you on our way back". I shook my head, and stopped their argument. I said "We need to stick together. Leaving him alone… You already told me what he did last time. We shouldn't leave him all alone, what if he runs around and creates trouble?". Irwin replied "I appreciate the gesture, BUT I'M NOT A STRAY DOG!".

Nathan chimed in "Then it's decided. We are going all together tomorrow. Yater is paying". Yater replied "Wait what the fuck? You too? Ah whatever, I will pay this once". Irwin said "It's not like you are poor. You always gave them some juicy information, I wouldn't be surprised if you were wealthier than some Elysians". Yater didn't comment on that though. We rested and chatted for the rest of the day, and then retired to our own rooms.

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