Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 91: Three Days of Happiness (2)

Chapter 91: Three Days of Happiness (2)


Jin was walking home with Ashton, after a long day of fun and comfort. They had began to understand each other. They felt as though there was nothing that could break them apart.

They walked; still sharing the same umbrella as rustling gusts of wind brushed against their bodies. The cold air even had an urban scent to it. Walking alongside Ashton, Jin couldn't help but notice how much taller he's gotten in but a few weeks alone.

"Today was great, Ashton. Where to next?" Jin asked; glancing at Ashton, smiling.

Ashton gave him his attention. "What do you mean? Are we really visiting so many places today?"

"Yeah," Jin said, "didn't I tell you that today was gonna be a great day. I mean, it's raining but that's not gonna stop us from having a great time. Besides, we need to take our minds off things for a while, don't you think?"

Ashton looked away; smiling even wider. "Yeah, correct. The stress was building up a lot. But ever since you took me to that Chinese restaurantI felt wholesome and euphoric again. I feel happyalmost too happy."

Jin slowly looked over his shoulder. Walking in the rainnot too far behind themwas another Jin, keeping a stern look to his face. Jin simply looked ahead again. Why was he following them?

"I think I want to just go somewhere where we could just relax again. Maybe get some ice cream. I really like ice cream," Ashton's voice trailed off as he ambled.

"Fine," Jin uttered, "what flavor?"

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"Oh boy. There are so many. It's almost impossible to choose. I think cotton candy ice cream is a tad too sweet and sugary for my taste. Plus, mother wouldn't tolerate that. I'd just go with vanilla. What would you choose, Jin?"

"Coconut," he replied instantly. Then, he looked over his shoulder again.

"That's a bit plain. Yet you always go with it. I think I might try it out today."

The identical figure was still following them. Slowly, he took his hand out of his pocket and pointed ahead, now smirking. He was pointing ahead.

"If Dobby was here; he would have gone with chocolate instantly."

Once Jin had looked ahead again, he saw six bikers zooming up the road and toward them on their motorcycles. Five of them had what appeared to be melee weapons. He couldn't make them out properlyit was raining too heavily.

"Troubleupcoming," Jin said, glaring.

Ashton looked at him. "What do you mean? Are those guys gonna attack us?"

"More than likely"

"Why would they?"

"I don't know. But I'll need you to fight, Ash. Get ready. I've got your back," uttered Jin, serious.

A bald, buffed hobgoblinon a motorcyclestopped in front of Jin, the tires rolling in the opposite direction as the vehicle proceeded haltingly. Water splashed from the skidding tires, and soaked Jin and Ashton.

"I knew it," said the rider, "Those clothes. I could smell you. You thought you could hide from a hobgoblin's sense of smell, couldn't you? You're the one who attacked us that day. The masked man. You burst our bike tires on the day you killed six of our men! You also costed us our guns!"

Jin glared. "You've got the wrong guy."

The rider knotted its brows. "Oh, is that so? Then can you explain that thing you're holding."

Jin held the umbrella in his left hand, and a green, glowing dagger in his right. Ashton looked at the dagger, and immediately looked away. He couldn't react to it at all.

The rider continued, "You used that same alien-like dagger to kill our amigos. And you're gonna fucking pay for it. You and your little boy friend." He drew his flip knife.

"I said," Jin bellowed, "you've got the wrong guy."

"I've had it with you, arsehole!" The rider slammed the shifter, and revved the bike's engine.

The bike bolted toward Jin and Ashton. When suddenly, they disappeared. The biker didn't hit anything. He quickly mashed the brakes, and turned the bike. He then tossed his head to the left only to see Jin and Ashton standing somewhere else.

Ashton trembled. "That was scary, Jin. We should run."

Suddenly, all the bikers began to attack. They all rushed toward Jin and Ashton. The hobgoblin closest biker clenched its teeth, and accelerated toward them. Jin released the umbrella, and dashed right with Ashton.

The umbrella knocked the closest biker to his face; blinding him. The entire bike veered left in his struggle to get the umbrella off. And lastly, he crashed into a light pole. Quietus.

Another biker zoomed past Jin and Ashton, slashing his machete. Jin pulled Ashton down in a duck with him, and the blade swooshed overhead.

Another bikergrinningcame straight toward them; with the intention of hitting them with his bike. Jin shoved Ashton out of the way. Ashton quickly steadied on his feet. Then, Jin leaped into the air, dashing upward. And finally, he kicked, knocking the rider off the bike. The bike went zooming without a rider under foot.

The rider rolled from the impact. Jin landed on his feet. Suddenly another biker drove over the fallen rider; crushing him to a pulp. He was almost thrown off the road, but he steadied and went right for Jin.

Jin quickly teleported to Ashton. He pushed him away, just in time before a biker came slashing at him. The biker missed. Jin teleported to Ashton again. And finally, he relocated, teleporting further up the road.

The bikers were higher down the road. They all mashed the brakes, and turned their bikes. And finally, they all halted. Jin and Ashton stood opposite them in the distance. Jin stood menacingly. Ashton cowered behind him.

A red-haired hobgoblin remained in front of the other bikers. His eyes glowed, and suddenly the bikers began to multiply; forming over twenty clones in the roadall on bike.

"I didn't thought I had to use my Copy and Paste ability for this. Looks like you prove me wrong. Doesn't matter, 'cause I'm still gonna crush you and your friend anyway."

Suddenly a black misty portal took form behind Jin. There were green flashes of constant light. A four legged creaturewith green glowing eyesstepped out of the portal, and loitered behind Jin. Jin's eyes began to glow as well. "Bring it on."

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