
Chapter 372

Chapter 372

I headed to Ortava first. I wondered how Fox was doing. It's been a few years since I last saw her. The journey to Ortava was really uneventful. On my way, I played with the Moon Blade a bit more. Indeed, there was a Formation inside. I wasn't able to activate the Formation at first, but then I recalled the stuff about Blood Ritual. I dropped some of my blood onto the blade, and the Formation activated. The blade shone like the moon during the night. When I slashed it without much of my strength behind, the sword released a silvery air blade, that cut through a few trees cleanly.

"Wow", I said to myself. The sword with that Formation active, was very sharp. The Formation had two effects though. Although it activated the sword's real power, it was also sucking my blood away. The rate was slow, but after prolonged use it would drain my blood completely. 'This must be how the sword would be used in that Blood Ritual. It would suck my blood, and then somehow transfer the life force to Trek' I thought. I wasn't sure how exactly it would be transferred, but it was the most logical possibility.

Besides retrieving and learning about Moon Blade, I also checked out the red glass ball. I had no idea what it was. 'She shouted "Die!", before intending to use it. Is it some sort of explosive item?' I asked myself. I couldn't figure it out, but Fox's father might have a clue. Ortava soon appeared in front of me. The city didn't change at all. The Academy was still there, as were the students and ordinary citizens, going about their daily lives.

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I still had my feather, so entering the Academy was not a problem. I might've been able to enter without it. But why try, when I already had a pass? Inside the Academy, I climbed the tower, and knocked on the doors. A coarse and older voice answered "Come in". I walked inside, and saw Fox's father. He aged a bit throughout the years I haven't seen him. 'He must've gone through a lot. His daughter being chased and all that' I thought.

He lifted his head up, and asked "Who are you?". I began by apologizing. "I'm sorry. I hope Fox is doing well, despite all that happened in the past". It took him a while to recognise me. He stood up, and shouted "Why did you come here? Haven't you done enough?!". I replied, "You are right to blame me, it was my fault. After all, it was me who helped that prince. I did what I could to keep the promise I gave you. Knowing that she returned safe, and is safe now, it's all I cared about".

He said "Whatever. Leave, you already caused enough problems for us. I should sell you out to the Royals, but I will not do such a thing. Although you brought that disaster upon us, you also allowed my daughter to escape. Let's just call it we repaid each other's debts, and live our own lives". I nodded, and said "I came to apologize, and say farewell to Fox. After that, I will leave the Endrosian Empire". He asked angrily, "You still dare ask to see my daughter?". I replied "I just want to say goodbye. Nothing else". He thought about it, and replied "Fine. Say your farewells, and leave. I will be happy if I never see you again". I nodded and turned around to exit

When I walked through the doors, he said "You will find her in the library. You don't have to return here anymore". I nodded, and closed the doors. I headed towards the library, just like I was told. There were many students inside, and in one corner sat a lone girl reading a book. It was Fox, but her mask was different... Although still fox-like. I walked up to her table, and sat down on the chair opposite of her. She asked annoyed "What do you want", without even taking her eyes off the book.

I smiled, and said "I came to say goodbye". She froze for a moment, and then looked up. She probably wanted to say something, but no words came out of her mouth. I said "It's been a while. Your voice is more mature now, and you changed your mask". Her voice shaky, she asked "Why now? Why didn't you visit earlier?". I replied "I had loads to take care of. Besides, I already took care of all the stuff here. I will be leaving this place".

After a while, she asked "You will never return?". I thought about it, and said "Probably. Who knows what the future holds, but I plan to stay in the North for now. Your father… both of you suffered enough because of me". She shook her head, and said "But it wasn't your fault". I snorted, and asked "Then who's? If not for me, you wouldn't be chased. You wouldn't have to deal with all that mess. I only came to say goodbye, but who knows, maybe we will meet one day. The world is big and small at the same time".

I stood up, and said "Farewell Fox. Take good care of your father". I then left the Academy, and Ortava. 'I always cause problems for those around me. In the North, I should be fine though. No one will hunt me down, because of my skills… Haaah' I thought. In the end, I didn't ask about that red glass ball. It would be inappropriate to do so. 'I will find out one way or another' I thought, as I ran towards Savala Village.

I was lost in my thoughts for a while, until I realised someone was following me. 'Does someone have a death wish?' I thought, and turned around. I soon realised who was following me. 'That stupid girl…' I thought, and called out. "Fox, I know you are following me. Come out". Indeed, she appeared further away, and said "I'll go with you". I smiled, and replied "You will go, but home. Your father is already angry at me, I don't want to cause any more problems for you guys".

She replied seriously "My father can't dictate my life. I'm a grown up woman, I can make my own decisions". I shook my head, and said "You know I can't allow that". She asked "Why? Because I'm weak? Because you don't trust me?". I replied "No, because I can't guarantee your safety". She replied "I can take care of my own safety!", then disappeared, and tried attacking me. I shook my head, and caught her as she was about to attack me from behind.

"I'm not the same I was before. What you learned is some stealth. What I practice is an Art of Stealth. The Forbidden Art, that Royals themselves fear. Your tricks will no longer work here. I already slaughtered some high standing Royals, including that princess. They will search for me far and wide. Are you alright with that?". She went silent for a while, then replied. "I'm willing to accept it". I sighed, and said "Alright then. We will be going to the North, but before that I will visit my family. Just to make it clear, if you want to go now, there is no return. You won't be able to see your father for a very long period of time".

She said "I already left a goodbye message. The life of Formation student is not for me, I don't want it. I want to go with you". I nodded, and released her. "Let's go then". I was a bit angry at myself. I shouldn't allow her to go, but at the same time, she chose that over anything else. Knowing the risks of associating with me, she chose to go. This was her decision, but also mine decision. Whether we would regret making them, was up to the future.

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