Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 17 - Rebel King

The King with his usual conceited attitude after filling up with food, walked toward the door he entered from in a slow stick walk, when he stepped in front of his cousin he chuckled waving with his hand.

He turned around to check the ladies who didn't take their gaze out not even for a second since he entered the room, especially Kathy who unlike usual was very heedful to the events that were happening.

For some weird reason every time the King appeared, he was bringing the chaos with him, whenever he was.

Teresa, the woman who before put herself in the middle of them to stop their dispute now stepped closer to the King and frowing said. "Stop it Jonathan." She had her finger pointed toward him.

Roselyn was probably the only one who heard it since she said it in very low voice but she was close enough to the woman to hear it. The King gazed at her to try to see if she changed her facial expression find out if she heard, but Roselyn successfully acted like she didn't hear.

He then gazed down to the short woman he took a step back and walked away scoffing.

His boots were clipping on the floor, echoining in the room, he reached the door not even turning around.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He seemed like he didn't mind causing scenes as if he didn't remember that he had to ascend to the throne now and shall worry about keeping his reputation clear.

"I'm sorry ladies. As you probably know it yourself family have problems and find themself have disputed from time to time. I really hope you won't share what you unfortunately had to attend with anyone. If you promise that, I will garantee you a invite you to every single event that the Royal family will organize."

Sharon's eyes flashered hearing what Terena mentioned forgetting such a thing would probably be already garanted by the fact Abigail was seeing Victor, that was indeed a member of the royal family himself.

"We wouldn't have said anything anyway because of our extreme respect to the Royal family but get the exclusive to be invited in all royal's family events? We can't accept such an honour!" Sharon said nodding her head from side to side and gesturing her hand.

"You can. I'm very sorry, gentlemen shant act the way they acted and no lady should assist to that rudeness." She glowered at Victor and would have done the same even with the King if he was there.

Victor meanwhile, calmed down and was looking down with an hangdog face.

After few seconds he walked toward Sharon who was left in the opposite part of the room and was probably very shocked.

"I will send the exclusive invite to your house." She smiled, "enjoy the rest of the day, now." She bowed and walked to begin chatting with other women not so far away.

"I don't know about you Roselyn but I'm starting to fancy his rebellious temper. Don't you? This event was such a tendium before his arrival." Sharon said.

Roselyn pursed her lips lightly, having her sister gasp smiling, "I guess I might have caught his attention, he was staring at me all the time." She said proudly making Roselyn wonder if she was attending the same scene that Roselyn saw, since from what she saw the King didn't pay attention to anyone beyond the food on the table.

But Sharon was smiling so happily that she didn't want to run her fantasy so she remained silent.

"Afterall, I am glad Abigail is dating Victor, we can have more chances with the King and meet his richest friends." She gazed around the room full of people of middle age, "hopefull younger ones than the guests here now." She said in light resentment having Roselyn get a light giggle.

"Let's vent our sadness over food shall we?"

Roselyn nodded vigorously as soon as she heard her sister's question, it didn't happen often that her sister would say such a thing but Roselyn wouldn't back down anyway.

So they reached the table and their gaze went around to decided what to pick, every single tray seemed so tasty and delicate at the same time that they could eat the whole bonquet in a eyeblink.

Sharon took a mini muffin probably a berry one due to its blue cream while Roselyn after a long examination went to pick her go to, chocolates walnut pastries.

Right when they were tasting those delicious deserts Sharon joined them while Victor when to talk with his relatives.

"I hope you're not having a monotonous time." She said, "Victor promised that the next event we are invited to, he will bring a friend for you Sharon, I didn't ask for you Rose since I guessed you wouldn't be as happy as Sharon." she gave a smile.

But Sharon folded her arms and wrinkles formed in the middle of her forehead, "have you also asked him why he tried to kill the King?"

"He barely shook his body, Sharon, however he just said he had some unsolved issues from the past and apologized for the way he reacted. He was very sweet as he couldn't stop apologizing for what he subject my sight to."

Sharon rolled her eyes, "you're so into him and you've barely knew him for few days, now."

"I just like being round him, he happens to occupy my thought very frequently." Abigail replied showing a smile, she was clearly happy.

"if he makes you happy and brings light and joy to your days then I'm happy for you.." Roselyn interved to give a supportive smile to her sister.

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