Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 175: One True Apocalypse [Part 3]

Chapter 175: One True Apocalypse [Part 3]

The Void had surpassed its prior amount of speed. The dark heavy armorthat previously restrained speedhad disintegrated, turning into black material and vanishing soon after. The Void's skin was also hard, but nowhere as hard as the armor. It was soft in the likes of the latter. Soft enough for Jin's blade to cut through. The Void pounced; leaping toward Jin. Then it thrust the resized blade. Jin teleported; dodging the attack. But then, he reappeared behind the creature, slashing at its back. 

The dagger's black and green blade cut the Void's back; shredding through its hard skin. But there was no blood. No bloodonly a strange hole through which a black substance permeated. Upon contact with the air for over a minute, the substance burned and turned into black smoke. The Void quickly retaliated. It spun and slashed at Jin. Jin teleported, but not in time. He received a cut to his chest. 

He looked down at his stomach. It cut through his clothes. He furrowed his brows. raising his head. Before he could even fully raise his head, the Void slashed at him. He ducked. The Void stopped its moving blade and directed it into a downward swing at him. He quickly teleported as the sword swooped down at him. 

Before he could even catch his breath, the Void came from the sky swooping down on him. It slashed at his head. But he quickly raised his arm. The Void unintentionally cut Jin's forearm. Jin teleported away. He avoided teleporting away from the battle but...

He sidestepped as the Void slashed at him. This creature was immensely fast on its feet!

It spun, slicing at Jin's stomach. Paranoid, Jin teleported away again, placing a hand on his bleeding stomach. He furrowed his brows yet again. 'It's like it knows where I'll reappear,' Jin thought, dodging an attack and teleporting, 'I haven't tested how far teleportation can take me ... I don't know the limits,' he dashed right, dodging another attack. 'The further the distance, the longer it takes my body to get there. The furthest I can teleport without giving this monster time to kill me," he teleported away as the creature zoomed in again, 'is ten meters. But distance doesn't matter right now. Speed does. The faster my body vanishes, the safer I am."

Jin suddenly smirked as an idea came to his head. He dashed right as the Void slashed at him. And as just he had been doing before, he teleported. Teleported, but not teleported away. He teleported a single meter away from the Void without any casualties. Still smirking, he slashed at the creature's back. And then another.

The Void retaliatedspinning and slashingbefore Jin could go for the third. Jin had teleported just before the creature attacked. The Void suddenly got slashed to the neck. Then the calves. The Void tried to retaliate, but all it saw were blurs: a distorted figure, or perhaps hundreds of them, appearing in different spots. 

Then, there were no blurs. There was just a hovering dagger that vanished and reappeared at different parts of its body, leaving behind searing cuts to prove its visits at each. 

The creature received constant slashes to its body. The pitch-colored blood gushed out from the wounds as it stood there, not getting the time to even edge away from the spot. 

At this rate; the creature would get no time to attack. This creature wasn't human; and as such it didn't think like a human. It was more like a machine. A killing machine. It took the easiest way to securing the kill, not even bothering to use its offhand or even other body parts to defend itself. 

But these dumb creatures were capable of adapting. The further away Jin chose to teleport, the longer it took his body to vanish. The longer it took his body to vanish; the more time the Void was given to attack. With all this in mind; Jin started teleporting one to two meters every time at instense speeds. He missed many of his attacks given that as soon as he reappeared, he attacked. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Void received constant hits to the body. It constantly jolted. It attempted to retaliate multiple times but had failed miserably. Pitch black smoke fumed from its body; wafting into the air. When suddenly ...

The Void started spinning with its blade. "I have had enough of you, Sucessor!" Its blade extended as he spun in circles. Jin had almost gotten cut in half. He teleported about eight meters away, where he thought the Void's sword couldn't reach. This was incorrect guess. For the sword grew in length and came bolting toward Jin from the left. 

Jin didn't get the time to teleported. On instinct, he jumped. A jump wasn't heigh enough to evadeso he quickly dashed. Then, he dashed again. Then finally, he

He didn't get the time to safely teleport; for the Voidstill spinningjumped as well; and the blade spun toward him. Midair, he expeditiously curled up his body and tucked in his legs. The blade, swooshing overhead, missed him by a finger's length.

Jin flipped down to the surface, landing on his feet with a sounding tud, and dashed toward the Void, who also landed. Jin sprinted toward the Void. Apprehensive, it quickly pivoted its hips and swung its gigantic blade again. However, Jin vanished before it could touch him. 

Jin appeared behind the creature. He furrowed his brows, closing his hand. He just needed to hit it one more time for the special attack. His dagger manifested in his palm. He quickly slashed at the Void. He missed! 

The Void had dashed forward. It knew Jin was behind it. 

The creature's sword suddenly went back to smaller size as it spun on its feet to face Jin again. It was pointless having a gigantic sword when your opponent was in such close proximity. Try throwing a punch at someone while hugging them. 

The Void slashed at Jin. Jin quickly slashed back. Blades clashed, minuscule sparks manifesting from the powerful collision. The Void slashed again. Jin blocked with his dagger. The Void thrust its sword this time. Jin sidestepped. His assailant was left open! 

Jin took the chance. He quickly slashed at the Void. However; it spun to the right in that instant in the efforts of slashing it Jin's head. Jin scoffed. As the blade came toward his face; he teleported. 

He reappeared right behind the creature; going invisible again. The creature dashed forward; jumped, rotated mid air, and pitched its sword at Jin. The sword went darting toward Jin.

Jin, still invisible, had gotten grazed by the sword that barely missed him. His invisibility was gone. His mask conjured up on his face from the time he had gotten grazed. 

The Void suddenly appeared in from of him when he looked ahead. It kicked him to his chest with both feet. He felt a shock when the force was exerted. He pitched away, sliding on his back. 

He remained on his back; looking up at the sky. When suddenly, he heard a voice from his right. he looked to his right. There laid Cliff right next to him. "Need any help?"

Jin sneered at him. "Of course not."

"Okay," Cliff said, pointing at what seemed like the sky, "but I'd look up if I were you."

Jin noticed a shadow spanning over his body. He tossed his head up. The Void came crashing down with a raised sword overhead. Jin quickly rolled. The Void had hit hard ground, the sword vibrating.

Jin was still on his back. He rolled again as the Void whipped out its sword. Towering over him was Cliffwith a cigarette in his mouth. 

"How about now? Need help yet?"

Jin snorted. "Why would I need your help?"

" 'cause you're struggling with a simple Void who doesn't even use Black Magic. It was a defect before it started fighting you. Most of the ones who rebelled are."

Jin rolled again as the Void attacked. "Look, if I wanted help," he furrowed his brows, "I would have summoned Benji."

Cliff shrugged, slowly vanishing. "Can't believe you put that four-legged alien over me ..."

Jin rolled again. He had to get to his feet again. He didn't stand like normal people would. He teleported to his feet again, reappearing with his hands in his pockets.

The Void slashed at him. He dashed backward twice, evading just in time. The Void stood menacingly, peering at Jin. 

Jin scoffed. "Tsk.I've heard something about you being a defect. What a waste this battle was. I'm not even gonna get Exp for taking you out."

Jin peered into the Void's dark eyes. Serious, he slowly pulled his black hood over his head as the creature came sprinting toward him. He just needed one more blow to activate the special attack. He leaped into the air. Then dashed twice, going even higher.

The Void leaped into the air after Jin. It was fighting a Successor; it had to fight for the sake of Hel. Or perhaps, it could take the system for itself, given that it would never be able to serve Hel again, not after having rebelled against him. 

"Let's get this over with!" 

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