
Chapter 407

Chapter 407

While we headed towards the Land of Sands, I tried helping Fox out with her training. Although her improvements were small, training together helped her out a lot. During that time, she managed to doges a few times, and predict my movements based on sound alone. "Keep going like this, and your hearing will improve…" I wanted to continue, but stopped myself. 'Now is not the time for that. When we get to Sedon, I will ask her' I thought.

Shortly after that, we entered the territory of Golems. The Land of Sands didn't change at all. No signs of war, no signs of enemies. It was rather peaceful. We headed straight to the Golems' only city, Varent. No one stopped us when we tried to enter, which was great. 'A nice change from all those passes, emblems and whatnot' I thought. I said to Fox, "We will go visit someone. He should help us meet the leaders and perhaps provide some information, if he values the favour I did for him". Fox didn't know who I was talking about, but that didn't matter.

We climbed the stairs to an upper section of Varent, where a certain someone lived. I knocked on the doors, and waited. I could hear someone, or rather something running around inside, then footsteps approached the doors. "Yes? How can I help you? I didn't post any tasks recently…" said a Golem after opening the doors.

I replied "You may have a hard time recalling me, but I was the one who healed your pet Slate". The Golem narrowed his eyes, and asked "Did you? Then how did you heal it? If you are who you are, you should know what happened right?". That was a test, he knew we went to that cave alone. No one followed us, and if I knew the answer, this would prove my identity.

I told him exactly what happened at that time, and his brows eased up. Not only eased up, but shock appeared on his stone face. "It really is you… No wonder Slate acted weirdly, he still recognises you". I smiled, and entered while Fox followed closely behind. Inside his house, the Golem said "You did some bad stuff in the past… but I don't blame you. There are and were shenanigans going on within Golem community. I don't know what exactly Graver did to you, but I guess you had your reasons".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I replied "He tried to collect information on me. This alone would be fine, if not for the membership stone being rigged. Without my permission, the stone recorded stuff about me. This warranted his, and his minions death". The Golem seemed really surprised. He asked "Is that true? That is against our customs. He deserved death in that case. Although… more Golems deserve it, now that the war of the North plays out".

I asked "Can you tell me what you guys are planning? What is your purpose of not joining any camp?". He replied "In our true values, we would stay out of it. We have our own place, and we were never concerned with others. Those are our core beliefs, we only care about Land of Sands. Although I say this, times changed. It seems, we will become your enemies Human". I replied seriously, "In that case, I will have to destroy you. If your intention was to really stay out of it, and help no sides… I could accept that. But what you said, is a potential destruction to our own forces".

He sighed while replying, "I'm against this too. I don't know why the leaders suddenly changed their minds". I had a reason in mind, "My guess? Eterians. I'm not saying they are controlled by Eterians, although that might be possible too. I'm saying they might've received a deal, they just couldn't decline. Do you guys lack anything?".

He thought about it, and replied "No, I don't think… Wait, there was that theory a few years ago. One of the Golems claimed our Energy source would dry up soon. Supposedly, he stole that secret from the leaders of our city Varent. He was hailed as a criminal, who tried to harm our community and the city itself. In fact, the leaders did limit the use of Life Energy inside Varent, which is weird. This could mean, the stuff about our Life Energy drying up is true. The problem is, Life Energy stones originate here. Where would Eterians get them from, even if that theory was true?".

'Hmm true, or perhaps those rocks don't originate in… No... this could be possible' I thought. Boltier had that crystal. If that could power Golems, they would have infinite energy. "There's one possibility. Say, can I meet with your leaders?". He shook his head, and replied "No, even if you wanted to discuss something important. Outsiders are simply not allowed. I can convey your message, but I don't think they would do anything about it". 'In that case, Varent will cease to exist' I thought. I wouldn't take chances, especially since the stakes were so high.

"I can only say, leave Varent. Take those who also wish to live peacefully, and find a new home. If we are to become enemies, I will not hesitate to destroy this city". He looked at his pet Slate for a while, and said "The Dark Traveller eh? I believe you. After all, everyone knows why Yagaroths and Avians ceased to exist. But, there is nowhere I can leave. Without Life Energy, I will die anyway… The whole city will die…".

He continued after a while, "I have another favour to ask of you". I asked, "What is it?". He said, "Take Slate with you. He feeds on different sort of Life Energy stones, which you know about. Thanks to my research, I know that Slate can live for many more years, much more than you will live. These types of rocks are in abandoned outside Varent, collecting them shouldn't be an issue either. That is my last favour".

I thought about it, and replied "It's not impossible. The question is, will Slate go with me?". The Golem looked at Slate for a while, and said "Go with him Slate. If we join the war, we will probably die. If we don't, who knows what those Eterians want. We might die anyway. It seems the leaders made up their minds". Slate refused though, it wanted to stay with its master, till the end of time. This was admirable in itself, such faithful companion was not easily found.

The Golem tried persuading Slate, but it wouldn't budge. I said, "It seems Slate wants to stay with you, for good or for bad. This alone is worthy of respect". He shook his head, and said "I want at least him to survive… Human... Take him, even if he doesn't want it". Slate stood up, and backed away from me. I shook my head while saying, "I can't do that. I can't force Slate to go with me, this is against my beliefs".

The Golem stood up, and took out a rock from somewhere. When Slate saw it, he started running away immediately. The Golem managed to catch it, and pressed the stone onto him. Slate lost all his strength, and fell asleep. The Golem said, "Now, it's not against his will. Take him Human, before you raze this place to the ground. That's all I'm asking of you". Fox nudged me lightly, and said quietly "Let's take him. It's the least we can do right? At least one Golem will still survive…".

I sighed, and agreed. "Alright. I will take Slate away from here". He nodded again, then passed me a round and well polished stone. He said, "This is my storage stone. Everything I own, is inside. Slate's Life Energy stones are there too. This should last him another fifty if not more years".

I took the stone, and hid it in my clothes. Slate was heavy though. When I picked him up, I could feel his weight pressing down on me. The Golem followed us outside and continued until we left Varent. When the distance was deemed safe by me, I placed Slate down and said "You can still stay here. You don't have to return there". He shook his head while replying "I lived long enough. Such eternal life is boring you know. I always envied those who got older and died. They had goals, while we simply exist. Perhaps that is the reason behind our indifference. Maybe we just live too long".

'How ironic. Those that possess longer lifespan, wish to die. Those with a shorter lifespan, wish to live longer' I thought. I told Fox to stay with Slate, while we returned to Varent.

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