
Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Irwin was a blacksmith, but an unconventional one. He specialised in weird varieties of ingots. What I was about to make, was not mainstream at all. I melted the Black Iron Ore and added Flash Tin to the mix. The ingot would be brittle because of that, but I didn't need to worry about it. I poured the molten metal into the ingot mould, and allowed it to cool down. When that was done, I took a hammer and smashed it into pieces. I repeated the process a few times, until the ingot almost broke into fine dust. I collected that, and placed it to the side. I then melted more Black Iron Ore, but this time I added Blurite Ore. The ratio was 5:1. Although it might seem small, those were the exact proportions I needed.

I repeated the process of melting, then smashing it into the shape of a mould. Black Iron Ore with the addition of Blurite, was a bit flexible. It wouldn't break like the previous mix, and was much more workable. I smashed it, and mixed the two ores together. There was a specific method to it. I had to smash it towards the same direction at all times. It may seem simple, but it wasn't. The method wasn't to strike towards south or north all the time, but in the same direction of that molten metal. This was confusing to me at first, so Iwin used a different term. He told me to strike with the grain. That I understood. It concerned an advanced blacksmithing technique, especially when creating weapons.

I repeated the process a few times, until I received the desired effect. 'Time to mix them together' I thought, and chucked the Black Blurite Ingot into the furnace. When that melted, I added the Black Flash Powder little by little. After everything mixed properly, I took it out and slammed it with my hammer. It was again the same technique, I had to go with the grain. A while later, I had a black ingot, with blue veins running across it. There was a trace of silver thread like lines, surrounding the blue ones. This Ingot was called Flash Blurite Steel, and it was much better than simple Black Steel.

Not only was it a bit lighter than the normal Black Steel, it was much more durable and a bit more flexible. The brittlety disappeared when everything was mixed together, creating one piece of hard and durable steel. I had no idea why those ores worked together like this, but they worked. Irwin told me about a few recipes, but this one was the most suitable, and the easiest to get in the North. Others were a bit more… exotic.

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With one Ingot done, I proceeded to make another. I needed at least five Flash Blurite Steel Ingots. That was for my Stringed Hidden Weapons alone. I still wanted to make more, just to have a few daggers for throwing, as well as a few ingots for my armour. 'He will probably ask me to make Azurite Ingots, or perhaps ask for more medicine. Maybe a bit of both, it's also a solution. After all, I will use a few of their resources' I thought. It didn't matter that much. I had medicine, and I could create a few Azurite Ingots for them as well.

I worked for the rest of the day. I managed to make 14 Flash Blurite Steel Ingots, but I had to rest a bit, and work on my daggers the next day. Before I left, I visited the old Lizard's office. Inside, I said "I'm done for today. I have all the ingots I need, but I used quite a bit of your resources. Tell me what you want in exchange?". He asked "Can I see those Ingots?". I took out one, and passed it to him. He looked at it for a while, and then asked "Can you teach me how to make it?". I smiled, and said "I kind of expected for you would say that. I don't mind, but I have to ask you not to make this widely available". He nodded and replied, "Of course! After all, the less people know, the better for us, right?".

I replied "Right. I will teach you tomorrow, keep this one for now. I will just keep the one from tomorrow. Anyway, thanks for letting me use your stuff, I really needed an upgrade". He told me not to mention it, and I left. 'Hmmm… Should I use Lazar's place, or rent a room?' I asked myself. I had like one Black Hal left, which would be enough to rent a room and eat something. 'Crow must be wealthy by now. I will just mooch off of him when I get there' I thought, and decided to stay at the tavern. I could always sell my medicine and make some money, but I wasn't in immediate need of them. I had enough for a room, even if I didn't, I could just sleep someplace else.

The Lizard behind the counter at the tavern, was different. She asked me, "What can I get ya?". I said "A room and a meal". She replied "What meal would you like sir?". I replied "Just give me whatever you recommend. A few portions should be fine. I have a good appetite". She nodded, and said "Have a seat, and your food will be ready shortly". Before I sat down, I asked "Where are the previous people who worked here?". She turned around and said "You knew them? They moved to a different village... I guess if I work hard, I can also move up the ladder".

I nodded, and sat down at one of the available tables. She brought my food a while later, and said "Enjoy". I was hungry, especially since I expanded my energy during that battle. I cleaned out the plates, and had to admit that her cooking was much better than the previous two. I came up to the counter with the empty plates, and said "Your cooking is really great. Much better than the previous two who worked here". She smiled, and asked "Really? I try my best, is all". I passed her the one and only Black Hal I had, and said "I will rent a room for four days, the rest is yours".

She looked at me for a while, and tried to give me the change, but I told her to keep it after I took the key. 'After I'm done with my daggers, I need to think about breaking through' I thought. The 5th Diagram was not completely modified by me yet. It wasn't the Aura that was lacking. It wasn't my Energy Control either. It was something else. 'I don't know whether it's the speed at which those positions change, or because of the positions themselves. I will need to figure that out, or perhaps break through naturally' I thought. The later option was not so simple. Specific conditions had to be met, or specific things had to happen in order for me to break through naturally.

Either way, it was something I had to work towards. The next day, I returned to the workshop, and began making my daggers. I wasn't using a mould this time. I already learned how to properly make weapons. The ingots were not for daggers alone. I wanted to use a few for the armour pieces, that would be attached to my new set of clothes. The old Lizard came by to learn the process of making Flash Blurite Steel. I showed him how, and specified the proportions. He was surprised that it wasn't as hard as he imagined.

Because of what I showed him, he told me I didn't owe them anything anymore. The ingots I created, were much better than normal Black Steel. If they issued weapons and armours made from that, the army would benefit. That was basically old Lizard's plan. He thanked me, and allowed me to make my daggers. It took me another day to make 20 daggers, for which I used ten Flash Blurite Steel Ingots. For the rest of them, I planned to make armour pieces. I knew that Suly was working on that Domain Formation, so I was in no rush.

I wanted to grab something to eat, but then I realised I had no money. 'Lazar should have some' I thought, and headed towards Upper Olrad. Lazar was as usual quite busy. When he heard I was visiting again, he abandoned his work and came to meet me. He said "I was quite busy with all the stuff, but I already heard that you helped us out. If not for you, that Eterian would create even more damage to us". I said "Don't mention it. Lazar, give me some money. I need one or two Black Hals". He laughed, and said "Only that much? I can give you a hundred if you need them". I shook my head, and said "Just spare change is enough. I will be leaving in a few days. My daggers are done, oh wanna see?".

Lazar looked at me interested, and said "Sure, why not". I presented the new dagger to him. The design didn't change that much, although it was more optimised for my Arts. Lazar looked at it for a while, and said "It's weird… I see some kind of blue veins in this Black Steel. Where did you get such steel from?". I replied "I made it. Anyway, your blacksmith here knows the method. Ask the old man if you need better weapons. He will make them from that". Lazar nodded while saying "Yea, this thing is lighter than normal Black Steel. What else is better?". I replied "Durability. For an army, those things are quite important right?". He nodded, and said "I will place some order then".

He then gave me five Black Hals, and said "If you need more, come by". 'I only wanted one or two... Whatever, it's just for the food' I thought, and returned to the tavern. I noticed that the same Lizard was behind the counter. When she saw me, she asked if I was hungry. 'I'm but…'. I nodded, and said "Just give me whatever you recommend. The portion can be the same as yesterday, or even bigger, I don't mind".

My meal soon arrived, and the portion was indeed bigger than the last time. I enjoyed my meal, but the young Lizard was looking at me for some reason. I turned towards her, and asked "Can I help you?". She quickly averted her gaze, and didn't reply. I didn't take it to heart, and simply finished my meal. As usual, I came back with empty plates. She said "You don't have to do that. I will collect them, it's my job". I said it wasn't much, and gave her a Black Hal. She shook her head, and said "You don't have to pay. You already left enough money to last you a few good meals". I said "Then that's for you. You are a good girl, and you work hard. You deserve this. Besides, it's Lazar's money, so take it", and I smiled.

She stood there bewildered, while I retired to my room. 'She is a great cook, I wonder why she sits here in Olrad. Punishment? Either way, tomorrow I will do the armour pieces, and then go to Sedon. I'm worried for Harlin and Crow' I thought.

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