Longevity Begins with Marrying a Wife

Chapter 626: The seal of the origin of the avenue

Chapter 626: The Seal of the Origin of the Great Way

The entire imperial court has thirty-six prefectures in Kyushu. Each prefecture and city will be governed by the emperor of Tiandao. The counties and towns below are managed by the county magistrates and the Yinsi City God. Then there are the gods of Hebo, mountain gods, land and so on. Di.

  Under normal circumstances.

Between the two prefectures, well water does not interfere with river water. For example, Huaiyang Prefecture is next door to Huaishan Prefecture, and the main flow of the Zejiang River is in Huaiyang Prefecture, but a branch of the Huai River flows into Huaiyang Prefecture.

Occasionally, evil demons will come over, but basically there will be no such continuous swarms in the counterattack simulation. Even his father in this life died because of this evil demon. Shen Ping has read various stories about the Huai family. Collection of books and classics, this situation can only explain one thing, that is, Huaiyang Mansion has a problem.

 So that night.

 Shen Ping set off directly to Huaiyang Mansion.

 Then I ran the clairvoyant to check repeatedly, and I found the problem.

 Shuiyang County is adjacent to Huaishan Prefecture.

It has actually been infected by evil demons, and most of the people inside have become the food of the demons, but they are well hidden. Even the Shinto here is polluted, and the power of the incense is insignificant.

 Can do this to this extent.

 The forces behind it are by no means ordinary.

“Is it the arrangement of the demon behind the Crocodile Ancestor Altar?”

 Shen Ping had such speculation before.

 More certain now.

Although the imperial court was unfavorable to the jurisdiction of the various states and maintained stability on the surface, it had actually lost its control a long time ago. He had seen this on the way back to Huaishan Mansion when he had just been reincarnated in this world.

Even the Huaishan Prefecture cannot interfere with this kind of thing.

There is no use reporting it to the court, because there must be deep water behind it.

“I didn’t expect that even the parents and officials in this county would be polluted and become the demon’s lackeys. Do Taoists, Buddhists and other dharma lineages not know about it, or are they deliberately pretending not to know!”

 As the saying goes.

 When you see a nest of rats, the entire room is actually completely occupied by rats.

Since Shuiyang County has become like this, one can imagine the situation in Huaiyang Prefecture.

Shen Ping thought deeply.

 With his magic power, he can easily slay demons, but if he does so, will it attract the attention of the powerful behind him, or lead to a worse situation?

 Think about it for a while.

He first came to a village near a small river close to a tributary of the Huai River. The place looked filled with smoke and smelled of fireworks. There were even women beating their clothes with mallets and washing their clothes by the river, and children playing nearby.

 In Shen Ping's perception, everyone is parasitized by evil spirits, and there are demons entrenched in the center of the village, but they have transformed into the people who have harmed the people before and maintain the life here.

“Brother, do the monsters here eat people?”

Shen Ping's body was condensed with magic power and isolated by real spiritual means. The evil monsters here could not be detected at all, but after hearing this, the women and children suddenly showed ferocious looks.

“Young young man, I don’t know what you are talking about. How can there be any monsters in our Xiaohezi Village?”

 The strong man said.

Shen Ping said calmly, "Okay, stop pretending, I saw early on that you are not human anymore."


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The voice fell.

Women, men, and children all had the heads of evil monsters emerging from them, and their bodies were filled with evil spirits.


Before he could attack Shen Ping, he was shattered by a sword light.

 Then he slaughtered the monsters in the village at an extremely fast speed.

 Then the counterattack simulation began.

Most of the displayed fonts are the same as before.

 Only the details are different.

 See this.

Shen Ping breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he didn't attract the attention of the powerful people behind the evil demons, it didn't matter. After all, sometimes Taoists and Buddhist monks who passed by would do the same thing as him when they found out. move.

 But if there is too much slaughter, it is different.


 He took action to kill the evil spirits in three villages.

 The possibility of these things flowing to Huaishan Mansion was basically cut off in a short period of time. When I opened the virtual box, I saw that the counterattack mission had been completed.

 The magical power is within your grasp!

Looking at the counties and cities in the distance, he shook his head. The water in this world is too deep, and it is better not to get too involved with his own strength.

 Back to the clan studies in Huaishan Prefecture.

He returned to his previous life. Apart from eating milk every day and wandering around in the clan school, other older people, including Huai Lian and others of his own age, did not play with him and seemed to deliberately isolate him.

The thinking of these little guys is too simple. They are nothing more than the imperial master of Huaishan. Even if they do nothing, they can become the imperial master by relying on incense and vows and control a water vein.

 Become a real child.

She may feel sad, but Shen Ping is too lazy to compete with these little guys. On the contrary, Huai Lian, there has been no counterattack mission for him recently. It is a pity. I originally wanted to compete with this little guy to see his bloodline inheritance. The crocodile ancestor in the depths weighs several kilograms.

no way.

Counterattack missions don’t give you a chance to show your strength.

Just like this, another two years passed in the blink of an eye.

Although Shen Ping is only a five-year-old kid, he looks almost like a thirteen-year-old boy. He is so tall that he can get milk without the maid Xinxiang bending down.


 He breathed in the brilliance of moonlight.

 Cleans one's own magic power through Daozang.

According to the deduction in the counterattack simulation, I can only become the True Lord of Youdao at the age of twenty-five, and the Immortal of Returning to the Void at the age of 100. This speed is actually very fast. After all, most Taoists become real people at the age of 100. .

 It's just that this speed is much slower than the palace world I experienced before.

 Completed practice.

 He sat on the eaves of the clan school, looking up at the bright moon and thinking deeply.

to be honest.

 He suspected that it was because this world had the influence of the Supreme Monument.

 Maybe it’s because you’re too tired from practicing.

 From the time when I was weak to now... I have almost never stopped. Although there are times to relax and unwind, most of the time I am either practicing or on the road of cultivation, and I have not calmed down enough to appreciate the surrounding scenery.

 The palace world, including the people and things experienced in the five continents, four seas, the abyss of darkness, etc., all seemed to be just passing clouds.

 Stayed for a while. Shen Ping returned to the room and looked at the maid Xinxiang getting into the quilt to warm the bed under the candlelight. He got in and asked, "Xinxiang, where did your family come from? Did you stay with my mother since you were a child?"

The maid Xinxiang snorted, but she did not expect that the young master would suddenly ask such a thing, but she quickly replied, "My family is a poor settlement in Qingzhou. That winter, the family suffered a snowstorm, and then my parents froze to death. They gave me their only kapok clothes, and finally my wife passed by and took me with her. Without my wife, I would have frozen to death with my parents that winter. "

Shen Ping sighed, "How pitiful."

Maid Xinxiang shook her head, "I am lucky to meet Madam. There are countless poor people in this world, so when the young master becomes the Lord of Huaishan, he can do something for the people of Huaishan Mansion."

It’s really a simple and unpretentious thought.

 Can you do it yourself?

 This may be a piece of cake.

 But his spirit has long been numb, and the life and death of the people at the bottom cannot touch his true spirit. Perhaps this is the price of becoming a strong man.

 “Go to sleep.”

Shen Ping actually wanted to continue asking, but he still swallowed the words.

The maid Xinxiang nodded, and she leaned into Shen Ping's arms with a happy face and slowly fell asleep. Although her face was not as charming as those of the wives, concubines, and Taoists, she had a simple and peaceful sense of reality, without a restless heart. He had no restless thoughts, he just wanted to be by Shen Ping's side.

 “This is a maid.”

 “A very ordinary girl from a common people’s family.”

 Shen Ping suddenly smiled.

So the next day, he came to Huaiyang Mansion again.

Looking at the demonic aura soaring into the sky, he swung his sword away.

 It doesn’t matter what power is behind it.

It’s okay if I didn’t come across it. Now that I have come across it and seen it, if I don’t kill it, I just feel unhappy.

I have been so cautious for so many years, and I am already a strong man in the middle stage of Daoyuan realm. Even if the reincarnation came to the world of the supreme stone monument, I still have to pretend to be a grandson!


Then what’s the point of practicing!

 “Destroy the evil spirits and evil spirits for me!”

 The sword’s light is pure.

With majestic righteousness, he kills evil with one sword.

 Almost instantly.

Shen Ping's eyebrows slowly condensed a sword intention. This sword intention immediately communicated with the origin of the great path of this world, forming a unique sword seal.

 This is his unique guardian sword seal.

Zhu evil will not invade, and all laws will be surrendered.

The deep space of Crocodile Ancestor Altar is surrounded by endless demonic energy. It seems to be a gathering place for evil thoughts, evil thoughts, etc. At this moment, the endless demonic energy condenses into a single eye and looks up to the sky.

 “Who comprehended the seal of the origin of the great avenue?!”

"Could it be another Taoist master, or a strong indigenous person from this world... There is another powerful competitor for the Supreme Monument, and it seems to have slipped away in the area under my control. What a bad luck!"

“I randomly found a place to quietly cultivate and wait for the opportunity, but I encountered such a harsh situation. In this world, everyone can understand the seal of the origin of the great road. The seal is immortal and the true spirit is immortal!”

 Above the clouds.

  Nine heavens.

The vast and majestic God's Mansion sensed the fluctuations of the origin of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and even the supreme stone tablet trembled slightly. The God's Mansion was amazed. This seal of the origin of the Great Dao is something that even the Taoist level wants to understand.

If from the late Daoyuan realm to the Tao master realm, one needs to create Tao master-level secret techniques, then the Tao masters and above must find their own unique path, but most Tao masters are still comprehending the origin of the Tao, let alone walking out of it. I have lost my own way to the great road, and I can’t even understand the origin of the great road.

 But if you go out of your own way, then it is the foundation of strength.

 At the beginning, I was in the world of the Red Giant Palace.

 The Lord of Jiehai Peak saw that Shen Ping had his own way and his own protection, so he was satisfied and unlocked the true inheritance authority of swordsmanship.

 “Is he a strong native?”

“No, it’s actually being deceived by heaven’s secrets, and it seems to have an evil and gloomy aura. It must be those guys outside, **** it!”


Shen Ping killed the evil demons in Huaiyang Mansion, and then came to Zejiang Dragon Temple. There is also a Dragon Temple temple in Huaiyang Mansion. He shouted in a low voice, "Where is the Dragon God? Come out quickly!"


The river condensed into a ball of water and quickly turned into a figure. He hurriedly came to Shen Ping and saluted, "The little **** has met Tianjun. Fortunately, Tianjun took action and wiped out the evil spirits in the entire Huaiyang Mansion. Otherwise, even the little **** would have been killed." This dragon god’s imperial seal is about to disappear!”

This dragon **** has a grimace on his face.

Before I said anything, I started to pour out my bitterness.

"As a dragon god, you enjoy the incense of the people, but you allow demons and evil spirits to wreak havoc. Hum, if the imperial court finds out, it will definitely report it to heaven and deprive you of your title."

Zejiang Dragon God breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, "Tianjun, the little **** knows, but the little **** also has his own difficulties. In the Huaiyang Mansion, even the True Lord Huaiyang is occupied by evil demons. The forces behind it are extremely terrifying. , otherwise the secrets of heaven would not be covered up, and even if it was reported to heaven, it would be impossible to actually send heavenly soldiers and generals down to earth to kill demons. In the end, it would not be the fault of little gods like me!"

“I didn’t mean to be indulgent, and I reported it to the police, but the mountain **** and the river **** were both implicated, and both body and soul were destroyed. If the little **** hadn’t still had the incense and power in other places, he would have perished long ago!”

“Fortunately, the Lord of Heaven appears, slays demons, eradicates evil spirits, and restores peace and prosperity to Huaiyang Prefecture!”

"The little **** will immediately report to the imperial court and ask the imperial court to send an envoy to re-consecrate the true king and gather incense. It won't be long before Huaiyang Mansion will be lively again."

Shen Ping looked at the Zejiang Dragon God and knew that what the other party said was actually the truth. He had killed so many monsters on a whim and on a mission. Otherwise, how would he care about such a thing? And the imperial court and those Taoist Dharma lineages , Buddhist Dharma lineage, probably all have this idea.

  Say no more.

Not only Huaiyang Prefecture, but also nearly half of the Jiuzhou area has powerful forces deployed.

 No one dares to take action in such muddy waters.

“I’ll spare you this time. You know what to do with Huaiyang Mansion from now on!”

 “Yes, the little **** knows.”

  Shen Ping left after finishing speaking.

 And Zejiang Dragon God broke out in cold sweat behind his back.

The pressure is really too much in front of this Heavenly Lord, but the opponent is also very courageous. He dares to kill the evil spirits in the realm of Huaiyang Mansion, and the nearby Baiyun Temple does not dare to say a word.

 “Maybe it’s the newly-become Taoist Heavenly King!”

Soon the Zejiang Dragon God turned into water and merged into the river again.

After Shen Ping returned to Huaishan Mansion, he felt that the tightness in his chest was gone and he was in a very good mood. He came to the maid Xinxiang and asked, "Xiang'er, do you want to practice Taoist scriptures?"

The maid Xinxiang was startled, "Taoist scripture?"

“Yes, it’s the kind of Taoist scripture that can lead to immortality and kill demons!”

“Can you kill demons? I’ll learn, I’ll learn!”

“Haha, okay, today I will teach you the Taoist method of Tai Qing Miao Dharma Sutra.”

“This is a secret between us, remember not to spread it around!”

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