Lord of Enigma

Chapter 28: Scavenger Nightingale

Chapter 28: Scavenger Nightingale

Tang Qi took Sally through the lively campus. Although Tang Qi had a good image and was approachable, he was after all followed by Unlucky Sally. In order to avoid bad luck, Tang Qi only received a few invitations as he walked through the crowd.

It was just a few brochures, not very enthusiastic.

This made Sally even more embarrassed, but fortunately, the two quickly left Thorns High.

Sally was clearly relieved when she got on the bus.

But soon she got nervous again, looking around, fearing that something bad might happen at this time, confirming the fact that she was indeed unlucky.

She had had enough of not having a friend. Some people might enjoy the loneliness, but she was not that kind of girl.

The most important thing was that it was rare to encounter a sincere friend.

That's right, Sally could feel it very clearly. She might have made a sincere friend.

As a girl who was entangled in so-called bad luck since she was a child, it had been a hard time for her. Whether it was maliciousness from her environment or from people, she had experienced plenty of that.

In addition to creating her current personality, this also gave her a keen sense.

At least in determining whether the other party was sincere, she was pretty sure of her deduction. If she did not have this ability, perhaps she would have already been badly played by her special luck or undesirable students who were lawless and could not differentiate between good and bad.

Because of this, she particularly cherished her new friend Tang Qi.

The girl's nervousness fell into Tang Qi's eyes, and that instead relieved the thread of urgency in his heart.

He knew that the world was changing dramatically and that a powerful enemy was waiting for him. He even knew that the sheltered environment in which he was now was actually a trap that a super power laid.

The situation was not entirely clear, and not as perfect as living the life of a rich second-generation boy who had a lot of wealth and was able to enjoy the rest of his life.

But at least, it wasn't so bad that Tang Qi had to be anxious or fearful all the time.

Sitting by the window, Tang Qi looked at the streets where the buses went past. The pavements were similar to his previous Earth. However, the architectural details were different. He exhaled lightly and suddenly started talking with Sally.

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Naturally, it was more of Tang Qi asking questions while Sally answered.

An occurrence that existed in most schools: a reticent, introverted girl was usually a hardworking and intelligent student.

Sally was not only that, she also possessed a wide range of knowledge.

Whether it was a conventional subject or something weird, he could always get an answer from Sally.

Tang Qi could ask very precise questions and get accurate and detailed answers, allowing him to quickly grow his knowledge of this new world without having to go through a lot of information.

Time passed quickly as the two engaged in a pleasant conversation, and the journey was uneventful.

They got off the bus and arrived at a magnificent old building, a library full of culture.

Moses Library!

As a building that was established at the same time as Moses City, it had a long history. The collection of books was also one of the best in Exquisite Phoenix Prefecture. Perhaps only the libraries in the capital city, Exquisite Phoenix City, could match up to it.

Before closing time, Tang Qi managed to borrow a few heavy-looking books.

Sally glanced at the books that Tang Qi borrowed. Apparently, they were irrelevant to the courses she studied, such as "The Research of the Achievements of the Twelve Saints", "Strange Phenomena of the Federation over the Last Century - Absurdity and Truth", "100 Types of Speculations on Mysterious Meteors","Detailed Research of Federal Bureau of Investigation's Suspended Cases" The only thing that was relevant was probably "Monster Files".

Although strange, Sally did not have the intention to ask about it.

A smart girl would never deliberately cross the border.

What made this thoughtful girl feel very happy was that all the way till the two bid farewell to each other at the central station in the Bronx area, there were no unexpected incidents. Most of the unlucky scenes that she expected did not appear.

This young girl was very excited and yet puzzled.

While waving her hands to say goodbye to Tang Qi, she could not help but whisper to herself.

Tang Qi did not expect that because his power was increasing every day, his various physical attributes had also skyrocketed. Due to his sensitive hearing, he could hear all of Sally's murmurs before she left.

"It's weird today. Why didn't Tang Qi slip and fall? He also didn't get hit by a basketball that suddenly flew over and didn't drop any money. He didn't even knock into a person while walking This is really weird.

"Could it be all the bad luck on me had disappeared, and I'm no longer Unlucky Sally?

"Great, today may be the smoothest day of my life.

"No, I can't be too relaxed. Today may just be an anomaly. Tomorrow, those familiar accidents might be back.

"I hope Tang Qi can persevere. It should be possible. After all, he is already so powerful. He was the hero who saved the beauty that night.

"Oops, that beauty seems to be me, so nervous."

Tang Qi looked at Sally with an amused face as she walked home. He could not help but be amazed at how this young girl could say so much in such a short time. It seemed that people who were used to talking to themselves had a little boost in speed.

But after hearing the end, Tang Qi's mouth twitched slightly.

With a bitter smile, Tang Qi shook his head. He held those few books and walked toward his current home.

There was no need to make a detour to go to the school gate. Anyway, there was a high probability that it would be locked. Thus, Tang Qi went straight to the school's side gate.

Although he had to go through the chaotic Bronx area, the good thing was that this route was much shorter.

In less than a minute, after Tang Qi turned at a street and was only two streets away from his brick house, his footsteps suddenly stopped.


He stood in place as he turned his head slightly, looking at a dark alley beside him.

Inside, waves of strange sounds traveled over.

That was the sound people made when doing things they like to do the suppressed moans, the seemingly unbearable pleasure, and the slight pain. Considering the environment here, it was not difficult for anyone to imagine what was going on.

It was nothing more than a scene that usually followed after an impatient brothel client met up with a "nightingale".

Being a teenager still in high school, the right thing for Tang Qi to do was to run.

But at this moment, a strange look appeared on Tang Qi's face. He packed the books into the cloth bag given to him by the library. With that in hand, he entered into that small alley, one step at a time.

Clack clack.

Although there were a lot of noises in the alley, the late-night Bronx with its faint breeze of sewer smell still sent the sounds of Tang Qi's footsteps to the ears of the three people who were entangled together.

More accurately, two people.

With the help of a faint street light above his head, Tang Qi saw the horrifying scene in the alley.

It was exciting, but it was not the same as what most people expected.

There were three figures entangled together. One was a middle-aged man with a face of bitterness and hatred. He wore a clean but cheap suit and had a bald shiny forehead. He looked like an office worker, fully in line with the classic case of taking a risk to come here to release stress. The other two figures wore exaggeratedly revealing dresses. One had black silk stocking, the other white. They both had very thick makeup, fitting the description of "nightingales".

Except that, at this moment, their way of entanglement was different from what one would expect.

At least it should not be that the hands and feet of the two nightingales were being used to hold down that middle-aged man as they gnawed repeatedly at his flesh with their snow-white teeth. His neck was chewed in half, and his head drooped. A pretty head was concentrating on sucking the blood that was gushing out.

The other nightingale was lying on the man's abdomen. She was eating happily and continued to use her hands to grab a fat-looking intestine and stuff it into her mouth.

Had Tang Qi not intruded, these two nightingales would have been in a very good mood. After all, not everyone could enjoy a big meal with their good sisters late at night.

Naturally, the moment Tang Qi's figure was reflected in their green shiny eyes, their mood became even better.

"Hehehe Look at what we found, a little rabbit with delicate skin and tender meat."

"A surprise, a surprise that I haven't had for a long time."

The two young ladies who were disturbed during their dinner abandoned the poor middle-aged man with a cheerful expression. They stood up gracefully, not caring about that man who was dying.

But Tang Qi at this time was not interested in admiring the ladies.

Tang Qi carefully placed the cloth bag in his hand in a clean corner and slowly walked toward the two beautiful women who were grinning under the street lights. Tang Qi, who had enhanced vision, could see their teeth clearly. There were shreds of flesh and sticky dripping blood in the gaps between their teeth.

As he walked, he recalled the book "Strange Phenomena of the Federation over the Last Century - Absurdity and Truth" that he browsed and borrowed from the library.

There were many chapters in it talking about strange urban phenomena.

"Visage Canine of Bronx, I have seen that."

"Now to Chapter 2, explain to me what is the Scavenger Nightingale?"


Almost at the same moment Tang Qi spoke this sentence, these two beautiful figures stomped and shattered the floor tiles as they pounced towards this fresh and delicious high school student like two evil spirits.

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