Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 116: APOCALYPSE DAWN (1)

Chapter 116: APOCALYPSE DAWN (1)

"The ending of Arc 1 (Volume 1) is nigh. What you can expect for that is a lot of leveling and writing quality a lot better. Enjoy these final chapters.


Jasper was a coward. One who had feared death such that he would physically run away from it and betray the ones he loved in the process. Pusillanimous by nature. He never fit in with others. Not even his very own small family. Sadly, he was always ridiculed and loathed by his peers. 

He had persevered for years. He trained hard, and his hard work had paid off. He had become a police officer despite all those who did not believe in him. He proved them wrong. His life had changed forever from the time he had worked his first day as an officer. His cowardice was recognized by his comrades; and they had started to ridicule and belittle him. Nobody seemed to like him at all. 

However, he was surprisingly fortunate enough to be born with the ability to be blessed with an Ability after becoming an officer. He had anticipated the day on which he would alas attain power. With hindsight, he should not have gone to that place knowing that his name was flooded with infamy. 

The personwho was to bestow power upon himscowled at him, but still gave him a minuscule spark of power. Only a small fraction of this fire ability's potential was unlocked as opposed to the entire one hundred percent. Jasper had cherished his ability nonetheless. A fire ability of measly flames that could not even span across his palm. 

Today, however, his power had spanned across streets and houses, contradicting the latter truth: the hot flames had spread such that it had prevailed over it all with a striking radius. Magma melted away Joan's ice to nothing but steam and liquid alone, then it had melted away her body. 

Concrete was becoming molten material. Hot lava oozed out from his body. The alley was being burnt to nothing. The slew of corpses on the floor was combusted to nothing but ash. Staggering Prevalence, it certainly was. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Jasper, however, had not sufficient resistance from the flames of his own ability. He too was experiencing combustion but to a lesser degree. Orange veins filled with magma appeared all over his skin. His eyeballs were burnt out by his own ability. The pain he felt was excruciating. 

He wanted to set everything on fire. An atrocious yearning. Profound pyromania. To torch the world aflame! He would eventually be killed by his very own malice: his ability would kill him, provided that he had not complete resistance from it. 

But for now ... he would cause fiery carnage to the world and its inhabitants!


Jin had only just escaped Jasper's flames via teleportation. He stood on a rooftop, looking at Jasper from afar. He panted heavily, parts of his skin permanently burnt. 

"Where'd all that power come from?" Jin asked himself, his hands jammed in his pockets. 

It reminded him of the time of his betrayal. When he had gone berserk, gaining a lot of power from his hysteria. He scoffed. Power from rage? He wanted nothing to do with it again. But it was still intriguing to some degree on his part; after all, he had seen even Joan use it.

What was far by the most interesting thing he had witnessed today was the sensation that rushed through his body after a shockwave. He still felt the electricity within him. It felt like ... power. But really, what was it? 

From high on the building, Jin was able to see the shockwave slowly spanning across the streets. It had disappeared into the distance. What was it truly? 

After it had passed, Jasper had gained profound power. What was happening today? Jin glared. Something was definitely amiss.


The shockwave spanned across the globe. All the areas it had touched were forever altered or ... more precisely, restored to the initial state. The ground had begun to crack and shift. Anomalies were slowly rising from the faulting earth one after the next, being roused from centuries of quietus. 

People in the streets had paused after feeling a sensation rush through them. Otherswho did not feel suchwere bewildered upon seeing so many people confused. The confusion was seemingly contagious at this point.

All this had happened, and the spanning of the shockwave had not yet ceased. It continued to spread across the land, tainting everything with its corruption in the process. 


The demons were beginning to rise. They had created gateways to the untainted continent that transported beings of the Demon Continent. A great war was nigh. 

Millions of Demon soldiers were lined up and ready for war. Alacrity still dwelling fourth despite having waited centuries for this very moment. Each of these soldiers was stronger than Jin. 

Hel slowly appeared in front of the army of monstrosities. He hovered, his eyes darkened to pitch. "I have returned! The deed is done, my dear subordinates! Now, the vengeful monsterswho are not even consorting with uswill rise and go against all but their own kind. For now, we shall wait. And after our wait, we will besiege the world and attain the systems. It is now time for I, Hel; the embodiment of Death, to be crowned prince!"


A powerful figure walked through the streets with hands that refused to heal. And pursuing this one figure were over one hundred tainted souls, freshly roused. Dobby felt the earth underneath him waver.

And quickly, his eyes widened as malicious monstrosities emerged from the earth. The creatures were like nothing he had seen before. Many of them had skulls for faces. Their bodies were black. They had wings and tails. 

One burst through the ground, material scattering from its destruction. It leaped into the air and landed on its feet again. It was the size of a gorilla. Its head was that of the skeletal structure of a deer. Its antlers protruded from its head and extended out. It did not walk on four legs, but two as if a man.

Dobby slowly looked up at the creature, furrowing his brows. The tainted souls behind him had begun to celebrate. Yes! A fight! Eureka! The Demons have already slain the Great Rendell!

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