Longevity Begins with Marrying a Wife

Chapter 621: new virtual box

 Chapter 621 New Virtual Frame

 The nights in Huaishan are very cold.

Shen Ping huddled in his swaddling clothes. There was a warm air current in the room. He blinked and soon sensed a few footsteps.

Qingyan, the mother in this life, complained, “What’s going on, my son’s wet nurse has not been arranged until now?!”

 The nurse did not dare to say anything.

The maid Xinxiang explained, "Steward Qian said that the third lady in the main room has given birth to twins and has been selecting them, so it's not easy for the housekeeper to arrange them here first."

Mrs. Qingyan had a cold face, but said nothing more. Although her husband was in charge of the Huaishan Mansion and had received the imperial edict, the eldest member of the Huai family had the final say. This was the rule of the clan.

 After the blessing is given, the court will confer her son the title of Huaishan Zhenzhen.

 In itself, this is a supreme honor.

If you continue to care about such trivial matters, you will inevitably be criticized by others.


 “Go and breastfeed my son quickly.”

 “Yes, ma’am.”

The nanny walked over and held Shen Ping in her arms. Then she opened her collar, revealing her majestic silhouette. Soon the smell of milk reached Shen Ping's mouth.

Shen Ping frowned.

 He was not used to this smell.

 At this moment.

 The depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness seemed to be stimulated, and the virtual box that had not appeared for nearly a month slowly emerged.

  【You have absorbed special energy and started a counterattack】

  【The counterattack mission requires 1 energy point to be consumed. Do you want to consume it? 】

 Shen Ping was stunned for a moment.

He did not expect that after the virtual panel was affected by the Supreme Monument, although its essence remained unchanged, the way it could be improved would undergo such a big transformation.



The virtual frame shook slightly.

 【You have consumed 1 energy and started the counterattack mission】

 【Please defeat the Huaishan Demon Ancestor within a month】

 【Successful Reward Techniques "Tai Qing Zhen Jing Miao Fa Part 2"】

  【No reward for failure】

 See the text displayed in the virtual box.

His clear baby eyes blinked, defeating the Huaishan Demon Ancestor within a month? Who is the Huaishan Demon Ancestor, and how can he defeat the Huaishan Demon Ancestor with a baby of his own?

Even though he has a virtual panel to maintain the memory of his reincarnation, his realm is extremely high, but the problem is that his true soul power is completely that of an ordinary person. Not to mention communicating with the world, he can't even practice self-created skills!

 Now he is completely like a helpless baby!

“Have your brain been damaged by the supreme stone monument here?”

  Shen Ping was speechless.

What kind of counterattack mission is this!

 【Whether to consume 1 energy point and start counterattack simulation】


  【You have been blessed by the ancestral temple and become a Huaishan real person conferred by the imperial court】

 【Two months later, you were drugged by the third wife of the Huai family, destroying your foundation and becoming an ordinary person who cannot absorb incense】

 【Two years later, you lost the imperial edict of Master Huaishan】

 Five years later, Huai Lian, the eldest son of the third wife of the Huai family, awakened the bloodline of the Huaishui crocodile ancestor in his body]

【Ten years later, you relied on the memory of your previous life to integrate exercises and exercise, but Huai Lian discovered it and secretly destroyed your meridians】

 【Twenty years later, you married a wife, had children, and started your own ordinary life】

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 【Fifty years later, Crocodile Ancestor took over the Huai River and succeeded in refining it】

 【One hundred and thirty years later, the Crocodile Ancestor devoured the heroic souls of the Huai Family Ancestral Temple, absorbed the incense of the Huaishan Mansion, and became the Huaishan Demon Ancestor】

 【In the same year, the Huai family was destroyed and you died】

 【Insufficient energy points, unable to continue the simulation, please obtain special energy as soon as possible】

 After reading.

 He was silent.

After a long time, this Huaishan demon ancestor was actually the eldest son of the third lady of the big house!

   Dare to be affectionate.

 The virtual panel was influenced by the Supreme Monument and transformed into an early counterattack flow...

 Say so.

The current Huaishan Demon Ancestor has not yet grown up, and has not even taken possession of his body. He is hiding in the body of his cousin Huai Lian.

 “Madam, madam, the young master, he won’t eat!”

 The wet nurse was a little anxious.

Mrs. Qingyan came over, took a look, and then smelled the milk, "Maybe my son is not used to it, Xinxiang..."

 “Eat, start eating.”

The nanny became happy again and scratched her flat face with her fingers. "This young man eats very hard. He will definitely grow strong in the future."

 After finishing feeding.

Shen Ping found that he did not continue to obtain special energy points. "Can a person only obtain them once, or is there a daily limit?"

 Thought about it for a while.

 He felt sleepy coming over him.

 On the second day.

He continued to **** milk and gained special energy, which made him relieved. However, when he wanted to start a counterattack mission, he had to complete the previous one first, but he could continue the counterattack simulation.

 But nothing changed.

This made him understand that this counterattack simulation was different from the prediction of Flame Beast Eye. The prediction of fate of Flame Beast Eye would change as long as his thoughts changed.

 The next day.

The ancestral temple gives blessings.

The entire Huai family gathered in front of the ancestral temple, but not many were able to enter the ancestral temple.

Mother, Mrs. Qingyan, including other aunts, aunts and other women are not eligible to enter the ancestral temple. Only men who have reached a certain level of strength are eligible.

 At this moment.

Huaishan Jun hugged Shen Ping and knelt on the futon of the ancestral hall.

 Everyone stared with bright eyes.

Only those who have been recognized by the ancestral hall can become a descendant of the Huai family, and the heroic souls also want to identify the descendants of the blood who have not been parasitized by evil spirits or taken over by demons.

It's a pity that the heroic souls of the Huai Family Ancestral Temple are still weak and cannot detect the existence of Crocodile Ancestor.

 “Please show your spirit to your ancestors!”

 “Please show your spirit to your ancestors!”

 A steady voice echoed through the host.


All of a sudden, various shadows appeared on the tablets placed in the ancestral temple, and the entire ancestral temple was completely enveloped by the power of heroic souls.

 Shen Ping immediately smelled the strong smell of incense ash.

The Dao Ying Soul swept across his body wantonly. Soon, he felt warmth, as if there was a kind of power pouring into his body. His originally weak limbs became strong and powerful, and even his true soul power became much stronger.

 “Is this a blessing?!”

And saw this scene.

Huaishan Jun excitedly raised the swaddling clothes and said, "Thank you, ancestors and ancestors, for your blessing!"

Mrs. Qingyan, who was standing outside the ancestral temple, was also very excited. After being recognized and blessed by the ancestral temple, her son would officially become a member of the Huai family.

 At noon that day.

The imperial envoy who has been waiting for the imperial court announced that Huai Ping will be granted the title of Huai Shan Zhenren. In the future, as long as he is not too bad, he will be able to inherit the position of Huai Shan Jun, enjoy incense, and protect the peace of the Huai Shan water area.


Huai Mansion held a banquet.

All the prominent people in Huaishan Prefecture came.

 And in the backyard.

The ladies from the first bedroom, as well as the ladies from the third and fifth bedrooms all gathered around Mrs. Qingyan. Among them, the third lady smiled and said, "Qingyan can relax now. Come, let us aunts Embracing the future Huaishan Lord will also benefit from the blessings of our ancestors.”

 Speaking, she took the lead in picking up Shen Ping. After pinching his cheeks, others hugged him one after another, and then the wet nurse took Shen Ping aside and placed him with the third lady's twins.

 This made Shen Ping's eyes light up.

 He was worried that he would not find a chance to meet the Huaishan Demon Ancestor.

“This crocodile ancestor hasn’t taken over the body yet, and I don’t know if he can complete the mission by defeating Huai Lian... Give it a try, it doesn’t matter if you fail anyway!”

So Shen Ping crawled directly to Huai Lian, and when the nanny wasn't paying attention, he picked up his little hands and slapped him on the face. Of course, it looked like a slap, but his hands were so big that it was like scratching.

Only two or three lashes.

This guy started crying loudly, which immediately attracted the wet nurse's attention.

But the wet nurse didn't care, she was still a baby, so she could have any bad intentions. She separated the two of them and continued to listen to the gossip of a group of warblers not far away.

 At this time.

 Shen Ping opened the virtual box.

 【You defeated the Huaishan Demon Ancestor and were rewarded with "Tai Qing Zhen Jing Wonderful Method Part Two"】

 His little face showed a smile.

 That’s good, there should be more counterattack missions like this.


 The rewarded skills flow into the sea of ​​consciousness like moisturizing things silently.

 With the state of his previous life, he was able to understand and comprehend this wonderful teaching in a short time.

“In this way, the creatures in the world of the Yellow Giant Palace, whether they become gods through incense, or demons, ghosts, evil spirits, Buddhists, Confucianists, Taoists, soldiers, etc. all want to achieve the status of Taoism and gain the title of Heavenly Court..."

Shen Ping thought deeply.

Yellow Giant Palace is different from the Taoist world he has experienced. In the Taoist world, the main focus is Taoist cultivation, accumulating Taoism, opening up blessed lands, and being promoted to immortals.

  But it’s different here.

This world is more like a journey to the west where the imperial court, mortals, various demons, ghosts, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, etc. are mixed together.

 There is heaven, the Western Buddha Realm, the underworld, and there are also the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

 It's just more chaotic.

 Shaked his head.

 Suppress distracting thoughts.

No matter how extraordinary or chaotic it is, the top priority now is to improve its strength as soon as possible, so as not to fall for no reason.

 Think of this.

 He continued to consume energy points, and as a result, the next counterattack mission required 10 points.

have no choice.

 You can only counterattack and simulate first.

 【You have consumed 1 energy point and started the counterattack simulation】

 【You defeated the future Huaishan Demon Ancestor with blessings at the ancestral temple, but nothing changed】

 【Two months later, you were drugged by the third lady of the Huai family's eldest house, and you lost the potency of the drug】

  【Two years later, you will become a Taoist person through cultivation】

 Five years later, Huai Lian, the eldest son of the third wife of the Huai family, awakened the bloodline of the Huaishui crocodile ancestor in his body]

 Ten years later, you revealed Huai Lian’s crocodile ancestor bloodline in the ancestral temple, and the heroic souls of the ancestral temple gathered strength to eliminate Huai Lian’s bloodline]

    Twenty years later, the third lady of the big house with a grudge swallowed the crocodile beads]

 【Fifty years later, Crocodile Ancestor succeeded in seizing the third wife】

 【One hundred and thirty years later, the Crocodile Ancestor devoured the heroic souls of the Huai Family Ancestral Temple, absorbed the incense of the Huaishan Mansion, and became the Huaishan Demon Ancestor】

 【In the same year, the Huai family was destroyed and you died】

Shen Ping frowned.

This Crocodile Ancestor is a bit strong. He has achieved success in cultivation, and has memories of past lives. His use and understanding of Taoism are far superior to other real people. However, in the end, he still cannot stop this Crocodile Ancestor.

The third wife of Dafang is also a ruthless person.

The source of the Crocodile Ancestor should be the crocodile bead he obtained. These three ladies should know its harmfulness, but they still did not deal with it or found the heroic souls of the ancestral temple to suppress it, which eventually led to a catastrophe.

 Evidently she is a vicious woman with a vicious heart.

He looked at the third lady not far away. She was pretty good-looking, but she was still not as good as the aunt in the fourth room. Although she was a widow, her appearance was different from his Daoyuan realm who had read thousands of portals. It can be said that it is a beautiful place with beautiful scenery.

 Most importantly.

 This widow has not experienced human affairs yet.

“It seems that I have to rely on the power of my father, Lord Huaishan.”

 No more special energy is consumed.

This thing is not easy to obtain, and you have to save it for the next counterattack mission.

 After the dinner.

Mr. Huaishan rarely stayed at home and chatted with Mrs. Qingyan. "Originally, the clan elders planned to wait for blessings and then let me go to the back mountain to think about my mistakes. But now there are evil spirits making trouble on the west bank of the Huai River. I have already been injured." The lives of the common people can’t be solved even if Lao Qi is guarding there, so I can only go over and deal with it.”

With an apology on his face, he said, "I should have spent time with you mother and son..."

Mrs. Qingyan interrupted: "Don't say such things. As Lord Huaishan, you should protect the people. But now that our child has been blessed by our ancestors, it is time to prepare some strengthening medicine for him. This It’s up to you to take care of it.”

Mr. Huaishan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm ready, and Lao Wu got a good tiger bone from his head. Using this tiger bone to make medicinal liquid will definitely make my son strong. When he is three years old, Then let him practice my Huai family’s techniques.”

 “It’s getting late, let’s go to bed.”

 As the candle flame goes out.

 The infant Shen Ping was expressionless.

 Five days passed.

 The twins of the third wife's family were also blessed by the ancestral temple and held banquets, but they were not granted imperial titles.

 Late night.

 The bright starry sky has shooting stars streaking across it.

The bright moonlight shines through the window and casts bunches of spots inside the house.

 The life of a baby is boring and boring. Besides feeding, it is just feeding. You can’t change the taste even if you want to.

 These past few days.

Shen Ping runs the "Tai Qing Zhen Jing Wonderful Technique". This type of technique is different from the immortal cultivation techniques in the realm of immortality, and it is also different from the Tao bone annual ring system. It mainly absorbs the magic power of heaven and earth through the technique. The internal organs of the body are stored to perform various mysterious spells.

 But to actually use it for fighting, you need magic weapons and treasures.

 The other thing is magical powers.

Three heads and six arms, the universe in one's sleeves, various changes, etc. Of course, these are only briefly introduced in the exercises, and there is no spiritual practice.

“It is probably because of the influence of the Supreme Stone Monument that the various systems in the world of the Yellow Giant Palace are relatively chaotic, and none of them is complete.”

 Simply finish vomiting.

 His weak body has already accumulated a trace of mana.

This amount of mana is pitiful, but it can protect the body. If it is activated, the six senses will be greatly enhanced.

 A few more days passed.

 The energy gained is accumulated until it is time to start the task.

 Shen Ping consumed it without hesitation.

  【You competed with the disciples of the Sword God, and you lost】

  【Please defeat the disciples of the Sword God within two years】

 【Rewards for seventy-two changes in magical powers】

 See the task.

 The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

This task is something that a baby like him can accomplish!

  Disciples of the Return of the Sword God.

 He doesn’t even know who the Sword God is.

And judging from the previous counterattack simulation, there were no Sword God disciples!

 The rewards are quite tempting.

"Wait, that's not right. According to the counterattack simulation, I followed the Huai family and was destroyed more than a hundred years ago. Now that I have accepted the challenge of the Sword God's disciples, it means that after more than a hundred years, I may not be able to do anything. die?!"

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