Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 143: New World Soup

Chapter 143: New World Soup

I took the metal bat from the anomalous woman. "It was found at the gate where you lost consciousness. It's a potentially cursed object, which means there's a possibility of it being tainted by a demon in one way or another. Objects like these shouldn't be sent into the New world but ..." she looked at Christopher and shook her head in wry. 

Looking down at the bat, I smiled. "Thanks. I'm really sorry if I made your job harder. I know how jobs are."

"Whatever," she clasped her hands behind her back, "you should probably leave now since you've got exactly what you wanted."

Everyone suddenly looked at Xavier. Xavier stood calm outside, but I knew something was festering within. He was definitely thoughtful. Ruminative. I just hoped he wasn't planning anything that would amount to nothing but a blunder that would cause our deaths.

I gave him a serious look as if to talk him out of what he was planning, but without opening my mouth. I was persuading him with my eyes. Eventually, I stole his attention. He looked me in the eyes, his mortally stern presence faded, a nuance taking form on his face. He looked at me for a moment and then looked away.

"Well," I said, "now that I have this bad boy," I looked down at my bat, "I'll be going now. I hope to see you guys around sometime." I looked at them, smiling while walking to the exit. 

"See you around, Xavier, and good luck."

"Okay ..."


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I left the organization, sauntering, my bat held at my side. I was lonesome yet again. I found the fact that I've companioned so many so soon just ... astounding. I wasn't good at making friends, or so I thought. The bullies mainly gravitated toward me, given that it's usually clear for most to smell and see the fear in me. The cowardice. I hated that aspect of myself.

I constantly looked at my surroundings. First, I peered up the new sky. Unfortunately, I wasn't looking directly at the sky, but at translucent, hexagonal shapes that made up the dome, by which our new world was protected. I looked at the area. There were myriads of people roaming the area as if homeless. And that I was sure they were.

"New World, huh?" I said to myself. 

There were a few buildings, but not many. The very few buildings were rather small. The only fairly sized buildings that looked stunning the eyes were the ones that clearly belonged to the Government. The architecture of these exceptional buildings was impressive, huge, and mainly keeping to the color white. As to what these buildings contained, I had not a clue. 

But I did know I was hungry. Starving as I walked these new streetsall of which were being roamed by ability usersserene yet skeptical of the profound and unseemly quietude, I was. However, the hunger was beginning to bother me, killing all other thoughts.

Perhaps it was the scent I was smelling. The scent of food. The aroma entered my nostrils, my brain seemingly tasting it. Maybe it was soup. I turned to the direction from which the scent was emanating. Therein the distancewere long lines of people, quiet and patient. If all those people were there, it could only mean that the soup was free. 

'I hope it's free because I'm utterly broke,' I thought I as started toward the lines. 

I remained at the end of the line, quiet and patient, just like everyone else. A few others fell in behind me. A bit later, I felt someone poking me from behind. Simply, I looked over my shoulder. Behind me stood an old troll woman. Her skin was grey, freakishly pale. She smiled, revealing teeth and dark gums. These teeth and black gums, I had expected them to be grotesque, and that they were. 

"Can I help you, lady?" I asked, nicely. I couldn't help but show anything else. But I did hate always being excessive when it came to kindness. 

The woman inched closer. "Hello, I'm Jucraya," she looked up at me, "can you tell me what's the menu here? Is it just soup? The soup is perfect for me since I don't have many teeth. But my grandson wants something to munch on, so he doesn't want the soup. So, what's on the menu?"

"I uh ..." I fumbled, "don't know yet. I'm not even sure if it's free."

"It's free," said the person in front of me, "and there's bread," she looked over her shoulder, "soup being served."

Jucraya smiled, showing teeth again. Her eyes were incredibly small and dark. I couldn't see white, especially when she smiled. "My grandson will be glad. I told him not to overuse his abilityit gets him hungry. And I always have to put up with his pickiness when it comes to food. Thank you two very much, you beautiful young humans."

The opacity of her body decreased and decreased such that she was translucent. Her body was still there, but quite difficult to see. She suddenly walked right through me like a ghost. I jumped a bit. Then, I turned straight ahead, watching as she walked through people in the line and leaving them puzzled. 

Apparently, most of the world did get their abilities reawakened. 


The lines were long. I was hoping I'd see Hanso and Miguel somewhere around, but I hadn't. Perhaps I've missed them. Or they weren't in the lines at all. Well, I was still glad. I watched as the person in front of me walked away with a tray, making me the next one up.

I walked up to the counter where the food was being prepared. The woman in white slowly placed my tray atop the counter. "Here you go," she drawled, eyes slit. "Next!"

I stood in front of the counter, removing the cover from the plastic bowl of soul. I frowned upon signing chicken floating in the soup alongside the dumplings, noodles, and vegetables. I looked back up at the woman. "I'm sorry," I said, "I'm actually vegan. I should've told you beforehand. You can serve this," I pointed at the tray on the counter, "to the person behind me. Again, vegan from young."

The woman narrowed her eyes at me. "I missed the part where that's my problem."

I quailed, nervous. "Can I not have a vegan bowl?"

The woman sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "Next!"

I sighed, picking up the tray and leaving. At least there was a huge piece of bread to eat. Though, sadly, everything including the soup was cold. I looked back up only to see a smirking young man in front of me. 

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