Longevity: Starting From the Luck Entry

Chapter 449: You hit my hair

Chapter 449: You hit my hair.

Northern Desert Demon Sect.

  New Holy Feast.

 Jiang Yuan's sermon lasted longer this time.

Until the third day, the Golden Crow slowly fell, the sky seemed to be burned by flames, and Jiang Yuan also exhausted all his accumulated resources.

  Explained all his understanding of the space avenue.

 Jiang Yuan slowly stopped preaching.

At this time, the whole place was silent, without any noise.

Jiang Yuan glanced at the whole audience, then looked back at his own panel, and nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

[Avenue]: Space Avenue (76.89%) Five Elements Avenue (66.97%) Yin Yang Avenue (11.88%) Star Avenue (13.42%) Cause and Effect Avenue (10.11%) Devouring Avenue (18.87%) Thunder Avenue (24.54%) Creation Avenue (8.06 %)

 In less than a day, Space Avenue has grown by more than 20%, which is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying efficiency.

Dugu Bo also came back from his thoughts and looked at Jiang Yuan with complicated expressions in his eyes.

 Compared to others, he is more aware of the horror of Jiang Yuan's talent.

Although we have not seen how wide Jiang Yuan's space avenue is, we will elaborate on Jiang Yuan's own understanding of the space avenue based on the true meaning of space explained by Jiang Yuan before.

With his own mastery of the Avenue of Space, we can naturally get a glimpse of Jiang Yuan’s mastery of the Avenue of Space from this sermon.

That was a level of control that he couldn't believe.

 He still remembered the process when he and Jiang Yuan went to the outer starry sky more than half a month ago.

At that time, although Jiang Yuan's mastery of the space avenue was extremely advanced, he was extremely amazed, as if he had seen a myth.

 But now that he saw Jiang Yuan's sermon again, he was not amazed, but horrified.

From what Jiang Yuan just explained about the true meaning of the Space Avenue, he knew how much Jiang Yuan now mastered the Space Avenue!

 That must be more than 50% control.

 Because the true meaning of space expounded by Jiang Yuan contains the information of the fourth space.

 This is an area that can only be touched by mastering more than 50% of the space avenue.

Jiang Yuan can talk about the true meaning of the fourth level of space, which naturally means that he has also set foot on the fourth level of space, and has seen, touched and understood it with his own eyes.

 If you can set foot on the third level of space, you can cast the Great Teleportation spell.

 The fourth level of space is completely different, it is a higher-dimensional realm.

Stepping into this space, it feels like you are completely transcending this world and standing outside the world, ignoring most of the formation restrictions and all kinds of killing techniques in the world.

The distance for casting the Great Teleportation spell has also increased countless times.

 The powerful people who set foot on this level of space are all the supreme saints in this world.

 This can only be achieved if the mastery of the Space Avenue reaches 50%.

 A strong man of this level can go almost anywhere in the world.

 Unless you encounter a saint of the Space Avenue who exists equally, there are only a few means that can punish such powerful beings.

The avenue of space is higher than the three thousand avenues.

And Jiang Yuan actually mastered the Space Avenue from a preliminary level to more than 50% mastery in just half a month apart from him.

 This made him feel extremely horrified.

 This completely broke his cognition.

He even suspected that Jiang Yuan was the reincarnation of a certain supreme power, such as the Taoist ancestor in myth who pioneered the path of spiritual practice, the first human emperor, or the lord of reincarnation who once said that he created the reincarnation of underground creatures.

He even suspected that Jiang Yuan was the reincarnation of a transcendent being in the ancient heaven, or even the emperor of the ancient heaven!

 Because Jiang Yuan's growth rate has been completely incomprehensible to him since he stepped into the ancient Tianting ruins.

Such a terrifying growth rate cannot be explained by talent and potential.

Only the legendary true spirit, who awakens Su Hui and absorbs the accumulated achievements of previous lives, can achieve such a terrifying growth rate!

Especially during this nearly day of continuous listening, with his own lofty perspective, he could clearly sense that Jiang Yuan's understanding of the avenue of space was deepening crazily.

 The abnormal growth rate was terrifying, so terrifying that he felt waves of terror in his heart.

In one day of preaching, Jiang Yuan's mastery of the Space Avenue increased by about 20% out of thin air. In other words, after Jiang Yuan's sermon ended, his mastery of the Space Avenue may have reached 70%, which is far from what he had mastered. It's not that far off.

As Jiang Yuan stood up, the saints slowly came to their senses.

They looked at Jiang Yuan no longer with the level eyes they had before, but with a somewhat upcast look in their eyes.

 When they reach this stage, any saint will come into contact with the avenue of space.

  But there are very few who can make big gains.

 Even so, they still have not given up on Space Avenue.

 Magical powers such as the Great Teleportation are necessary for any saint.

 No matter how difficult it is to comprehend the Space Avenue, they will try every means to try to understand it and increase their understanding of the Space Avenue.

 Because without mastering the Great Movement Technique, the Five Realms and Four Seas are too huge for any practitioner!

 Especially for life forms of their level.

You must know that the space channel opened by the teleportation array cannot carry a life form of the saint's level to step into it.

 Therefore, if a saint does not master the Great Movement, it basically means that he has no hope of traveling to the five realms and four seas in this life.

 Hence, the Great Teleportation Technique is an essential magical power that every saint must master.

Although you have mastered the Great Teleportation Technique, you do not need to have a complete introduction to the Space Avenue.

But every saint also has a certain degree of mastery of the avenue of space.

Because of this, the saints also knew at this moment that the young man in front of them had a mastery of the avenues of space that was far superior to them.

Although Jiang Yuan’s previous sermons were profound, they were still confused and did not understand the true meaning of the Space Avenue.

 But sometimes a flash of inspiration appeared in their minds, and they seemed to see the clouds and see the fog, and their understanding of the avenue of space became clearer, which never saved them countless years of hard work.

 At this moment, Gaoshan Yangzhi looked at Jiang Yuan with eyes full of eyes.


 Zi Ling stood up first and saluted Jiang Yuan respectfully.

"Fellow Taoist gave a sermon today, which is of great kindness to me. It helped me to clear away the many fogs and point directly to the true meaning of the Space Dao. If I can fully digest today's harvest in the future, I will definitely be able to get started with the Space Dao and achieve a 10% mastery. !”

“In this way, there is hope for me to break through to the ninth level!”

 “Fellow Taoists should be my teachers!”

 After saying this, Zi Ling took the lead in bowing and saluting.

next moment.

Zhu Yan also stood up immediately.

 “Me too!”

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 After speaking, he saluted respectfully.

After finishing the ceremony, he stood up and said, "Fellow Taoist should be my teacher!"

 At the same time, a saint stood up respectfully.

 “Fellow Taoists should be my teachers!”

 “Fellow Taoists should be my teachers!”

 “Fellow Taoists should be my teachers!”

ˆ “.”

 Looking at the scene of the saints saluting, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

“I am just simply explaining the true meaning of the Great Dao of Space, why do you fellow Taoists do this!”

 Dugu Bo stood up and laughed: "No need to be modest, getting started with the Space Avenue, this is what all my colleagues dream of!"

“You are the only one who can do this and explain the true meaning of the Great Way of Space so clearly!”

“Even if I were to explain the Space Avenue in person, it would not be as clear as your description.”

“Besides, if you can achieve your level of mastery of the avenues of space, looking at the three realms of the human race, it can’t be more than two fingers!”

 Jiang Yuan was suddenly surprised when he heard these words.

 It’s not because of the following sentence of Dugu Bo. Looking at the three realms of the human race, it does not exceed the number of two fingers.

 He is naturally very clear on this point.

If we talk about the previous mastery of 50% of the space avenue, looking at the three domains of the human race, there are still some beings that can rival him.

 Now, he has reached 70% mastery of the space avenue.

 Looking at the three realms of the human race, there may only be those three or two people who can rival him.

 So what really surprised him was the previous sentence.

 You are the only one who has been able to do this and explain the true meaning of the Great Way of Space so clearly in the world!

 There is also the next sentence, the sentence said by Dugu Bo himself.

Even if he explained the Space Avenue in person, he could not explain it as clearly as he did!

 Dugu Bo smiled when he saw Jiang Yuan's surprised look.

"You may not realize it yourself. Although my mastery of the avenue of space is better than yours, when it comes to preaching, you are even better than me!"

“Perhaps this is because you have a firmer grasp of the basics of the Space Avenue and a more complete understanding, so your preaching ability is extremely strong!”

Hearing these words, Jiang Yuan looked at the innate luck on his panel and thought for a while.

After a few breaths, he slowly came back to his senses. Looking at the saints around him who were bowing respectfully, he became calm and accepted it.

 As they say, the grace of preaching is greater than all else.

 In this case, it is not a bad idea to accept a courtesy from them.

Jiang Yuan took another look at the saints present. It was already the evening of the third day of the new holy banquet, and the afterglow of the setting sun was reflected in the sky.

With the arrival of the third day, the golden aura also gathered on the saints.

 The next moment, following Jiang Yuan's thoughts, the golden haze on the saints instantly gathered towards his panel.

 After one breath, the skyrocketing power of luck stopped jumping.

  【Power of Luck】: 80513 rays.

Looking at the panel, Jiang Yuan immediately thought, and 20 strands of the power of luck were poured into the high-level power of luck.

 As for the remaining 80,000 strands of destiny power, he chose not to use it.

At present, more than 80,000 strands of luck have been saved, which means that after gathering another 20,000 strands of luck, the power of 100,000 strands of luck will be reached.

Faced with the powerful effect of red luck, even if ten more golden innate lucks are added, they are completely unqualified to compete with it.

 Every change in the level of innate weather luck is a qualitative improvement.

Especially the red innate luck, Jiang Yuan suspected that no one in the world might have this level of innate luck.

 No, maybe!

Jiang Yuan thought of the ancient book he had seen before. That ancient book recorded his views on the Lord of the Ancient Heaven, the Heavenly Emperor.

The master who wrote the ancient book once said that even if he lived for several epochs, he would have to bow his head before the Emperor of Heaven.

 This undoubtedly shows the special nature of the author of the ancient book, who could live for several epochs.

 This person may have red innate luck, because according to Jiang Yuan’s current understanding.

 No one in the past or present has been able to achieve immortality.

The person who wrote the ancient book could live through several epochs and saw the rise and fall of each epoch. This undoubtedly explains some problems.

 How could he be so special if he didn't have red innate luck and transcendent characteristics?

 But even such a powerful person must bow his head when he sees the Emperor of Heaven, which illustrates a truth.

 The strength of the Emperor of Heaven surpasses the existence of this person who is suspected of immortality.

If the person who wrote the ancient books enjoyed immortality, his strength must be extraordinary and he could escape the destruction of each era. This is an unimaginable existence.

 But in this era, you have to bow your head when you see the Emperor of Heaven. This shows that the Emperor of Heaven is special and powerful.

 It means that the Emperor of Heaven may also have red innate luck!

 This is Jiang Yuan's inference based on what he has seen and heard before. Only these two people may have red innate luck.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan thought to himself that if something happened here, he would have to take time to go to the Holy Courtyard and read the ancient book again.

Jiang Yuan still remembered that this ancient book was also placed on the first floor of the Holy Academy Library.

It is placed casually in a corner of the first floor like an ordinary miscellaneous book. It is inconspicuous at all. After all, if you don’t understand it, who will believe the description of this ancient book.

 Lived for several epochs and met the Emperor of Heaven.

 At that time, he himself also quickly scanned and memorized ordinary miscellaneous books to increase his knowledge.

Looking at it now, it is different, if what the ancient book said is true.

   means that the person who wrote the ancient book is most likely still alive.

 Since there is always cause and effect when you are alive, you can find him based on this ancient book.

 Unless the person who wrote this ancient book is like himself, independent of heaven and unaffected by cause and effect.

This is indeed possible, but Jiang Yuan still wants to ask for proof.

 Because if this person can be found, then most of the secrets of this world will be revealed, and this person will definitely be able to answer most of the doubts in his heart!

These distracting thoughts flashed through Jiang Yuan's mind instantly, and then he faced the saints around him.

“Fellow Taoists, this sermon has come to an end!”

“Three days are about to pass, and the banquet is coming to an end!”

After finishing his words, Jiang Yuan handed over his hand.

All the saints immediately bowed their hands to Jiang Yuan.

At this time, Zhu Yan looked at Jiang Yuan's slender figure and smiled.

He said to a saint next to him: "Do I know why I took the lead in expressing my opinion to Jiang Yuan just now?"

 “Brother Zhu, why is this?” the saint said.

Zhu Rong smiled again: "I have seen Jiang Yuan's power with my own eyes!"

 Speaking of this, his mind instantly recalled the scene he saw in the ancient heaven.

In Jiang Yuan's hands, the so-called demon saints were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, all being killed with one blow.

Now Jiang Yuan has revealed his terrifying understanding and talent for the Dao. At this age, he has mastered the Dao of Space to such an extent that it is simply inhuman. Thinking of this, Zhu Yan said again: "Existences like Jiang Yuan must be remembered in ancient history, become legends, and become myths."

“I took the lead in expressing my opinion, leaving an impression on him and respecting him as my teacher!”

“When Jiang Yuan reaches the top one day, his casual guidance may be of great benefit to me and I can take further steps.”

 Hearing this, the saint next to him immediately looked at Zhu Yan in surprise.

“Brother Zhu, with your temper, you would think so highly of Jiang Yuan?”

Zhu Yan shook his head: "You don't understand!!"

 His mind instantly recalled the information he had learned before.

At that time, in front of the Nantian Gate, it was obvious that Jiuyou, the demon saint of the fifth heaven, was blocking the door.

 After all, the sounds of silence cannot be faked.

This magical power can only be mastered by the Jiuyouque clan, and there are only two of the Jiuyouque clan in the world.

 One is a demon saint from the fifth heaven, and the other is from the four extremes.

It is impossible for the Four Extremes Realm to appear in Nantianmen, and it is even more impossible for the Sound of Nirvana to be so terrifying.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is that the Demon Saint Jiuyouque from the fifth heaven appeared at the Nantianmen.

 The purpose is not difficult to guess, it must be for Jiang Yuan.

 But when he arrived at Nantianmen, it was extremely calm, and Jiuyou Que was no longer around.

 At that time, he also thought that the fifth-level demon saint Jiuyouque had left from the Nantian Gate.

But after getting out and getting to know it a little more, I realized that the Nine Nether Bird had never appeared. Until the ruins of the ancient heaven were hidden, the Nantian Gate also disappeared into the starry sky, and the Nine Nether Bird had never appeared.

 This illustrates a problem. The demon saint Jiuyouque, who was in the fifth heaven, was beheaded by Jiang Yuan.

 Plus what you saw and heard today.

 He completely understood what level of existence Jiang Yuan was.

 The only ones who can be compared with Jiang Yuan are those in myths throughout the ages.

 Such as the Taoist ancestor, the emperor of heaven, and the lord of reincarnation.

at the same time.

The surrounding geniuses who came with their family ancestors and seniors from the sect's Holy Land looked at this scene, their expressions became extremely complicated, and there was a touch of sadness in their hearts.

 In this life, Jiang Yuan and I are destined to be only foils!

At this age, the enlightenment on the great road can make all the saints marvel at it, how can I achieve it?

Even though he may be ahead in cultivation now, in a few years, the difference between the two will be as vast as the sky, and there will be no possibility of catching up in this life.

 Jiang Yuan then returned to his previous seat and sat down slowly.

Looking at Ye Chanxi's gaze, Jiang Yuan smiled slightly.

At this moment, Dugu Bo's voice sounded in his ears.

“Who are you? Or are you not my student Jiang Yuan?”

Hearing these words, Jiang Yuan immediately turned to look at Dugu Bo, and immediately saw an extremely complicated look in his eyes.

“Why did the dean say that?” Jiang Yuan asked.

Dugu Bo suddenly sighed softly, his voice rang in Jiang Yuan's ears, and only Jiang Yuan could hear his voice.

"You and I have only been separated for half a month, and the mastery of the space avenue has gone from more than 10% to 50%!"

“Today, I have directly reached about 70% mastery!”

 “Can this really be explained by talent potential?”

 Speaking of this, Dugu Bo paused and then continued.

“Besides, I can still understand a few things before you step into the ruins of the Ancient Heaven.”

“Although it is rare in ancient and modern times to reach the ninth level of the Four Extremes Realm at your age, it is still possible.”

“But at your age, you have killed several demon saints, and your cultivation level has reached the ninth level of the Cave Heaven Realm!”

"This is no longer a problem that can be explained by talent potential! Even those beings in myths have difficulty doing this!"

“Especially since you passed through the Nantianmen and stepped into the ancient Tianting ruins, your cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, which is completely beyond my imagination.”

“Coupled with your performance today, I have to have an idea!”

"Are you still you? Did you enter the ruins of the ancient heaven and awaken the memory of your previous life, or was your body taken away by someone who left behind? You are no longer Jiang Yuan!"

Hearing Dugu Bo's words, Jiang Yuan suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart.

 But if you think about it carefully, Dugu Bo's thoughts may not be unreasonable.

Although he broke through quickly before, it took about a year to break through the Four Extremes Realm and reach the ninth level of the Four Extremes Realm.

 But now it is different.

 It only took more than a week in the ancient heaven to complete the achievement of opening up the cave and reaching the ninth level of the cave.

 This kind of efficiency is extremely scary when you think about it carefully!

 Completely beyond the understanding of the world!

 What Dugu Bo said is indeed normal.

 But this is not without reason.

 One saint and six demon saints.

There is also a demon saint among them, the Nine Nether Demon Saint from the fifth heaven.

In addition, there is Yaochi Qinglian, a natural and earthly treasure that is similar to an elixir.

 In addition, so many demon kings have turned into materials for his own practice.

 It took massive resources to get him to this point.

 The most important thing among them is the Devouring Avenue.

 Swallowing the avenue and taking it into his body. Although it is just a nascent and immature avenue, incorporating it into his body allows him to absorb the energy of the world into his body and turn it into his own use.

 The origin of Dongtian was quickly devoured by him, which naturally caused his cultivation level to skyrocket.

 That's why it only took more than a week to get to this point.

Facing Dugu Bo’s words, Jiang Yuan also gave a bitter smile.

Then he sent a message to him: "Dean, there is no need to doubt that I am still me, not anyone, and have not been replaced by anyone!"

“My achievements today are all thanks to hard work, hard work, hard work, and hard work!!”

 When speaking of the last sentence, Jiang Yuan also smiled slightly.

Dugu Bo also smiled helplessly.

Instinct told him that Jiang Yuan had not changed!

 But the changes during this period really shocked him.

 Especially the mastery of the Space Avenue.

 How talented are you on this path?

 How many years did it take to achieve more than 80% mastery?

And Jiang Yuanshang only had the cultivation level of Cave Heaven Realm, but in just over half a month, he was almost catching up with him on the avenue of space.

Judging from this level of efficiency, even if it gets harder the further you go, you can still catch up with yourself in a few months at most.

 In a few years, he will even surpass himself and reach a mastery of 90% of the space avenues.

While Jiang Yuan and Dugu Bo were talking secretly, Jiang Yinghua slowly stood up and announced to the saints.

“This is the end of the banquet held by our Holy Lady!”

“I hope all fellow Taoists will come and get together again if we have the opportunity in the future!”

Zi Ling smiled slightly: "That's easy to say. In a few years, I, the saint of the Qingmu Holy Land, will be able to attain enlightenment and become a saint. I will invite you fellow Taoists to gather together when the time comes."

As soon as these words came out, all the saints touched their hands and sighed.

 “This is a great good thing!”

Soon after.

As the New Saint Banquet ended, the saints one after another retired to Ye Chanxi and Jiang Yinghua.

 Jiang Yuan also looked at Yan Ming.

When leaving, Yan Ming's eyes were extremely complicated, and Jiang Yuan couldn't understand them at all.

As for the Buddha who is of the lineage of Happy Buddha, there is a deep fear and an imperceptible hatred in the depths of his eyes.

 Wait until the dust settles.

Only Jiang Yuan was left in the entire New Holy Banquet.

Jiang Yinghua glanced at Jiang Yuan lightly.

“Jiang Yuan, do you plan to stay in our teaching for a while, or leave here.”

Ye Chanxi looked at Jiang Yuan with both eyes and said secretly.

“Stay here and I’ll help you increase your mastery of the Yin-Yang Dao. After a while, I’ll get sick and I won’t be able to help you!”

Hearing these words, Jiang Yuan smiled faintly.

 He naturally knew what Ye Chanxi’s words meant.

He then bowed to Jiang Yinghua and said, "Senior, I want to stay here for a while to spend some time with Chanxi."

Jiang Yinghua glanced at Jiang Yuan lightly.

"what ever!"

 Then he glanced at Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo also smiled: "As the protector of my student, I naturally have to protect him here. Master Jiang will not welcome me, right?"

When Jiang Yinghua heard these words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

 Facing Dugu Bo, one of the two emperors of the human race, even she was full of fear.

She immediately said: "Of course this is a welcome! The Holy Emperor can stay as long as he wants!"

Dugu Bo suddenly laughed: "Then I will be disrespectful!"

 A moment later.

Jiang Yuan and Ye Chanxi were about to leave. Before leaving, Jiang Yuangang raised his right leg and lowered it again.

Then he secretly sent a message to Dugu Bo: "Dean, when I am free, I will discuss with you how to take the next step in the physical path."

Dugu Bo chuckled and sent a message to Jiang Yuan.

 “No hurry! No hurry!”

 “This matter is not urgent!”

“On the contrary, you need to be more hasty, after all, a moment of spring is worth a thousand pieces of gold!”

Jiang Yuan: "."

He glanced at Dugu Bo with a speechless expression, and then gradually left in Ye Chanxi's arms.

 Jiang Yuan stayed in Yechanxi's mansion for three days.

He hasn't done much in the past three days, just bumping into each other!

Every day, I seem to be comprehending Ye Chanxi’s understanding of the Yin-Yang Avenue.

 In fact, on the first day, his understanding of the Yin-Yang Avenue had already surpassed that of Ye Chanxi.

 As for the next few days, it was purely because Ye Chanxi fulfilled her previous promise.

 After becoming a saint, Jiang Yuan was allowed to do whatever he wanted.

How could he bear it under such circumstances?

After all, after a while, you won’t be able to do this kind of thing!

 Three days later.

Jiang Yuan opened his eyes refreshed and saw the person next to him as soon as he opened his eyes.

Ye Chanxi's face was calm at this time, with a faint smile on her lips.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Jiang Yuan was filled with emotions.

 He did not expect that the two of them would reach this point.

 The woman in front of him has now become one of the most important people in his life.

At this moment, Ye Chanxi also slowly opened her eyes.

 “Why are you looking at me like that?” She said lightly with a smile on her lips.

Jiang Yuan smiled: "I think my wife is beautiful."

 “Bah, who is your wife?”

Ye Chanxi sipped lightly.

Jiang Yuan smiled: "You! Aren't you still my wife?"

As he spoke, his palms quietly reached into the quilt.

Ye Chanxi frowned slightly, then looked at Jiang Yuan helplessly.

Jiang Yuan played with it carefully and then said: "It's not bad. The children won't be hungry in the future."

"You" Ye Chanxi looked at Jiang Yuan helplessly.

 “What’s wrong with me?” Jiang Yuan smiled faintly.

 “You are a little shameless!” Ye Chanxi glared at Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan suddenly laughed: "Why are you so serious in front of your own wife?"

Ye Chanxi looked at him even more helplessly, then turned sideways, and then frowned slightly.

 “You hit my hair”

 (End of this chapter)

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