Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 13 - Words Cut Deep

"He was fancying you!" Abigail exclaimed when they got far enough not to be heard, Roselyn smiled. "I can't deny that he was quite enjoyable."

Her sister smirked, "Calling a man enjoyable? We're making progress." She joked.

Roselyn just got a man out of her way, she didn't want to have another one to stress about. So, in order not to get her sister's hopes up, she changed her approach in a more doubtful response, "I mean, just not to get married to Lord David I would ask him help but if I weren't to be forced I would likely look elsewhere."

Abigail, raised an eyebrow hearing the fixed sentenced, "I don't think you have many chances to be so extremely picky. Mom has had enough of your behavior and I don't blame her. You're the one in the family who had more suitors to ask for her hand but your way of acting makes me doubt that you want to be alone forever."

Her words cut Roselyn's deeply, although she managed to hide her melancholy by swallowing down the lump that had formed in her throat, after Abigail's tactless sentence.

Roselyn didn't want to be alone, she just wanted a life with someone nice enough to keep her company and have a good relationship with. She didn't feel the need or urgency to form a family, nor to marry. Indeed she didn't think love was such a big matter.

She has never had the privilege to experiment the pro or cons of a sentimental relationship since she never had one. Therefore her strict mind-setting was not caused by imminent evidence. Although the girl had many gentlemen asking for her hand about two years ago when Roselyn had her first debut on the scene. Each one of the suitors she met had her already minimal expectations to dwindle drastically.

The more she got to know them the more she realized that her desires were unmatchable.

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Roselyn was looking for someone who could be a friend and have enough fun to bear his presence for the rest of her life. Someone who she could travel with, visit the world from the nearest town to the farthest countries. Or someone who loved to spend a night on the sofa, enjoying a book or sitting by the fire while playing chess or checkers.

She wasn't asking too much, just to spend her life visiting the world accompanied by someone who could be a good friend rather than a good lover.

Then if it was the case maybe love would break in and give their perfect relationship a final rush to achieve a fulfilling life.

That was what Roselyn aimed for, but it was far

away from what her mother - and her sisters - wished for her. Her mother had waited for her to make up her mind and find someone good enough for years. Now her hopes were reduced to the minimum so she felt the need to put her on the spot in a desperate attempt of bringing her to the proper path and honor the name of her House.

"However, you might have been wondering who the charming gentleman I danced with was. So I don't want to let you in such a wonder." Abigail cleared her voice positioning a hand on her breast as she released a breath and said in all her pride. "He is the one and only Victor Peterson. Nonetheless than a distant cousin of the King." Her eyes sparkled as she nodded.

"I'm so happy for you!" Roselyn exclaimed and truthfully, she was. Their different purposes in life didn't change the fact that she cared about her sisters a lot. Their different opinions may involve them in frequent disputes but their bond was stronger and Roselyn would never wish any less than the best for both of her sisters.

"We danced for about half an hour and ... ...However, I'll tell you more about this later when mom and Sharon will hear too!"

Roselyn nodded, Abigail went at the search of the remaining sister, scoffing "I should put a label on you two."

Roselyn, who was few centimeters taller than her, spotted Sharron on the corner of a room, chatting with Lord Thomas.

"I saw her!" She said, walking in her direction.

When they reached her, Sharron smiled politely.

"We should go home, my feet are begging for mercy," Abigail whispered near to her sister's ear who took a light nod in front of her suitor.

Sharron bowed with a sad gaze unwilling to leave him. Lord Thomas returned her bow and kissed her hand softly.

"Always a pleasure," he whispered, causing her to blush. She opened the fan trying to hide her shyness, but it was still noticeable by her pale cheeks that assumed a red shade.

The last gasp escaped from her mouth and she finally walked away followed by her sisters.

When Roselyn sat on the carriage it started, she looked at the window as her mind wandered around. She wondered what may have happened to the King and why he was not having a shadow.

His clothes were rich in finery furs and adorned with jewelry, there was no way they weren't able to reflect a shadow.

Then her mind let concerns kick in, what if Lord David was seriously wounded? Even worse, what if he will eventually tell someone he was hitten first by her and then by the King himself?

Her thoughts distracted her so much that she couldn't hear her sister's question.

"Excuse me?" Roselyn murmured, so Sharron repeated the question for the third time with an annoyed voice, "did you happen to meet the King by any chance?"

Roselyn wished she hadn't heard that question at all since now she didn't know what to reply.

Sharron continued, "I heard someone saw him around, I wonder what he was doing there."

Roselyn shrugged, letting out a breath of relief.

"No, I haven't seen him around. Maybe they have mistaken him for someone else."

Her sister tilted her head quizzically, "Mhhmm.... maybe."

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