Lonely Attack on the Different World (WN)

Chapter 271.1

Chapter 271.1

Chapter 271.1

Day 66 Beastmen Country, Woodland

Setting fire to the beasts filthy village we burn it down. Then, capture the beasts as they are running around from the flames. Those are the simple basics of hunting.

And if one manages to capture even one little shit or a female, males will jump into any trap on their own. Even if they try to imitate humans, in the end, they are still beasts, rushing into a trap they just die by themselves.

Adult males cant be sold for much anyway, so they can just drop dead.

Drop your weapons. If you try to run away we will kill the brats one by one. Put the collars over there on yourself. We aint gonna kill those will collars, but everyone else is a dead meat. Faster!

Shit, first raccoon tribe and then boar tribe, nothing but cheap crap. Damn it, going into such an animal stinking forest to hunt them isnt worth it if we aint getting even one good merch.

Hey, you know where other villages are, right? Spill it, Ill let one of you go for every rabbit, wolf, or fox tribes village that youll reveal.

Silence, huh. And thats why even though they are calling themselves beastMEN, they are nothing more than animals incapable of simple loss and gain calculations.

Ill also let one of you go for revealing three villages of any other tribe. The one to speak up first gets to escape, you know?

Fucking useless. Well, I just have to make sure they wont kick the bucket before I can sell them.

Torture them a bit without leaving scars and they will definitely give a few locations, such stupid animals. Well, what I said about letting them go is also a lie, so they are getting sold in any case.

Hey, aint there too few people? Dont tell me they got themselves done in by beasts?

Aah? Ah, they mustve pulled some bitch aside to play. You know how they like it~.

So they just went to have fun in secret, huh. Shit, and all we have here are dirty brats.

Well, Beastmen Hunting Corps are taking care of dangerous wolf or bear tribes, but even so, getting nothing but crap wont earn me any money. I can make a quick fortune if I find rabbits or foxes, allowing me to have fun for a while, but suppose raccoons aside, boars aint even worth killing. Damn it, so unlucky.

Why arent the scouts back yet? Dont tell me they are also fucking some sow? We aint making any gold at this rate.

No choice but to make it up with quantity, just make sure to cull some to prevent the price from dropping. But yeah, with boars its sorta~.

So I wont have any gold left after paying back the debts. Damn it.

Round up the beasts and lock em up. We will pick them up on the way back so dont screw around too much on lookout.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Well, no choice but to split up and search the area by ourselves, but there is something gross about this, isnt the forest too silent?

Well, to make up for that the beasts are too noisy though, wailing, crying, and all that shit. They finally shut up after I blasted them with Fire Magic. Damn it, their price will go down if they get burns, so keep silent for the fucks sake. Such stupid animals.

Dont scatter too much. And dont separate from the guys with Messaging Bells

It wouldve been easier if we had better magic tools, but bastards from the Church keep them all to themselves, so we, merchants, are having it tough.

Aint it too silent though?

A kid? No, an adult, huh. It seems young, but since its male it aint going to sell for much, which tribe is it though? Cant see ears over the hood.

Dont move, Ill kill you if you try to run.

Im not running anywhere. I didnt come all the way here to run away. This is what I came to this world for. I finally reached this place. Thats why Im not going to run away anymore.

A nutjob? Doesnt seem to understand human speech. Yeah, this aint gonna sell, lets kill it.

Hey, where are your comrades? Or your village? If you tell me Ill spare you and let you run away.

My comrades are scattered throughout the forest, I cant let you go to the villages, nor will you be able to? There is nowhere left for you to go, you know?

Yup, thats a nutjob, it doesnt understand words at all. Damn it, Im so unlucky~, lets kill it and move on asap.

Im approaching it in a combat stance with sword in hand, but it doesnt move at all, too scared to move, huh.

I stab it into the throat. Stab it? Eh?

Those beastmen were fighting. They knew its a trap, and even so, they wanted to protect them and came to the rescue.



A monster.

We were having a bit of fun during the hunt, then suddenly, a few comrades got killed. All of a sudden something invisible tore them to shreds.

They are being torn to pieces as if something was shoved inside them, tearing them apart from inside.

Crap, its all because that bitch kept struggling and making so much noise. Shouldve killed her right away.

Guuauahh, GAAH, AAAG, My leg, AAaaH!

The entire Beastmen Hunting Squad is equipped with magic items, and yet all of them are being killed one after another.

Even the escort of former A-rank adventurers was torn to pieces. That is a monster for which fighting techniques dont mean squat.

What the hell is this? Just what did I do? Why do we have to get killed, you MURDEREE

Damn, I only came all this way because the stock of beastmen slaves was so low, that getting them this way is cheaper, plus it has its own side-benefits. Its all because I came here.

Dont screw with me. You are a human, why are you siding with animals? Im a human, why do I have to be killed, dont fuck with me!

Im a human, but everyone I hated also were humans, you know? I have no grudge for beastmen, but I have tons of it for humans, so, die.

Aaggh, why, why do I, my body Something is inside

You had lots of fun with torturing, tormenting, and killing didnt you? Go ahead, enjoy it, Ill kill you with plenty of torture and torment.



Its a human, the Kingdom is currently in the middle of civil war, no way, the Theocracys dogs were already here?

We are from the Merchant Confederation, there are other units following us, and the main force is here too. If you touch us it will be viewed as an act of hostility, are you trying to pick a fight with a country? AaAAAh.

Huuuh. There arent any units following you anymore, and the main force is probably no more as well. I actually never was in a fight. So I thought, maybe I should try picking one?

Where the hell did he come from? I didnt sense his presence at all, and there are beastmen hunting units spread all throughout the area. How did he show up in such a place?!

He vanished.

Waitwaitwait, I got it, Ill hand you half of the beastmen. Deal. In exchange, dont interfere with us until the end of the hunt.

He vanishes and then materializes again. And every time one of the comrades is killed. Even if I try to run away, which way are the allies?

I unsheathe an enchanted blade. Its a sure hit weapon that never misses the target.

Group up, dont scatter.

No answer?

I told you, there is no one left. Farewell.

The moment the voice came from behind I lunged at it. Its my trump card with Surehit effect. Hes not there? Ah.


Gathering, we share information. We arent invincible, we cant join the ranks of the strongest. So grasping the information we review the situation.

Killed from A-2 to C-5, no one escaped, the two villages were empty.

I cleared up till D-3, four villages over there were fine, but I didnt make it in time for A-6, everyone was dead and the village burned down.

I just rescued and released some raccoon beastmen at E-7, but it was too late for the boarkins village too. Also, the three villages at E row are fine.

I set everyone free up to G, but going further there is a mercenary force. That unit must be targeting defenses of Beastmen Country.

We freed all of the targets. Rescued all of the villages we reached in time, killed all of the enemies there were to kill. We all, together, killed humans. Well, unexpectedly, all of us took it completely fine. The ones we hate are humans after all. Im sure killing beastmen would be a lot more traumatic.

But Haruka-kun is different. Haruka-kun alone is different. Haruka-kun kept killing for our and everyones sake, and he was completely not fine.

Thats why I tried to kill as well, but I felt nothing. I simply obeyed the rage I felt from seeing them kicking corpses of beastmen, and killed until there was no one left.

Haruka-kun was saying that Kakizaki-kun and his group belong here, but it looks like the same goes for us. But the girls dont belong here, they simply were unlucky enough to be transported to this world. And Haruka-kun too, while there is nothing he can do aside from killing, he doesnt belong to this side, and yet he kept killing. A mass murderer, who hates murder more than anyone.

How about rejoining with Kakizaki-kun and others? Well, I doubt they need reinforcements, but we can take care of those running away.

Mercenary forces from the Confederation must be wiped out by now. The distinguished veteran mercenaries of the Confederation were swallowed up by the massacre and were torn to shreds.

The true nature of the athletes famous not just in our school but nationwide, was that of battle-crazy berserkers, just as Haruka-kun said.

Even in pirate warfare, the moment they came aboard everything was over, combat, lives, everything was being crushed in an instant by them. While the Confederations fleet consists of what they call merchant vessels, they are still armed, supposedly for the sake of self defense, but in practice, they are attacking civilian vessels, in other words, they are not only merchants but also pirates of their own. And the mercenaries specializing in naval combat who were aboard those ships were getting obliterated in a flash. Striking swiftly and precisely they did exactly what it took to destroy human bodies in the most effective and efficient manner.

If their opponents are humans, then it might be easier for them to fight with just the five of them alone. Group fighting is one thing, but when it comes to melee in a forest, then not only us, but even pres and the others wouldnt be able to keep up with them. We will only get in their way.

And by now there are barely any presences left in the direction where the mercenaries were. All of them were hunted down and exterminated.

Berserkers, the ones who find joy in the very act of fighting at full force with their lives on the line. They have no need for things like reason or meaning when it comes to fighting. They live for the battle. The berserkers that were merely smoldering in the world without battles are scorching through the forest of another world like a wildfire. Thats why there are no presences left anymore.

This leaves the main force only. The regular troops of the Merchant Confederation. The army.

The main force is meant for killing the most troublesome beastmen warriors and regular beastmen troops. A murderous unit equipped with spells, skills, and magic tools designed solely for killing. They alone are an actual threat, but it should be alright to leave it to Slime-san, right?

The last person we should worry about!

Thats certainly true.

That cute jiggling Slime-san is enough of a monster not to lag behind while tagging along with monsters Haruka-kun and Angelica-san. Its very cute though.

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