Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 140: 2 + 2 = I don’t give a shit about numbers

Chapter 140: 2 + 2 = I don’t give a shit about numbers

I was on my knees, peering into the strict eyes of an austere man who blared right back into my cowardly eyes. This man had obviously donned his black suit, and got straight to work today. Judging by his face, he seemed like a he was a man with a burdensome tenure, of which I was sure he consistently exhibited skill. 

I slowly stood, and backed away from the entrance a bit, only coming to halt when I was precisely next to Xavier, the man I've only just met. 

The man in the black suit furrowed his brows at us. "I reckon you too know what's my problem? In case you're both assholes, I'll remind you. You're not supposed to be here, yet you're here making a lot of noise and meaningless commotions."

"They're not meaningless," I chimed in, "you people have something we want."

The man inched closer. "You know what I want? I want you two to walk away and consider yourselves lucky today. Lucky you avoided my wrath. You've already ruined my day. This is a government building, where there are to be no trespassing. Now leave!" He snapped, clutching his hands to the gate.

He proceeded to close the gate. But I decided to stop him. "Wait!" I shouted.

Xavier folded his arms.

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The man stopped. He slowly looked up at me, rolling his eyes and scoffing, irritatedly. "What? What is it now? Don't you people understand? I just spared you your lives."

I looked at Xavier, and then I looked at the man again. "We have things extremely valuable to us in that building behind you. Things priceless in our eyes. It's the only thing we both have left. And I'm sure it's so easy to retrieve. Do you think I'd just let up knowing that my precious is so nigh and attainable? 

"All you have to do is tell the people inside that there are people waiting outside, in need of their lost belongings, both of which linger within the walls of this very building. Tell that to them. If you choose not to, you'd have to put up with my screaming. And I'm sure you've heard how irritating that could be. Or, perhaps, you could just kill me and Xavier here. But you'll have to fight, and then get rid of our bodies, assuming you've won somehowpractically more blood on your hands, and an exelllent way to ruin your day further. So ... what's it gonna be?"

I looked at the man. He was silent.

I looked at Xavier. He smirked softly, nodding his head at me. Then, I slowly shifted my focus to the man again.

The man looked at me. Slowly, he narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips together in a tight line. "That speech did nothing, but make me want to hit you two. Do you not understand? Like I said before, this place is Government property. A research building. Once left, it's not to be entered again until further notice. You think the women in there will give an arsecrack about your so treasured belongings?"

"We're not gonna stop until we get what we want!" I snapped at him. 

"Then you can expect death if it's that road you choose to go. You do know I'm not the only guard here, right? There are many more, and they all possess abilities. To top things off, there are other men like me watching the area, and they'll all come rushing in where they believe a citizen must be taken down. So if you were thinking you had me outnumbered, think again. Or maybe you just cannot do the math."

"Lemme see," I looked down at my hand, "two plus two equals I don't give a shit about numbers. Three plus three equals I'm not gonna quit bothering you until I get what I want. And four plus four equals I was a math genius at school, for your information."

The man knotted his brows. "You know, kid, you're really starting to piss me off," he pushed the gate open. "All I'm doing right now is my job. It's a really darn difficult job as it is already. And you're making it worse for me. Making my life harder," he approached me, "and that's where you're getting to me now."

I retreated, edging away from him as he drew closer to us. However, Xavier hadn't moved at all. The man seemed the grow bigger the closer he got to me. He was huge, towering over me. Right then, I felt like a rabbit amidst the jaws of a wolf. Glaring, he looked down at me.

I kept my shoulders raised as my body began to shake. Shaking. I hated it with all my heart. Why was I always so cowardly? It seemed to be part of me, as if it was planted into my mind. Programmed in a way. Just who placed it in my mind? 

The man grabbed me by my shirt, raising his other hand. "This ought to get you silenced for a while."

He buried his fist into my face. My body jolted, and then collapsed to the floor when he released my shirt. A loud tud sounded as my body hit the floor. It was the most painful punch I had felt in my life. But it hadn't gotten close to the time when my arm was ripped off by the person my friend trusted.

On the floor, panting, I watched as the man edged away. He knocked shoulders with Xavier, leering at him. And then, he turned his head. He deliberately walked up to the gate.

The man looked at me and scoffed, closing the gate again. "Get away from here before you regret it!"

The gate slammed closed, and then locked. I stood, holding my face, and twisting my jaw. I then slowly turned to Xavier. He seemed a bit too calm, whilst my uncontrollable anxiety rocketed into space.

He shrugged, smirking. "Now, can we try burning the whole place down?" 

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