Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Chapter 1147: Everyone, have you ever fought against the Lord God?

 The second reason is that He has the Ark of Life in hand that can be resurrected indefinitely, so He does not have to worry about the death of his own soldiers.

 Died on the battlefield?

 It’s okay, you can be resurrected through the free resurrection opportunity given by Life Ark!

 Did he die in battle after being resurrected?

It's okay. As long as you have the relics, go to the resurrection altar of the Ark of Life and spend some Heart of Mist, Divine Crystal or Divine Crystal of Faith to resurrect!


  Resurrecting a **** requires a Holy Spirit-level faith crystal? And the Holy Spirit-level faith crystal is very precious and cannot meet the resurrection needs of a large number of gods?

That’s okay.

In the inheritance of Ark of Life, there is a special device called the 'Altar of Faith Crystal Transformation (Chapter 1124)', which can convert low-level faith crystals into high-level faith crystals, and also convert high-level faith crystals into low-level faith crystals. High-level faith crystals, even the most cherished Holy Spirit-level faith gods, can be produced by using a large number of low-level faith crystals, so there is no need to worry about insufficient high-level faith crystals.

 Mom no longer has to worry about the lack of Holy Spirit-level faith crystals when she resurrects the True God.

 The third reason is that He still has ten battle resurrection scrolls in his hand.

Even if all the soldiers under his command were destroyed, the worst case scenario would be to use a battle resurrection scroll to directly resurrect them.


The battle resurrection scroll is one of his trump cards. Not only at critical moments, he still doesn’t want to use these trump cards.

 But when it is really needed, Zhou Zhan will not be stingy.

As for the fourth reason, He will personally fight this battle.

 He had great confidence in himself, and even felt that he could single-handedly influence the victory of this war.


 The front of the Unicron.

Bai Yun has organized her army and is facing the opponent's scarlet army from a distance.

At this time, the Sun Empire not only had 194 true gods, but also fifty other true god-level military formation spirits.

 Behind the true god-level military formation spirit, there are a hundred mechanical angels quietly waiting for the war to begin.

 In total, there are more than 300 true gods.

 The gap with the other party in terms of true God is no longer big.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

  Before the opponent started fighting, Bai Yun had already opened her bow and drawn the arrow without hesitation.


 I saw a divine arrow flying out, carrying the astonishing power of the law of military formation, and in the blink of an eye it shot through the brain of a true scarlet **** in the scarlet army.

This scarlet true **** howled miserably. Although he was not dead, and the brain he was shot in was rapidly growing new flesh and blood, the aura on his body had also dropped a lot.

"Huang Fudao soldiers obey the order and charge with the commander of our army!"

Bai Yun put away her bow and arrows, and then gave a command to summon a mid-level emerald dragon god. He rode on the dragon's body, and then rushed towards the opponent's scarlet army.

 “How dare you take the lead in starting a war?!”

The true gods of the Xuan An Scarlet Empire couldn’t help but sneer when they saw this scene.

 Subsequently, he led the army to attack without hesitation.

 Both sides flew towards each other brazenly.

 Due to the huge gap in military strength, the two sides at this time were like an elephant charging towards an ant.


 The two sides rushed into the other side's army and fought with the other side's soldiers.

 The battlefield roughly covers three levels.

 Ordinary soldiers and ordinary soldiers fought together.

 The gods and gods are at war with each other.

 The True God and the True God each opened the world realm to fight.

 The world domain is equivalent to a independently developed world. Fighting in the world domain can prevent the aftermath of the battle from leaking out and harming the Supreme Continent, thereby avoiding punishment by the Supreme Agreement.

 At the beginning of the war.

As expected by the Scarlet Army, due to their huge strength advantage and divine superiority, they quickly gained the upper hand and suppressed the Sun Empire's army.

  But quickly.

 They felt something was wrong.

 Because they discovered that these soldiers of the Sun Empire actually had the strength of empire-level arms.


They are even more powerful than the imperial-level troops, and are comparable to those top-level imperial troops.

In addition, they are well-equipped, have many skills, and have many potions, so their combat effectiveness is astonishingly strong.

 Let alone one against ten, even one against fifty is not a big problem.

And their side originally had few imperial-level troops, and the opponent's Forbidden Curse Mage had been chanting the Forbidden Curse at the rear of the battlefield, bombarding these scarlet armies indiscriminately.

 It takes less than a moment.

The soldiers on the side of the Sun Empire suffered casualties of over 100 million. And the casualties of their soldiers on the side of the scarlet force have reached tens of billions.


The true **** leader of the Xuan An Scarlet Empire has been watching the battle from behind the battlefield.

 When I saw this result, although I was a little surprised at first, I felt nothing after that.

So what if these guys are individually strong?

 The huge gap in military strength will eventually allow them to win the final victory.

 Does a cow care about how many hairs it has lost?


 And after the battle between the true **** and the **** level is completed, just go back and help the soldiers.

Think of this.

 He looked up at the battle between the gods and the true gods higher up.

Then his expression changed slightly, and he lost his voice in shock:

"How can it be?!"

 Only seen on the battlefield of the true gods.

The true gods of the Sun Kingdom are either one-on-two or one-on-three competing in a group challenge!

The Scarlet Force brought more than 600 true gods. At this time, there were actually more than 500 true gods, but they were all blocked by the true gods of the Sun Empire.

 And look at the fighting situation in the world.

The True God of the Sun Empire actually still has the upper hand! ?

He looked at it carefully, and then he was shocked to discover something.

That is, these nearly 300 true gods are actually wearing full sets of true artifacts!

 In total, there are nearly 1,800 real artifacts!

 When he thought of this number, the Scarlet True God leader couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

 These are 1,800 real artifacts, not 1,800 ordinary artifacts!

Even the overlord-level lords in the world cannot have so many real artifacts, right? !

No wonder these guys can suppress the true gods who are more numerous than them.

This is a purely divine weapon that crushed it!

But this was not what shocked him the most.

 What shocked him the most was that he actually saw the Common Emperor appearing.

 And as soon as the other party appeared, he made a move that shocked all living beings present.

 Zhou Zhan was seen suspended in mid-air, exuding a divine pressure that was infinitely close to the level of a main god.

 Then I saw him taking out the nine hearts of the demon gods of the nightmare world, opening the dream-falling formation of the nine realms of gods and demons, and covering all the remaining more than a hundred true gods in this superior formation of true gods.

 Then he looked at the more than one hundred true gods.

“Next, it’s our battle time.”

 He smiled.

 “The emperor of the common people.”

“You just relied on the Lord’s Law and Technique to temporarily rise to the level of True God, and you want to challenge the more than a hundred True Gods with one person’s power.”

 “You will die for your arrogance.”

 A true god, a superior scarlet god, looked at Zhou Zhan and said coldly.

"Oh, is it so?"

 Zhou Zhan chuckled, then looked up into the sky.

In the high sky of the Nine Worlds of Gods and Demons Falling into Dreams, a lunar star slowly rose, and the lunar light illuminated the entire formation.

Zhou Zhan looked at the bright moon and took a deep breath.

Talent-Moon Demon!

 Start up!

 The next second.

 Seeing that His aura, which was already infinitely close to the lower level of the Lord God, actually broke through the bottleneck and officially reached the lower level of the Lord God!

 The true artifact on his body also quietly turned into a lower-level artifact of the Lord God.

The Imperial Holy Sword in his hand was also promoted to the lower level of the Lord God.

 Amidst the frightened and desperate gazes of the Scarlet True Gods, Zhou Zhan said softly:


“Have you ever fought against the Lord God?”

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