Lord of Enigma

Chapter 25: The Confessor's Treasure

Chapter 25: The Confessor's Treasure

Human skin cream, this name immediately conjured up a deep sense of disgust.

Reality was no better. Tang Qi took the ointment and glanced at it quietly. The special interface then popped out.

[Mysterious Object: Human Skin Paste]

[Information Fragment 1: Norman has always wanted to become a woman. He longed for beautiful human skin. For this reason, he has killed 13 young girls. The Dugong sea monster used its supernatural powers to extract those 13 young human skins and refined them into a box of ointment.]

[Information Fragment 2: Applying it will allow the user to control the minds of weak-willed creatures in the area of scent.]

[Information Fragment 3: By using water to dilute it into perfume, it can keep a woman's skin in its best condition for 30 years. ]

Despite it being a simple box of ointment that gave off a strange fragrance, it produced three pieces of information fragments.

After reading it, Tang Qi could not help but look at the box suspiciously and became silent.

It was a supernatural item. While there could be some ethical and moral issues with it, Tang Qi did not have much of a concern. He gave it some thought and could not think of much uses for it; thus, he temporarily put it away.

Stana watched Tang Qi with a sense of unwillingness. She instinctively wanted to say something and immediately remembered the scenes she had experienced earlier. The word "evidence" came to her mouth, but she swallowed that back.

At this moment, this female sergeant was still in shock from experiencing another world. Countless questions had emerged; she was waiting for this "informed person" in front of her to answer them.

Tang Qi knew all this; thus, he looked at the second piece of evidence.

It was a small cloth sack. Although it lay among the pile of bloody flesh, miraculously there were no bloodstains on it.

After opening it, there were grains of sea salt inside which looked like diamonds.

Inside his eyes, the interface popped out.

[Mysterious Object: Sea Monster's Tears]

[Information Fragment 1: The Dugong sea monster had imprisoned a hostile female sea monster, forcing her to cry daily until she died. The blue sea salt has the power to break curses and purify evil. The red sea salt can make people temporarily release the Sea Monster's Howl, killing or confusing its target.]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Information Fragment 2: By returning these to the sea monsters, you will gain their friendship.]

Compared to Tang Qi's expressionless reaction with the human skin paste, he almost failed to hide the joy on his face this time.

Good stuff!

He subconsciously said in his mind.

After seeing these two pieces of information, Tang Qi grabbed the cloth sack and shook it slightly. Sure enough, the blue sea salt pieces that were on top scattered, revealing two pieces of slightly larger red sea salt below.

The blue was to purify evil, and the red was to temporarily transform into a sea monster.

Although he was already a being in the supernatural realm, Tang Qi could not help but be amazed.

With his former experience, Tang Qi managed the process with ease and familiarity, as he took the sack of sea salt and kept it away,

After which, he reached out and grabbed the last item.

This time, it was a type of soft fabric.

It felt like the sheepskin roll which he had received early on that contained the Golden Furnace Meditation Method. Unfortunately, after opening it, Tang Qi saw a treasure map instead.

This was a very simple map, drawn on an unknown animal skin. The terrain of the map actually encompassed the entire Condor Federation, and many locations were marked with red paint.

Stana had a different reaction from Tang Qi; she was visibly much more excited

"Treasure map?"

"These places seem to be monasteries? Is it a map of federal monasteries?"

"Take a closer look again."

Tang Qi suddenly handed the treasure map over to Stana. The female sergeant took it instinctively and looked at it carefully. She frowned and thought for a moment. Her expression flickered abruptly as she said with a little bit of hesitation, "This is the path of confession? "

"At the beginning of the establishment of the Condor Federation, there were twelve exceptional men who made great contributions. They were collectively referred to as the twelve saints."

"One of the saints, Martin Smith, was referred to as the confessor."

"As an ascetic, he set off from Istres, a small town in the Eastern Federation, killing demons and rebels along the way. After countless hardships, he arrived at the northernmost city of Barlow. During his journey, he had established a great number of monasteries and churches."

"Thorns Church, which is now Holy Thorns High School, was one of them."

As they were talking, Tang Qi pointed at a certain part of the map. Compared with other location markings, Thorns High was rather inconspicuous.

"So, it came to seek out the Confessor's Treasure? And it killing people was the result of it being unable to control its desires?"

Stana asked after glancing at most of the map.

"Not a treasure, but a legacy. Many rumors say that Martin Smith left his heart of asceticism in a monastery along the path of confession. Perhaps it came for that."

After answering her question, Tang Qi immediately changed the topic. He pointed at his house that seemed to be ravaged by a hurricane and asked, "Sergeant, will the police station compensate me for this?"

Although she was not comfortable with Tang Qi's sudden change of topic, Stanna composed herself and promptly said: "Yes. After all, the murderer came here because it was following me. I will immediately contact the police station to send someone over. Anyway, they should already be on their way here. What happened just now was too conspicuous. The school must have called the police. "

"By the way, the murderer was killed by you. After I report it, you will receive a huge bonus."

"No, Sergeant Stana."

As soon as Stana finished her sentence, she saw Tang Qi looking at her with a serious expression. His tone was sincere and deliberate as he said, "This murderer was killed by you."

Taking credit for other's hard work?

These words absolutely did not exist in Stana's police career.

But this time, she looked at Tang Qi's eyes which seemed to be giving off a faint light and could not find the words to reject him.

Especially the next moment when Tang Qi added "I am just a student. I need to protect myself" as his reason, Stana had no choice but to violate this principle for the first time. She nodded hesitantly and accepted the credit for this.

However, to suffer blindly was not her style.

The beautiful female sergeant seemed to have thought of something. She looked around the ground, and earlier scenes replayed in her mind, including the deaths of the police officers who were killed by the sea monster after its howl caused their heads to explode. Just what she experienced today shattered her existing view of the world.

Even if one was slow, one would nevertheless realize that one had come in touch with another aspect of the world, not to mention Stana, who was once acknowledged as the top rookie of Moses City's police force.

She was a very firm and resolute person.

"Little~warlock, your excellency. Don't you think you owe me some explanation?"

As she was speaking, Stana handed the third piece of evidence to Tang Qi.

But this time, Tang Qi waved his hand in refusal. "This is useless to me. The road map of the path of confession is available in any library in the Federation. You can take it back to the police station as evidence."

"As for the explanation you wanted, I can only put it across to you in a kind yet cruel manner.

"Sergeant Stana, you don't belong to that world. While you may be able to strike fear and awe in front of ordinary folks, but once you step into that world, you will die. This case is over. Forget those things that defy science. Just treat it as an accident."

When Tang Qi outrightly refused the evidence, she was clearly unhappy. If it were not for the supernatural power of Tang Qi, she would have flicked her finger at his head when faced with such an uncooperative teenager. In addition to being the top rookie of the police force, she was also known as the Violent Beauty.

Even so, she refused to give up. She pointed at the disgusting sea monster meat pieces on the ground and wailed faintly with an exasperated expression. "Ah. Look at these pieces of flesh, how can I eh?"

Halfway through, Stana suddenly realized that the flesh pieces were turning into flying ashes bit by bit. Eventually, what was left on the ground was the corpse of that perverted serial killer, a high school student from Anglu state named Norman.

If not for the fact that today's experience was extremely realistic, especially the battle just now, and the house that was beyond repair, Stana would have thought that everything was simply an illusion.

When the words reached her mouth, she could only swallow them back.

At this time, the sound of sirens whistled past her ears.

When Stana looked up again, she could only see Tang Qi's back as he walked towards the second floor. She wanted to say something threatening but realized that she was unable to threaten Tang Qi.

A wealthy young man whose parents had passed away, and one who possessed supernatural powers and was hiding in an upper-class high school, the situation made it impossible for her to do so.

After thinking for a while, Stana was prepared to think of some ways to circumvent the rules. After all, a supernatural world had appeared before her, and she had already experienced some parts of it. Now, the anguish and urges from not being able to enter that world were even stronger than what she felt when she decided to defeat countless big burly men to come out on top in police school.

It was at this time that she unexpectedly saw a few glistening yellow shells on the ground. Her eyes suddenly lit up as she glanced at Tang Qi's back. She then turned around and walked away, without any of her earlier hesitations.

However, right before she stepped out the door, Tang Qi's faint voice traveled to her ears.

"Madam, those bullets are called furnace bullets, and every one of them is the result of my hard work. It's better not to waste them unless absolutely necessary."


Upon hearing this, Stana almost staggered.

She immediately turned and glared fiercely at the figure by the second-floor window. She then turned back to give an account to the police who had just arrived. After which, she boarded the second police car and left for good.

However, as she was leaving, Tang Qi, who had enhanced eyesight, clearly saw a slight arc in the corner of the female sergeant's mouth.

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