Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 187: Voids Attack The Village

Chapter 187: Voids Attack The Village

There was a massive green explosion that hit the Wizard. The Wizard was sent spinning in the air, no longer hovering but falling. He clenched his teeth. That wasn't a clone just now, it was the real deal. The Wizard quickly started hovering again. 

The Wizard's arm was broken. He was strong with magic, but his body was just like any other human body. Slow and frail. 'I should break another seal. What kind of attack was that? It must be some charged attack. Or perhaps it's his special. There's no telling what this boy can do. I have to put a stop to him before harms me further ... most importantly, before he harms the village!'

Suddenly, the Wizard closed his eyes. An eye manifested on his forehead. He was then able to see more. More than the human eyes can. Then, he saw Jin. That Jin vanished, appearing right in front of him. He successfully slashed at the Wizard's chest, then he opened his hand and vanished again. The Wizard raised his hand and shot a wall of air. Suddenly, he felt a dagger penetrating his back. He groaned. 

The Wizard quickly teleported higher in the sky. He furrowed his brows. Lightning started sparking all around his arms. His eyes started glowing white. "I'm fed up with this fight, boy! It's been annoying. Come out and face me like a man!" He snapped.

Suddenly, a clone appeared in front of the Wizard, and threw a dagger. The Wizard raised his hand, then thrust it forward at the clone. There was a bolt of lightning. It struck the dagger, throwing it off course, and then, it got the clone, electrocuting him to ash then steam. 

The dagger was falling when suddenly it vanished. The Wizard bolted off in flight, a mild shockwave escaping his feet. Suddenly, a clone appeared in front of him. It slashed at the Wizard. The Wizard dashed right, hitting into another clone that appeared. The Wizard deactivated his flight, and started falling, a blade swooshing at him, off by an inch. 

He started spinning in the air, falling closer and closer to the surface. Then, he looked over his shoulder. There were six cloneswith smirks on their faceschasing him the air. The Wizard furrowed his brows. One of these chasing, falling clones dashed in the air in the direction it fell. It was an arm's-length away from the Wizard. It closed its hand, a dagger manifesting. The Wizard quickly turned around in the air while falling. The Clone raised its blade overhead about to swoop down. The Wizard thrust a hand forward. The Clone slashed but got hit by a whirlwind midswing. 

The clone was knocked higher into the air, hitting into the slew of other clones behind it. The clones were separated a bit. One pushed the interrupting clone aside, and dived in a downward motion after the falling Wizard, its air whipping behind it. 

The Wizard noticed buildings from the corners of his eyes. He quickly spun around again, and widened his eyes at the sight. He was about to hit the ground. He quickly flipped and dashed upward with intense power, propelling into the air. The clones bent their necks to look at the rising figure whilst they fell. Before the clones could hit the group they all vanished one by one. However, one hit the ground hard.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Wizard started into flight again, his right arm flopping lifelessly behind him. He started zooming into the sky. He knotted his brows once more. He was barely injured, but his arm was broken. He had only broken one seal thus far. Would it be necessary to break another when winning this battle was as simple as defeating the real Jin? 

The Wizard cursed under his breath. He was getting tired of this fight. He had never witnessed this much teleportation in his life before. 'I can't let this continue for this long. I have to find the real deal and take him out,' he thought, 'Although, they can't fly, they can teleport and use midair dashes to get me. They only get me when I'm not moving but instead hovering in one spot. I'll try to kept at flight all while trying to spot the real boy!' 

Suddenly, clones fell from the sky and started falling down at the ascending Wizard. The Wizard spun in the air like a plane and headed left. 'He's changed his fighting style. They're coming at me in groups.m, and this time they're not surrounding methey're outright charging at me. Where are they coming from? What is this boy's limit?'

Recognition dawned on the Wizard's face as he dodged an attacking clone. 'Ah! That's it! I remember how clones work! They come out of the body of the original and then they're free to roam and teleport and use some of the original's power. A group of clones fell from the sky just now. Eight of them. That can possibly mean that the original had to be somewhere in the air!'

The Wizard dodged a hurling dagger by spinning mid-flight, Then, another clone fell atop him grabbing him by his thick garment. He continued to fly. The Clone kept at its clutch with a single hand. Another clone closed in on the Wizard. The Wizard clenched his teeth. Suddenly, a shockwave escaped his body, destroying the clones radically ... except for the hand that held tight on his clothes.

'The original must be teleporting, summoning clones, and then vanishing,' he thought, 'But even so, I won't be able to get him. His teleportation is much better than mine. And he's fast. One heavy blow from me will tear his body to shreds. But I can't even manage to graze him much less score a decent hit. This,' he scoffed, 'has be the most annoying fight ever!'

For him ... it was. 

He flew for a bit over a minute and quickly becam skeptical. He hadn't seen a single clone in so long. Where we they? In fact, he was so skeptical that he had put his flight to halt. Sure, he was indeed paranoid about them ambushing him. But it wasn't like them not attack for so long.

Looking around, the Wizard frowned. "Don't tell me you bailed already! Just allow me to break your hand! Or at least break two more seals or something. That would be catastrophic, yeah ... but I really want put an end to you!"

The Wizard closed his mouth and awaited an answer. He looked around, scanning the air. An answer he did not receive. He suddenly closed his eyes shot, rubbing the dried blood between his fingers. Wait ... the dried blood was gone! He opened his eyes and looked down at his hand. They was no blood. Perhaps he had fired an air cannon or an air wall with this hand, forgetting that the blood would be eradicated.

He frowned. "I can't open my third eye without something that belongs to the person I wish to stalk. This battle is becoming more and more of a pain in the arse as it carries on. Or ... maybe it's come to an end ... already? I refuse to believe that." He started in flight again, bolting forward.

He was searching the walls. Then, something told him to look down at the surface. He scanned the surface when suddenly his eyes met something. He gasped, then a smirk took his face. "There you are!" He started in flight, but then quickly stopped. "Wait ... you're not alone. You're fighting someone else ..." 

The Wizard squinted. Jin and a few clones was battling an armored creature with pitch black skin, and a long, heavy blade in its hands. "Something else ..."

The Wizard's eyes widened upon recognition. He was battling a Void! No, there were two of them. Jin took one and his closed took the other. What were Voids doing within the walls? 

The Wizard noticed the hole in the wall, and gasped. That was the whole he caused after brimming with desperation. He shook his head. This was all his fault. 'My fault,' he thought, ' the village's safety is jeopardized because of me!'

He paused with a wry. "I'm disappointed in myself. What do I even do ... ?"

He was clueless as to what he'd do. But after looking at battle on the surface belowhe knew exactly what had to be done. He furrowed his brows and bolted off in flight.

He flew straight down to the surface, and fired an air cannon at the Void after Jin vanished. Jin appeared opposite the Wizard. The Wizard scoffed. "I don't know what's gotten into you. I don't know why you're protecting my people. But it is my job to help you. Maybe even lead you."

Jin looked at him and smirked. "Who said I was helping your people?" He darted toward the Void.

"Cliff, you were right! These guys are much, much stronger than the one I fought before!"

A four legged creature and a tall man joined in on the fight. 

Cliff sneered. "What did I tell you?"

"Look's like I'm heading straight to eleven."

"Yeah, now that you're on level ten, killing any entity should reward you with points."

"Let's finish these weaklings!"

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