Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 138: An Official Team?

Chapter 138: An Official Team?

It was unfortunate that the new world wasn't what I thought it'd be. It was chaotic, not as chaotic as the world outside of this new world, but chaotic enough to make me paranoid. Fairly enough, I was always paranoid. But this was on a whole other level. There were small buildings, and roads, and large groups of people. And unfortunately, large groups of people usually made me nervous. Much worse if the large group was comprised mainly of ability users. And that, it did. 

The environment was a bit monotonous and quiet. A tad too quiet, provided that the groups were so large. I was falling behind, so I fell in beside Hanso and Miguel on their saunter. I glanced at Miguel. He seemed be focusing on something. I looked ahead, only to see a group of suspicious people, whispering and blabbering.

"What are we looking at?" I asked. 

"Those guys over there," he replied, "They're up to something. Planning something."

What could that have possibly been? 

I grimaced. "Something like what? What are they planning? They've only now entered this area."

Miguel glanced at me. "Looting. Maybe they're planning to salvage themselves some stuff. The goverment gave us places to stay in this safety zone ... this dome. But I don't think they're going to be giving us much more than that."

"The dome was placed over an abitrary part of the city," Hanso added. "That means there are stores, buildings and what have you. So it obviously means that there are items to salvage."

Suddenly, a man in black jabbed to young man to his head, knocking him to the floor. "Stealing from the higher-ups will not be tolerated!"

Having seen this, I started looking around, trying to spot other men in black suits. One of tjem

stood not to far in front of us. Another to my right. One to my left. Behind me. They were all around. Prevalent. 

"The men in black are officers, aren't they?" 

"Unfortunately, that part beats me," Miguel sighed, "but whoever they are, they're not ordinary cops."

"I saw them at the dome's exterior," I said.

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"Yeah, I bet you've learned that they're really powerful. But they're actually at the pinnacle of careless."

I scoffed. "It's a bit crowded here, don't you think? There are thousands of people and hundreds of the men in black."

"There are ten thousand suriviors of the invasion now dwelling within this dome," Hanso replied, folding his arms. "You're really lucky to even be here with us Ash. It seems the Government's strict with their cut off numbers. Apparently, it was deducted that the domes could only accommodate for ten thousand people. Again, you're really lucky, Ash. They're not allowing any more survivors in here no matter how much they beg."

Ash scratched his head. "It's quite sad, really. I had to watch that old man who was so close die. It really hurt me to the heart. He could've made it, but those men in black closed the gates nonetheless."

"They might have closed it on you too," Hanso looked at me, "If you were a minute later, you would have been demon's meat."

I quailed. "I just hope they're not truly cannibals."

Hanso smiled. "I know I'm not a cannibal. But I can't speak for the rest of my kind. I'm supposed to be cursed too, remember? Maybe that's why I find human flesh disgusting."

I tittered, almost laughing through my nostrils. But in truth, what he said was not a funny at all. 

"I'd honestly try human flesh too ... but ..." I shrugged.

"You better wash those hands before you prepare the meat," Miguel leered at me.

We continued walking aimlessly about the new streets of this anomalous and unpredictable new world to which we all now had not a choice but to belong.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked, curious. We were merely roaming without a sense of destination. We couldn't stay on this path for much longer. 

"For now," Miguel jammed his hands in his pockets, "we lie low. Like ... extremely low. We don't want to draw any attention to ourselves." Miguel seemed experienced. Experienced but apprehensive. Cautious.

"Since we're like 'we-ing' and stuff," Hanso said, "is this like an official team already?"

Miguel looked at me. "I don't, Hanso. Is it, Ash?"

I looked away, clenching my fists. I didn't want any other team but my initial team. The team that consisted of the people I've known since I've known myself. But ... where were those people now?

I raised my head, looking at them. Then, slowly, I plastered a smile on my face. "Of course it is! If that's okay with you two."

Hanso thrust a hand into the air. "Yes! This is the fastest I've teamed up for anything. I can't believe we're already following each other around."

"Now that we're all convinced that we're on an official team," Miguel said, "let's get something clear. I'm repeating this again. We need to lie low. We can't draw too much attention to ourselves. Trust me, that's the last thing we want unless, of course, we're looking for fights. 

"Secondly, we don't reveal our abilities unless it's in a dire situation. We don't know what the future holds," he looked down at the floor, "and I'be made a mistake revealing my ability recently, and I can't allow it to repeat itself. We also don't want the rest of the maniacal survivors to know about anything about our abilities so that it comes off as a surprise later.

"Thirdly, we are not to depend upon each other for anything. We've only just met. I'm sure we all have our lives. Reliability is great, but I don't want any of us depending too heavily on one another. It gets in the way of strength growth. We must aim to be lone wolves because who knows what'll happen if the dependent person is caught alone and afraid, nobody to depend on? 

"I myself," he frowned, "have my life. One I must visit every now and then. So I'm sorry but you're not going to be seeing me around too often. But you will see me enough. In fact, I have to temporarily leave you guys in a few minutes. Remember the main points. One: Don't be the Asshole who draws attention," he raised a finger, "Two: Don't be the asshole who uses his ability when not required to," he raised another finger, "And, three: Don't be the fucker who depends too heavily upon his team members."

"Got it," Hanso said, nodding. 

I suddenly stopped upon repeating the second rule in my mind a hundred times. Don't be the asshole who uses his ability when not required to. I didn't have an ability. 

But I had a weapon. One that was the only remnants of what I had left of the world that was gone to me. 

A metal, base ball bat I've only just remembered.

"Hey, Ash. Why'd you stop?"

"I have to go back for something. You guys go ahead, I'll catch up later."

"Are you sure? Did you forget something. We can help, you know?"

"If you want ... you can stay with Hanso and I could go get it for you."

I walked backward. "Rule number three: Don't be the fucker who depends too heavily upon his team members." 

Miguel smiled at me, a simple appearing at his cheek. "Then you can go alone. See ya."

Strangely, it was beginning to feel like an official team. 

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