Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 390 390 My Senior Escort

Chapter 390 Chapter 390 My Senior Escort

"Don't you worry! I can offer you a great job with a great salary. Have you heard about the famous vitality elixir of the Russell family?" Crystal informed the girl about the offer.

"Yes, I have heard about it. It's the most famous medicine in the market." The girl replied to her.

"That's good. Now, I want to offer you a job in the Russell family's business because we are going to launch another company, which means more jobs. Let me know if you are interested." Crystal stated and asked the girl about her interest in the job.

The girl got shocked and remained stuffed for a while. She couldn't understand that what happened was a dream or reality. Earlier, she had applied for a job in the Russell family's business, but her application got rejected. However, she secured the job in this restaurant but now she got fired. This new job offer was a blessing to God for her. Without wasting time, the girl agreed to the invitation and bowed to Crystal.

"Thank you very much. I cannot repay you for how much you did for me. I really wanted this job but my application got rejected earlier. You are a blessing in disguise. Yes, I would love to work for the production of vitality elixir."

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The girl was on cloud nine after being selected for the job. She thanked Crystal several times before leaving with a smile on her face. Mike observed the entire scene from his eyes and the fact stiffened him of how easily he got the girl secured with a job and protection. Of course, the Russel family would take care of its employees. By the time Crystal returned to Nexus, Mike was fuming with internal jealousy. Now that Tiffany had a soft corner for this man, he got worried about his value in her eyes.

"I don't understand your intentions, Nexus? You helped the girl a lot. You saved her from Wood and got her a new job, but it is impossible to help every girl in this town." Mike snapped at Nexus for being too na?ve.

Nexus chuckled and replied to him, "The vitality elixir is topping the charts and in tremendous demand. We already have a shortage of staff, but if I appoint all the females in this town by giving them this job, I can help them by giving them confidence to live independently." Nexus's response shocked Tiffany as well.

"Even if you will appoint every single female of the town in the Russell family's business, there will be some girls left behind and they will suffer by Wood in the same way." Mike pointed out in an aggressive tone. He did make a point, but Crystal got offended. She took a step forward and looked directly into Mike's eyes.

"What are you talking about? It is obvious we cannot help every girl in this town, but Master Nexus wanted to help as many girls as he could. By judging from your statements, I felt you are trying to defend Wood and putting blame on Master Nexus. The reality is, Wood is the culprit who is a predator and harasses women for his enjoyment, while Master Nexus is the good guy helping people around." Crystal jabbed angrily at Mike.

Nexus put his hands on Crystal's shoulder and calmed her down. "Relax, Lady Iron! You are scaring the poor guy." Then he shifted his gaze to Mike. "Actually, you are right, Mike! I cannot help all the girls in this town, but the fact is, Wood cannot harass and rape every girl, too."

Suddenly, Tiffany laughed at Nexus's remark. Mike got embarrassed and rolled his eyes internally. He noticed how much Tiffany was laughing and giggling around Nexus while she had a flat face when they were roaming in the streets together. Tiffany got way too impressed by Nexus. Like other noblemen who run agencies for their profits, Nexus kept everything real and genuine. She was more than impressed by him.

However, she got worried about Crystal because of her reckless behavior. "I understand what you say, Nexus, but I am worried about your companion," said Tiffany.

"Why?" Nexus asked her.

"I noticed Wood was staring at her for a while. It won't be surprising if he tries to kidnap her. He is a ruthless man and raping a woman is his hobby." Tiffany informed Nexus about Wood's intentions.

Crystal laughed mockingly and said, "If that is the case, then I want him to kidnap me because I am looking for a reason to whoop his ass." her words made Tiffany shocked. She did not expect that kind of response from Crystal.

Nexus smiled and patted Crystal's head gently. "I believe in her. After all, she is my senior escort."


Abby's days had become a tapestry woven with threads of concern, uncertainty, and a touch of fear. The once sturdy pillar in her life, her grandfather, Dracula, had started exhibiting puzzling behavior that left her grappling with a myriad of emotions.

"What's happening to Grandpa?" she mused, her thoughts echoing in the chamber of solitude. The worry lines on her forehead etched a silent narrative of the questions that spun in her mind like an intricate web. As she stared at the ceiling, Abby pondered the duality of her grandfather's condition.

In the quiet moments of the day, she observed him closely. There were instances when he seemed frail, as if the weight of the world rested upon his shoulders, threatening to crumble him into the dust of time. Abby couldn't shake off the nagging worry that clung to her like a shadow. What was happening to the man who had been her anchor through the storms of life?

"He's like a book with pages missing," she whispered in her thought. "Sometimes during the day, the ink of his vitality fades, and at night, it's as if someone has written new chapters in invisible ink." The metaphor lingered in her mind, a poetic attempt to encapsulate the paradox that unfolded before her eyes.

The contrast heightened the mystery, at times, her grandfather emanated strength that rivaled even the vigor of youth. His eyes sparkled with a vitality that belied the wrinkles etched on his face. Abby found herself oscillating between the image of a fading elder and a rejuvenated soul and she was caught in a puzzle that defied her understanding.

Nightfall brought another layer of complexity, as the sun dipped below the horizon, another transformation occurred. Her grandfather, who appeared wearied during the day, now became animated, his enthusiasm rising like a phoenix from the ashes. "What secrets does the night hold for Grandpa, why is there constant change in his behavior?" Abby wondered.

The silent hours seemed to weave a tapestry of mysteries, and she felt an urgency to unravel them. The night held secrets that Abby yearned to unravel, a clandestine energy that eluded the clarity of daylight.

Each nuance of his behavior became a note in the symphony of her concern. "Is it an ailment, a silent intruder in his body, he has been an alchemist for all his life, is he having side effects of some toxic plants he has inhaled?" Abby questioned herself trying to find clarity in her mind.

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