Lord of Charm

Chapter 48 48 – Living In A Mansion *

"No, there's no 'we'. I'm not taking any part in this contest. I will help you survive the trip to the capital, but we will part ways after that."

"No, wait. You did save me, and it would be shameful for the duke title if I can't at least arrange accommodation for you. How about that, I will arrange a small mansion for you and your companions, and it will be separated from mine. Let me show my gratitude."

"Since you put it this way it will be rude to decline. Thank you, I will be glad to take you up on your offer."

Gale saw no reason to refuse, he didn't like the idea of looking for lodging anyway, and none of his companions liked the idea of going to a public place like an inn.

The convoy's route was from Gale's hometown to the Clarence dukedom's capital, Antwerp. The merchants would do business in the city, sell merchandise from other places for a high price, buy the local merchandise for cheap, and move on to the kingdom's capital.

The trip to Antwerp continued without any incidents, and Gale controlled himself from making any moves on Sol since the others would hear everything from outside the tent.

Using his charm, he kept on teasing her with his touch, saying sweet things, and instilling the idea she trusts and loves him to the point she would be willing to protect him with her life.

A few days later, the convoy arrived at Antwerp and agreed to rally again two weeks later and depart to the capital. The roads to the capital were much more secure so nobody was worried about finding Expert Magicians for the trip instead of those who died to the wolves. Besides, they had a second Mage now that Sol followed Gale everywhere like an infatuated puppy.

Gale and his two female companions followed Leo to a fancy restaurant in the city center and were seated in a private boot as soon as Leo showed his family token.

"You guys can remain and drink here for a while, I will go back home and send a servant to come here and show you the way to your mansion."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Two hours later, Gale left the restaurant along with Sol and Nina. As soon as they were outside, a pretty maid approached them and bowed to Gale.

"Lord Gale, I'm Moira and I will act as your head housemaid. I've been instructed to take care of all your needs."

She smiled suggestively as she said the last sentence. She was bitter at first when Leo told her that the lord she would be serving was a skirt chaser, but now she felt like Lord Lionel got it wrong; the skirts were probably chasing the man!

Her imagination was running wild and she could see the thirst in the eyes of the female companions whenever they looked at Gale.

"Haha, Leo saw through your real self, Lord Gale."

Nina enjoyed embarrassing Gale at every chance she got; she was exasperated at the fact he was already much stronger than her and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Ahm, that won't be necessary, thank you."

Gale quickly cleared his throat and declined the maid's offer, making her pout with a disappointed face.

"You can always call me if you change your mind. Now, would you like me to lead you to your mansion to refresh, or would you prefer to keep touring the city?"

"Let's go and get refreshed first, we can tour the city later."

The trio followed Moira to a cab and rode for a couple of minutes before arriving. The mansion wasn't too small; it was around the same size as the mansion Gale owned back in his hometown.

The mansion had simple and symmetric architecture, three floors, and a small backyard. The first floor consisted of a large dining room, a meeting room, a living room, and a guest room that was assigned to Sol who didn't plan to use it.

The second floor had a large bedroom which Gale took, a study, and a few rooms of which Nina picked one for herself, as far as she could from Gale so she can get a good night's sleep.

The third floor had chambers for the maids and servants.

The first thing Gale did was ask Moira to prepare a bath for him. She quickly called a maid with water magic and together they prepared a warm bath for Gale.

"Are there only maids in the mansion?"

Gale asked suspiciously when he saw the other maid was also quite young and easy on the eye.

"Yes. Lord Lionel said you preferred pretty women, so none of us are above 30. If you have a body type you desire, just say the word."

She said it politely and with a tone one might when asking what he would like for breakfast. Gale was left speechless by Leo's actions.

"That's… quite nice."

He admitted. He did prefer cute young maids.

He entered the bath and let out a sigh as soon as he felt the pleasure of the hot water wrapping around his body. He closed his eyes and relaxed.

Quiet, hurried steps interrupted his reverie and he looked up to see Sol coming into the room, wrapped in a towel.

"Lord Gale, may I join?"

He scrutinized her curves, her long muscular thighs, and her arms. She was tanned, a result of training under the sun regularly. She kept her brown hair short at shoulder-length, and it fit her perfectly.

She waited patiently and posed for Gale to have a better view of her assets, then she did a spin that exposed the curves of her butt for Gale.

"You like it when I spin for you, don't you?"

She smiled seductively and came closer to Gale and stood a few meters away. She didn't enter the bath, and her position intentionally allowed Gale, who was looking upward, to see some of her secrets.

"I do. Join me."

A maid stepped forward to wash Sol but was stopped by Moira.

"Let me."

She went behind Sol and removed her towel with a pull, leaving her naked. Sol didn't feel shy; Gale already explored her body with his touch every night when they slept together on their way to Antwerp.

"I will help you spice things up, Lady Sol."

Moira whispered in her ear, and Sol nodded expectantly. Moira poured hot water on her, making her hair and body wet. She then took a handful of soap with her hands and started applying it to Sol's shoulders.

"Oops, forgive me, Lord Gale, my clothes got wet."

She removed her maid attire and remained only in her underwear. She slowly pressed her body against Sol's back, letting Gale enjoy the view of her mounds getting pressed. Her thigh touched Sol's butt, leaving all kinds of thoughts and imaginations in Gale's mind.

Slowly, she smeared the soap on Sol's shoulders, then moved her hands over Sol's arms, over her sides, and over her belly. She purposely left the breasts unattended to tease Gale, yet the most impatient one was Sol herself.

She grabbed Moira's hands and pulled them to her breasts and pressed them against herself. Moira quickly adjusted to the situation and started groping, leaving them shining from the soap that covered them.

Gale's manhood immediately felt a twitch at this scene, unable to remain quiet in front of the arousing view.

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